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My workstation overall setup.

VS Code Settings

With the current version of VSCode as of this writing (1.22.1), you can find your settings in

~/.config/Code/User on Linux (in my case, an, Ubuntu derivative) C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Code\User on Windows 10 ~/Library/Application Support/Code/User/ on Mac OS X The files are settings.json and keybindings.json. Simply copy them to the target machine.

Use this extension and follow the instructions to create or import gist file which contains Visual Studio Code settings in your workspace or code editor instance. Settings Sync Extension Link

Gist Link

Your extensions are in

~/.vscode/extensions on Linux and Mac OS X C:\Users\username.vscode\extensions on Windows 10 (e.g., essentially the same place) Alternately, just go to the Extensions, show installed extensions, and install those on your target installation. For me, copying the extensions worked just fine, but it may be extension-specific, particularly if moving between platforms, depending on what the extension does.

Stack Overflow Copied Text Link


Just exported the full settings from Alfred preferences folder.


Just exported the themes from Terminal preferences & Bash profile overall.


Listing my must have NPM dependencies. NPM

Authored by : Kautilya Save