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Merge pull request #1259 from dnicolson/make-preferences-elements-con…
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Make Preferences elements consistent #2 #fixed
  • Loading branch information
Kaspik committed Oct 22, 2021
2 parents 9a9fb57 + c396c10 commit 5ba8e13
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Showing 17 changed files with 22 additions and 22 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Interfaces/ExportDialog.xib
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ Gw
<attributedString key="userComments">
<string key="content">When the default configuration of MySQL server is running on Windows or Mac OS X, or case sensitivity has been disabled, this option should be enabled to allow table relations to work correctly.</string>
<string key="content">When the default configuration of MySQL server is running on Windows or macOS, or case sensitivity has been disabled, this option should be enabled to allow table relations to work correctly.</string>
<color key="NSColor" name="textColor" catalog="System" colorSpace="catalog"/>
<font key="NSFont" metaFont="message" size="11"/>
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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions Interfaces/Preferences.xib
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1121,7 +1121,7 @@ Gw
<constraint firstItem="535" firstAttribute="top" secondItem="552" secondAttribute="bottom" constant="9" id="id8-2Z-Cwy"/>
<constraint firstItem="suA-e3-Xus" firstAttribute="trailing" secondItem="1470" secondAttribute="trailing" id="k0P-6r-dl3"/>
<constraint firstItem="518" firstAttribute="leading" secondItem="516" secondAttribute="leading" id="kgA-Tk-nbF"/>
<constraint firstAttribute="bottom" secondItem="ykf-r8-q6R" secondAttribute="bottom" constant="36" id="kvy-n2-1l2"/>
<constraint firstAttribute="bottom" secondItem="ykf-r8-q6R" secondAttribute="bottom" constant="15" id="kvy-n2-1l2"/>
<constraint firstItem="950" firstAttribute="leading" secondItem="516" secondAttribute="leading" id="lri-W5-gQr"/>
<constraint firstItem="553" firstAttribute="top" secondItem="950" secondAttribute="bottom" constant="9" id="m1c-cx-CDX"/>
<constraint firstItem="1468" firstAttribute="trailing" secondItem="514" secondAttribute="trailing" id="mDY-Ra-RD2"/>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1418,7 +1418,7 @@ Gw
<constraint firstAttribute="width" constant="109" id="Gjl-91-TCa"/>
<constraint firstAttribute="height" constant="18" id="yDD-xr-H6c"/>
<buttonCell key="cell" type="roundRect" title="Change" bezelStyle="roundedRect" alignment="center" state="on" borderStyle="border" imageScaling="proportionallyDown" inset="2" id="MhF-tS-nrE">
<buttonCell key="cell" type="roundRect" title="Change" bezelStyle="roundedRect" alignment="center" state="on" borderStyle="border" imageScaling="proportionallyDown" inset="2" id="MhF-tS-nrE">
<behavior key="behavior" pushIn="YES" lightByBackground="YES" lightByGray="YES"/>
<font key="font" metaFont="cellTitle"/>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1829,7 +1829,7 @@ Warning: If Sequel Ace and the server do not have at least one cipher suite in c
<constraint firstAttribute="width" constant="100" id="Z6f-Ex-CfK"/>
<buttonCell key="cell" type="push" title="Select" bezelStyle="rounded" alignment="center" borderStyle="border" imageScaling="proportionallyDown" inset="2" id="1058">
<buttonCell key="cell" type="push" title="Select" bezelStyle="rounded" alignment="center" borderStyle="border" imageScaling="proportionallyDown" inset="2" id="1058">
<behavior key="behavior" pushIn="YES" lightByBackground="YES" lightByGray="YES"/>
<font key="font" metaFont="system"/>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2218,7 +2218,7 @@ Warning: If Sequel Ace and the server do not have at least one cipher suite in c
<constraint firstItem="q6h-n2-3a8" firstAttribute="top" secondItem="1519" secondAttribute="bottom" id="753-w2-5rN"/>
<constraint firstItem="1040" firstAttribute="leading" secondItem="1039" secondAttribute="leading" id="88v-JT-MZi"/>
<constraint firstItem="1044" firstAttribute="centerY" secondItem="1045" secondAttribute="centerY" constant="-5" id="8Nx-5g-ekY"/>
<constraint firstItem="1669" firstAttribute="top" secondItem="1682" secondAttribute="bottom" constant="3" id="8X8-bM-jcO"/>
<constraint firstItem="1669" firstAttribute="top" secondItem="1682" secondAttribute="bottom" constant="10" id="8X8-bM-jcO"/>
<constraint firstItem="1518" firstAttribute="centerY" secondItem="1519" secondAttribute="centerY" constant="-5" id="CM5-5a-OYN"/>
<constraint firstItem="1085" firstAttribute="leading" secondItem="802" secondAttribute="leading" constant="20" id="E3j-XR-Tr3"/>
<constraint firstItem="q6h-n2-3a8" firstAttribute="trailing" secondItem="1039" secondAttribute="trailing" id="FMR-XC-hJi"/>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2338,7 +2338,7 @@ Warning: If Sequel Ace and the server do not have at least one cipher suite in c
<constraint firstAttribute="width" constant="120" id="LCk-ny-bZd"/>
<constraint firstAttribute="height" constant="20" id="Xvw-M5-qBT"/>
<buttonCell key="cell" type="push" title="Change" bezelStyle="rounded" alignment="center" borderStyle="border" imageScaling="proportionallyDown" inset="2" id="1nt-aH-gM4">
<buttonCell key="cell" type="push" title="Change" bezelStyle="rounded" alignment="center" borderStyle="border" imageScaling="proportionallyDown" inset="2" id="1nt-aH-gM4">
<behavior key="behavior" pushIn="YES" lightByBackground="YES" lightByGray="YES"/>
<font key="font" metaFont="system"/>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2405,7 +2405,7 @@ Warning: If Sequel Ace and the server do not have at least one cipher suite in c
<constraint firstAttribute="height" constant="22" id="sC9-8y-2jy"/>
<buttonCell key="cell" type="push" title="Add Files" bezelStyle="rounded" alignment="center" borderStyle="border" imageScaling="proportionallyDown" inset="2" id="KyI-4e-Nx9">
<buttonCell key="cell" type="push" title="Add Files" bezelStyle="rounded" alignment="center" borderStyle="border" imageScaling="proportionallyDown" inset="2" id="KyI-4e-Nx9">
<behavior key="behavior" pushIn="YES" lightByBackground="YES" lightByGray="YES"/>
<font key="font" metaFont="system"/>
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Models/SPUserManager.xcdatamodel/contents
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<model userDefinedModelVersionIdentifier="" type="" documentVersion="1.0" lastSavedToolsVersion="6751" systemVersion="13F1507" minimumToolsVersion="Xcode 4.5" macOSVersion="Mac OS X 10.6" iOSVersion="Automatic">
<model userDefinedModelVersionIdentifier="" type="" documentVersion="1.0" lastSavedToolsVersion="6751" systemVersion="13F1507" minimumToolsVersion="Xcode 4.5" macOSVersion="macOS 10.6" iOSVersion="Automatic">
<entity name="Privileges" representedClassName="SPPrivilegesMO" syncable="YES">
<attribute name="alter_priv" optional="YES" attributeType="Boolean" defaultValueString="NO" syncable="YES"/>
<attribute name="alter_routine_priv" optional="YES" attributeType="Boolean" defaultValueString="NO" syncable="YES"/>
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Resources/Localization/de.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2327,7 +2327,7 @@ Befehle werden anwendungsweit ausgeführt";
"Sequel Ace could not find any columns belonging to this index. Maybe it has been removed already?" = "Sequel Ace findet keine Spalten zu diesem Index. Eventuell wurden sie bereits entfernt?";

/* Preferences : Network : Custom SSH client : warning dialog message */
"Sequel Ace only supports and is tested with the default OpenSSH client versions included with Mac OS X. Using different clients might cause connection issues, security risks or not work at all.\n\nPlease be aware, that we cannot provide support for such configurations." = "Sequel Ace unterstützt nur die in macOS ausgelieferten OpenSSH Versionen. Andere SSH-Programme können Verbindungsprobleme verursachen, Sicherheitsrisiken darstellen oder fehlerhaft sein.\n\nLeider kann für andere SSH Programme kein Support angeboten werden.";
"Sequel Ace only supports and is tested with the default OpenSSH client versions included with macOS. Using different clients might cause connection issues, security risks or not work at all.\n\nPlease be aware, that we cannot provide support for such configurations." = "Sequel Ace unterstützt nur die in macOS ausgelieferten OpenSSH Versionen. Andere SSH-Programme können Verbindungsprobleme verursachen, Sicherheitsrisiken darstellen oder fehlerhaft sein.\n\nLeider kann für andere SSH Programme kein Support angeboten werden.";

/* sequelace URL scheme command not supported. */
"sequelace URL scheme command not supported." = "Sequelace URL Schema-Befehl wird nicht unterstützt.";
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Resources/Localization/en.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2326,7 +2326,7 @@
"Sequel Ace could not find any columns belonging to this index. Maybe it has been removed already?" = "Sequel Ace could not find any columns belonging to this index. Maybe it has been removed already?";

/* Preferences : Network : Custom SSH client : warning dialog message */
"Sequel Ace only supports and is tested with the default OpenSSH client versions included with Mac OS X. Using different clients might cause connection issues, security risks or not work at all.\n\nPlease be aware, that we cannot provide support for such configurations." = "Sequel Ace only supports and is tested with the default OpenSSH client versions included with Mac OS X. Using different clients might cause connection issues, security risks or not work at all.\n\nPlease be aware, that we cannot provide support for such configurations.";
"Sequel Ace only supports and is tested with the default OpenSSH client versions included with macOS. Using different clients might cause connection issues, security risks or not work at all.\n\nPlease be aware, that we cannot provide support for such configurations." = "Sequel Ace only supports and is tested with the default OpenSSH client versions included with macOS. Using different clients might cause connection issues, security risks or not work at all.\n\nPlease be aware, that we cannot provide support for such configurations.";

/* sequelace URL scheme command not supported. */
"sequelace URL scheme command not supported." = "sequelace URL scheme command not supported.";
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Resources/Localization/es-ES.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2326,7 +2326,7 @@
"Sequel Ace could not find any columns belonging to this index. Maybe it has been removed already?" = "Sequel Ace could not find any columns belonging to this index. Maybe it has been removed already?";

/* Preferences : Network : Custom SSH client : warning dialog message */
"Sequel Ace only supports and is tested with the default OpenSSH client versions included with Mac OS X. Using different clients might cause connection issues, security risks or not work at all.\n\nPlease be aware, that we cannot provide support for such configurations." = "Sequel Ace solo soporta y se prueba con versiones predeterminadas de clientes OpenSSH incluidas en Mac OS X. El uso de diferentes clientes puede causar problemas de conexión, riesgos de seguridad o no funcionar en absoluto.\n\nPor favor tenga en cuenta, que no podemos proporcionar soporte para estas configuraciones.";
"Sequel Ace only supports and is tested with the default OpenSSH client versions included with macOS. Using different clients might cause connection issues, security risks or not work at all.\n\nPlease be aware, that we cannot provide support for such configurations." = "Sequel Ace solo soporta y se prueba con versiones predeterminadas de clientes OpenSSH incluidas en macOS. El uso de diferentes clientes puede causar problemas de conexión, riesgos de seguridad o no funcionar en absoluto.\n\nPor favor tenga en cuenta, que no podemos proporcionar soporte para estas configuraciones.";

/* sequelace URL scheme command not supported. */
"sequelace URL scheme command not supported." = "Comando de esquema URL de sequelace no soportado.";
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Resources/Localization/es.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2326,7 +2326,7 @@
"Sequel Ace could not find any columns belonging to this index. Maybe it has been removed already?" = "Sequel Ace could not find any columns belonging to this index. Maybe it has been removed already?";

/* Preferences : Network : Custom SSH client : warning dialog message */
"Sequel Ace only supports and is tested with the default OpenSSH client versions included with Mac OS X. Using different clients might cause connection issues, security risks or not work at all.\n\nPlease be aware, that we cannot provide support for such configurations." = "Sequel Ace solo soporta y se prueba con versiones predeterminadas de clientes OpenSSH incluidas en Mac OS X. El uso de diferentes clientes puede causar problemas de conexión, riesgos de seguridad o no funcionar en absoluto.\n\nPor favor tenga en cuenta, que no podemos proporcionar soporte para estas configuraciones.";
"Sequel Ace only supports and is tested with the default OpenSSH client versions included with macOS. Using different clients might cause connection issues, security risks or not work at all.\n\nPlease be aware, that we cannot provide support for such configurations." = "Sequel Ace solo soporta y se prueba con versiones predeterminadas de clientes OpenSSH incluidas en macOS. El uso de diferentes clientes puede causar problemas de conexión, riesgos de seguridad o no funcionar en absoluto.\n\nPor favor tenga en cuenta, que no podemos proporcionar soporte para estas configuraciones.";

/* sequelace URL scheme command not supported. */
"sequelace URL scheme command not supported." = "Comando de esquema URL de sequelace no soportado.";
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Resources/Localization/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2326,7 +2326,7 @@
"Sequel Ace could not find any columns belonging to this index. Maybe it has been removed already?" = "Sequel Aceはこのインデックスに属する列を見つけることができませんでした。多分それは既に削除されていますか?";

/* Preferences : Network : Custom SSH client : warning dialog message */
"Sequel Ace only supports and is tested with the default OpenSSH client versions included with Mac OS X. Using different clients might cause connection issues, security risks or not work at all.\n\nPlease be aware, that we cannot provide support for such configurations." = "Sequel Aceは、Mac OS Xに含まれるデフォルトのOpenSSHクライアントバージョンでのみサポートされ、テストされます。 異なるクライアントを使用すると、接続の問題、セキュリティリスク、またはまったく機能しない可能性があります。\n\nこのような構成に対するサポートを提供することはできませんのでご注意ください。";
"Sequel Ace only supports and is tested with the default OpenSSH client versions included with macOS. Using different clients might cause connection issues, security risks or not work at all.\n\nPlease be aware, that we cannot provide support for such configurations." = "Sequel Aceは、macOSに含まれるデフォルトのOpenSSHクライアントバージョンでのみサポートされ、テストされます。 異なるクライアントを使用すると、接続の問題、セキュリティリスク、またはまったく機能しない可能性があります。\n\nこのような構成に対するサポートを提供することはできませんのでご注意ください。";

/* sequelace URL scheme command not supported. */
"sequelace URL scheme command not supported." = "Sequel Ace URL scheme コマンドはサポートされていません。";
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Resources/Localization/pt-BR.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2326,7 +2326,7 @@
"Sequel Ace could not find any columns belonging to this index. Maybe it has been removed already?" = "Sequel Ace não conseguiu encontrar colunas pertencentes a este índice. Será que já foi removido?";

/* Preferences : Network : Custom SSH client : warning dialog message */
"Sequel Ace only supports and is tested with the default OpenSSH client versions included with Mac OS X. Using different clients might cause connection issues, security risks or not work at all.\n\nPlease be aware, that we cannot provide support for such configurations." = "A Sequel Ace só suporta e é testada com as versões padrão do cliente OpenSSH incluídas no Mac OS X. Usar diferentes clientes pode causar problemas de conexão, riscos de segurança ou nem sequer funcionam.\n\nPor favor, saiba que não podemos fornecer suporte para tais configurações.";
"Sequel Ace only supports and is tested with the default OpenSSH client versions included with macOS. Using different clients might cause connection issues, security risks or not work at all.\n\nPlease be aware, that we cannot provide support for such configurations." = "A Sequel Ace só suporta e é testada com as versões padrão do cliente OpenSSH incluídas no macOS. Usar diferentes clientes pode causar problemas de conexão, riscos de segurança ou nem sequer funcionam.\n\nPor favor, saiba que não podemos fornecer suporte para tais configurações.";

/* sequelace URL scheme command not supported. */
"sequelace URL scheme command not supported." = "comando Sequel Ace não suportado.";
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Resources/Localization/pt-PT.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2326,7 +2326,7 @@
"Sequel Ace could not find any columns belonging to this index. Maybe it has been removed already?" = "Sequel Ace could not find any columns belonging to this index. Maybe it has been removed already?";

/* Preferences : Network : Custom SSH client : warning dialog message */
"Sequel Ace only supports and is tested with the default OpenSSH client versions included with Mac OS X. Using different clients might cause connection issues, security risks or not work at all.\n\nPlease be aware, that we cannot provide support for such configurations." = "Sequel Ace only supports and is tested with the default OpenSSH client versions included with Mac OS X. Using different clients might cause connection issues, security risks or not work at all.\n\nPlease be aware, that we cannot provide support for such configurations.";
"Sequel Ace only supports and is tested with the default OpenSSH client versions included with macOS. Using different clients might cause connection issues, security risks or not work at all.\n\nPlease be aware, that we cannot provide support for such configurations." = "Sequel Ace only supports and is tested with the default OpenSSH client versions included with macOS. Using different clients might cause connection issues, security risks or not work at all.\n\nPlease be aware, that we cannot provide support for such configurations.";

/* sequelace URL scheme command not supported. */
"sequelace URL scheme command not supported." = "sequelace URL scheme command not supported.";
Expand Down

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