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File metadata and controls

150 lines (104 loc) · 4.29 KB


Currently, the FFI API contains a number of problems. This RFC offers their solution.

Working Directory

The first problem is the inability to specify the working directory from which libraries are loaded via FFI in the PHP ZTS working environment.

API Inconsistency

The second problem is slight inconsistencies in the behavior of the methods:

  • FFI::cdef(string $code = '', string $lib = null);
  • FFI::load(string $filename);

Technically they are similar. The first loads the C header files from a PHP string, and second of the physical file. But both approaches impose a number of limitations.

In the case of FFI::cdef():

  • Can specify the library file (*.so, *.dll, etc) from the PHP code.
  • Cannot specify "scope" from PHP code.
  • Cannot declare FFI_LIB define to specify the library file from the header C code.
  • Cannot declare FFI_SCOPE define from C header code.

In the case of FFI::load():

  • Cannot specify library file from PHP code.
  • Cannot specify "scope" from PHP code.
  • Can declare FFI_LIB define to specify the library file from the C header code.
  • Can declare FFI_SCOPE define to specify the library file from the C header code.


It is proposed to solve these problems.

Allow C-Defines In Any Cases

  • Add support for FFI_LIB and FFI_SCOPE defines in each of the methods (i.e. FFI::load() and FFI::cdef()).

  • Add support for FFI_LIB_DIR define to specify the libraries working directory.

The follow header code should work, as in the case of loading from using FFI::load(), and using FFI::cdef() methods:

#define FFI_SCOPE   "example"
#define FFI_LIB     "../bin/"
#define FFI_LIB_DIR "../bin"

// c-headers code
// ...

Loading Options

Allow passing an array as the second argument of each of the methods options to control library loading. These options passed from PHP code must take precedence over those defined as constants inside header files.

After accepting these changes, method signatures should look as follows way:

FFI::load(string $filename, array $options = []);

FFI::cdef(string $code = '', array $options = []);
FFI::cdef(string $code = '', string $lib = null);

Please note that for backward compatibility, allow option with passing a string as the second argument to the FFI::cdef() method.

Options may contain the following keys to specify libraries loading parameters:

FFI::cdef('<...code...>', [
    'library'   => 'path/to/',
    'scope'     => 'example',
    'libdir'    => '/path/to/working_directory'


  • library - Library file name
  • scope - Scope (identifier) of the library to load using FFI::scope()
  • libdir - Library working directory

If these options are specified, the corresponding definition in the header file must to be ignored.


Library Directory And Multithreading Environment (ZTS)

Specifying the working directory of libraries, is a global operation that affects all threads.

For example:

// Windows OS (from kernel32.dll)
BOOL SetDllDirectoryA(LPCSTR lpPathName);
// SetDllDirectoryA('path/to/libdir');

// Linux OS
int setenv(const char *name, const char *value, int overwrite);
// setenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', 'path/to/libdir', 1);

However, using mutexes for downloads in a ZTS environment should solve this problem.

Since libraries in the working environment are mostly loaded through preloading, after loading PHP extensions, waiting for loading in another thread should not affect performance in real projects. Since in runtime everything will be loaded at the preloading stage.

Backwards Incompatible Changes


Future Scope

The features discussed in the following are not part of this proposal.

// TBD

Proposed Voting Choices

Three votes expected:

  • Add support for FFI_LIB_DIR directive:

    • Simple yes/no vote.
  • Add support for defines in all methods of loading defines:

    • Simple yes/no vote.
  • Add options support:

    • Simple yes/no vote.