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Scribbles Api

Scribbles Api is an Rest-Api developed for the Scribbles App, this api was developed in FastApi.

  • It provides data to the Front-End of the app.
  • Can be used for retrieving data to other apps.
  • It retrives the data in json format.

This is an api for a social network style app, so manages models like:

  • Users.
  • Posts.
  • Comments.
  • Reactions.
  • Tags.

If want more information about the schemas and routes can check the OpenApi documentation generated when run the api.

Getting started

  1. Run the app with docker compose
  2. Manual installation
  3. Setting data to the database

Run the app with docker compose

Create a project folder and go inside:

mkdir scribblesapp && cd scribblesapp

Clone the repository:

git clone

Create a .env file inside Scribbles-Api folder and open it with the editor:

touch ./ScribblesApp-Api/.env && nano ./ScribblesApp-Api/.env

Paste this inside and save it with Ctrl-x:


Create a db folder:

mkdir db

Create a .env inside db folder and open it with the editor:

touch ./db/.env && nano ./db/.env

Paste this inside and save it with Ctrl-x:


Create a docker compose file and open it with the editor:

touch docker-compose.yml && nano ./docker-compose.yml

Put this data inside the docker-compose.yml and save it with Ctrl-x:

    build: ./ScribblesApp-Api
      - 8080:8080
      - ./ScribblesApp-Api/.env
    image: postgres:13
      - ./db/.env
      - scribbles_db:/var/lib/postgresql/data

Run the app:

docker compose up

Go to the api url in your browser:

Manual installation

Setting the database

We need to create a container with a postgresql image:

docker run -d \
    --name postgres \
    -e PGUSER=user \
    -e POSTGRES_DB=scribbles_db \
    -e POSTGRES_USER=user \
    -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password \
    -p 5432:5432 \
    --mount source=scribbles,target=/var/lib/postgresql/data \

With the postgres_user, postgres_password, postgres_db and port you can build your database url.

Setting the api

Create a project folder and go inside:

mkdir scribblesapp && cd scribblesapp

Clone the repository:

git clone

Go to the project:

cd ScribblesApp-Api

Create a .env file, here will be the all the configuration for database and other stuff:

touch .env

Copy and paste the following in the .env file:


You need to specify all the fields of the .env file:

Field Description Example (Please don't use in real app)
DATABASE_URL The postgresql database url. postgresql://user:password@hostname:port/db_name
SECRET_KEY An arbitrary unique key that will be used to create auth tokens for authorization. jBDT1KgdYW
ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_SECONDS This field determine the time that a user will be login until the api expire the user token and needed to login again. 3600
BUCKET_URL This the Google Cloud Storage bucket url that is needed when a user upload images to the app. They will be stored here.
BUCKET_NAME This is the Google Cloud Storage bucket name. test_bucket
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS This points to the ServiceKey Google Cloud json file that is generated for a service account, is needed to have permissions to upload files to a bucket. When request in Google Cloud a service account key you will get a ServiceKey.json file, you gonna save the file in ScribblesApp_Api folder and put the file name here. ServiceKey_GoogleCloud.json

*If not set the credential for google cloud storage the Files route won't work, so you can't upload files.

Create a python virtual env:

python3 -m venv ./venv

Activate the virtual env:

source ./venv/bin/activate

Install the dependencies of the api:

pip3 install -r dev.requirements.txt

Once installed run the app:

uvicorn main:app

Go to this url in your browser:

Setting data to the database

  • If you want to see the full functionality of the api, we recommend you to insert this dummy data into your database.

Create a directory in your scribblesapp folder:

mkdir data && cd data

and copy the data there:

wget --no-check-certificate '' -O users.sql &&\
wget --no-check-certificate '' -O posts.sql &&\
wget --no-check-certificate '' -O comments.sql &&\
wget --no-check-certificate '' -O reactions.sql &&\
wget --no-check-certificate '' -O tags.sql

Check the name of your running postgresql container:

docker ps

With your database and api running copy your data into your postgres container (change "postgres" with your database container name):

for f in ./*sql; do docker cp $f postgres:/usr/src/; done

Once your data is inside your container, the next step is to insert your data into your database (change "postgres" with your database container name):

docker exec -it postgres psql -U user -d scribbles_db -f /usr/src/users.sql -f /usr/src/posts.sql -f /usr/src/comments.sql -f /usr/src/reactions.sql -f /usr/src/tags.sql

*Important: your user and database name need to be the same that you set when create your database.

Make a request to the api

Go to the api url:


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