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Save and Load Inventories


You can download Save and Load Inventories on CurseForge and Modrinth:


Issue Tracker

To keep a better overview of all mods, the issue tracker is located in a separate repository.
  For issues, ideas, suggestions or anything else, please follow this link:

    -> Issue Tracker

Pull Requests

Because of the way mod loader files are bundled into one jar, some extra information is needed to do a PR.
  A wiki page entry about it is available here:

    -> Pull Request Information

Mod Description

Requires the library mod Collective.

Save and Load Inventories adds commands which allow the user to easily save their current inventory to a file, load an inventory from a file and list the current saved inventories. Useful for administrators or event servers. NBT tags are supported, any things like written books or enchantments won't be a problem. Players need cheat access to use the commands.

The inventories are saved in ./config/saveandloadinventories/*.txt.

/saveinventory <inventory_name> - Saves the current inventory of the user as <inventory_name>.
  alias: /si <inventory_name>
/loadinventory <inventory_name> - Loads an inventory named <inventory_name> previously saved.
  alias: /li <inventory_name>
/loadinventory <inventory_name> <player_name> - Loads an inventory to the target player named <player_name>
  alias: /li <inventory_name> <player_name>
- Lists all saved inventories.

Save the current inventory with the name 'diamond' (/saveinventory diamond):

And when loading it (/loadinventory diamond):

Save the current inventory as 'food' with the shortened alias command (/si food):

And loading it with the shortened command (/li food):


Here's an example of setting the inventory of another player:


You may freely use this mod in any modpack, as long as the download remains hosted within the CurseForge or Modrinth ecosystem. contains an overview and more information on all mods available.

Comments are disabled as I'm unable to keep track of all the separate pages on each mod.
For issues, ideas, suggestions or anything else there is the Github repo. Thanks!