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Repository for testing and compare the redux-like libraries available in the React ecosystem.


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Redux'n Cats (Live Demo)

Proof of concept featuring classic todolist and Cats gifs/images, and demonstrating architecture and usecases with Redux, through branches :

  • Master : "feature-based" architecture with independant modules, using classic React lifecycle hooks
  • Master-ReactHooks : based on master, using new React hooks
  • TS : based on master-ReactHooks, fully typed with Typescript
  • Context : based on master-ReactHooks, but replacing Redux with React Context API
  • RSK : based on master-ReactHooks, but replacing Redux with Redux-Starter-Kit
  • RRE : based on master-ReactHooks, but replacing Redux with Redux-Rest-Easy
  • Rematch : based on master-ReactHooks, but replacing Redux with Rematch
  • Easy-Peasy : based on master-ReactHooks, but replacing Redux with Easy-Peasy
  • TS-XX : Typescript'ed version of either RSK or Rematch or ReactContext or Easy-Peasy branches
  • Apollo : based on TS, but replacing Redux with Apollo-client


  • 2 main features : a private TodoList, and a public Cats displayer
  • integration with classic third party middlewares (thunk, logger, devtools, ...)
  • synchronous and asynchronous actions
  • Context branch : modularized state providers (instead of the classical single one in root)
  • reset, add, remove
  • set multiple values before dispatching once to store
  • set the store automatically "on change"
  • customisable fetching parameters
  • refresh
  • in todos, demonstrating event delegation using one single click handler
  • layout based on CSS-Grid, check on mobile or resizing your browser ;)
  • TODO: authentication with JWT, 2FFA, or social networks
  • TODO: facade API exposing different fetching ways to the Cats API.


  • git clone the repo
  • cd in project directory
  • run yarn && yarn start It should open your default browser with localhost:3000


Project boostrapped with create-react-app v2

  • Javascript ES8+
  • Typescript
  • React 16.8 (Hooks)
  • Redux 4
  • React-Redux 7.1 (based on React.Context API and hooks)
  • Redux-thunk for async actions
  • State management alternatives :
    • React Context : replace Redux with React Context API and useContext hook.
    • Redux-Starter-Kit : all-in-one to reduce redux boilerplate, immutability (Immer), selectors (reselect).
    • Redux-Rest-Easy: same as RSK, with caching, memoization and integrable with Normalizr, but no TS typings (yet).
    • Rematch: plugin-based lib, it seems very flexible depending on project needs.
    • Easy-Peasy : excellent Typescript integration
    • Apollo : for the new graphQL era :D

Todo List

  • [TodoList] Add todo editing with onDblClick
  • [TodoList] Add a filter
  • [Cats] Add a filter to choose particular images, supporting wildcards

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Repository for testing and compare the redux-like libraries available in the React ecosystem.








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