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Acceptance Testing for PHP

Shashi-ibuildings edited this page Jan 10, 2012 · 1 revision

This framework for PHP can be used for web acceptance testing of the PHP projects. This framework is build around Behat, Mink, Sauce Labs, ANT. You can configure it continuous integration server like Jenkins.

Now follow these simple steps:

  • Install Behat and Mink .

  • Clone Behat Test Automation Framework from GitHub

  • Clone test framework from Github into your local machine.

  • Make sure you have initialized Behat in your root directory, currently its "Behat".

  • Download Seleniumor Sahi and launch Selenium or Sahi server as shown below

Selenium Server

You need to download selenium server jar file and execute following command:

      $ cd /path/to/selenium-server

      $java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.15.0.jar 

Sahi Server

Download sahi zip file from SourceForge

Now launch Sahi Server using command below:

      $ cd /path/to/sahi
      $ cd userdata/bin


You have to launch one of these server before executing 'behat' command. We need to launch server if we wish to run feature locally. We have configured it with these framework if we want to launch it on remote machine using ANT or Jenkins.

Now you are ready to use the framework for adding features and running them with different drivers like Selenium, Sahi or webdriver.

How to use framework?

Change "base_url" and "browser" parameters in all config files like 'behat.yml', 'sahi.yml', 'selenium.yml', and 'webdriver.yml' as per your project requirement.

Write sample features for your project. Try to run it locally by using any driver. Remember, you need Selenium, Sahi installed and running before you test feature locally using 'behat' command.

You can run individual feature by using below mwntioned command:

      $ cd /path/to/my/project

      $behat --name wikiSearch

How to run features on ANT build


You need to install Apache Ant on your localhost. You can download and install Ant from Apache Ant.

No need install or download Seleniumor Sahi. It is configured inside this framework. Ant will automatically launch selenium or Sahi server still you need to update version of selenium server frequently. If you like to run it locally, you will need to install Selenium and Sahi.

Now you got three drivers options to run your features

Sahi Driver
Selenium Driver
Selenium 2 Driver (webdriver)

Run feature with selenium driver

  $ cd /path/to/my/project

   $ant runSelenium

Run feature with Sahi driver.

      $ cd /path/to/my/project

      $ant runSahi

Run feature with webdriver

     $ cd /path/to/my/project

     $ant runWebdriver

Run feature with Sauce Labs

     $ cd /path/to/my/project

     $ant sauceTests

You can only run features on Sauce Labs with selenium driver. Sahi driver don't support sauce labs.

If you are using selenium driver then you have to implement wait in your step definitions every time there is new page is loaded like this:


Sahi driver waits automatically for element to be appear on page or page to load. You don't have to implement wait if you would like to use Sahi driver.

Once you run 'ant' command from terminal you will see your feature running in browser, you configured.You will see reports generated in "/report" directory. There will be HTML reports as well.

Configure CI Server

You can configure these ANT tasks on CI server. Specify target "sahiTests" for Sahi driver. Specify target "seleniumTests" for selenium driver Specify target "webdriverTests" for Selenium 2 driver

To generate report, point junit reports to "report/*.xml" It will create reports in Jenkins.