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Legacy Installation

Shannon Deminick edited this page Dec 14, 2015 · 1 revision

If you are using Umbraco 7.1.6+ and less than 7.3.0, you can follow these installation instructions.

Only UmbracoIdentity version 2.x is compatible with these Umbraco versions

Install via Nuget:

 Install-Package UmbracoIdentity -Version 2.0.1

Config updates

These config updates 'should' be taken care of by the nuget install, but you should double check to be sure.

Remove FormsAuthentication from your web.config, this should be the last entry in your httpmodules lists:

<remove name="FormsAuthenticationModule" />

The entry is slightly different for the system.webServer/modules list:

<remove name="FormsAuthentication" />

You then need to disable FormsAuthentication as the authentication provider, change the authentication element to:

<authentication mode="None" />

Replace the 'type' attribute of your UmbracoMembershipProvider in your web.config to be:

"UmbracoIdentity.IdentityEnabledMembersMembershipProvider, UmbracoIdentity"

OWIN Startup

[What is OWIN? If you are unsure, be sure to read this before you continue!](What is Owin)

Once you've installed the Nuget package, you will see some classes added to your App_Start folder:

  • UmbracoApplicationMember - this is similar to the ApplicationUser class that comes with the VS 2013 template, except that this one inherits from UmbracoIdentityMember. You can customize this how you like.

  • UmbracoIdentityStartup - this is basically the same as the Startup class that comes with the the VS 2013 template, except that it is named UmbracoStartup and contains some slightly different extension method calls:

    //Single method to configure the Identity user manager for use with Umbraco
    //Ensure owin is configured for Umbraco back office authentication
    • The rest of the startup class is pretty much the same as the VS 2013 template except that you are using your UmbracoApplicationMember type and the UmbracoMembersUserManager class.
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