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GamerOnBoard is a B2C (business-to-consumer) board game web store which aims to audiences, such as families, tabletop gamers, or collectors and specialising in strategic and role-playing board games.

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Portfolio Project 5 - E-commerce Applications


Roll, Play, Win – GamerOnBoard is Your Board Game Destination.

GamerOnBoard is a B2C (business-to-consumer) board game web store which aims to audiences, such as families, tabletop gamers, or collectors and specialising in strategic and role-playing board games. We have built a diverse and attractive inventory of board games, including popular titles such as Catan, Ticket to Ride, Chess, Monopoly and many many more...

When designing GamerOnBoard store, I focused on creating a user-friendly, visually appealing e-commerce website with a responsive design and focused on implementing a secure and easy-to-navigate online shopping experience. One of my prorities was also to be able to optimise website for search engines (SEO) to improve organic visibility.

I ensured to include high-quality backlinks from reputable websites in the board game industry, gaming communities, and related niches. The Customer is encourage to buy, like product and as a future function, reviews and rate, which can enhance GamerOnBoard visibility in local and product-specific search results.

Project Goal

The goal of this project was to build a Full-Stack site based on business logic used to control a centrally-owned dataset. Page has an authentication mechanism and provides paid access to the site's data and allows the user to purchase a product. It was also my goal to implement SEO and create a dummy social media product page on FB.

Tech Stack

Live Web-Page


GitHub Repository


UX User Experiance

Creating a user-friendly e-commerce web store is essential to attract and retain customers hencethe below are some of the key UX (User Experience) characteristics I ensured to be used in my Project are as follow:

  • Intuitive Navigation: Ensured that the website has a clear and logical navigation structure. Users should be able to easily find product categories, search for specific items, and navigate to their shopping cart or checkout page without confusion.

  • Responsive Design: My e-commerce site is fully responsive, meaning it adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes and devices, including smartphones and tablets.

  • Fast Loading Speed: I optimised store's performance to ensure fast load times by i.e.: compressing images.

  • Clear Product Presentation: I used high-quality images and provided product descriptions. Include pricing, product specifications, and availability information as well as age group suitability and other.

  • User-Friendly Search: I implemented a search feature which allow users to refine their search results by price, category, age, and other relevant criteria.

  • User Reviews and Ratings: I includes user-generated reviews and ratings for products which builds trust and helps shoppers make informed decisions.

  • Shopping Cart and Checkout Optimization: I made it easy for users to add items to their cart and proceed to checkout. I provided a clear and concise checkout process with Stripe payment option and guest checkout for convenience.

  • Security and Trust: Displayed trust indicators such as secure payment logo.

  • Personalization: Implement features like product recommendations based on user behavior and purchase history. Personalization enhances the shopping experience and can increase sales.

  • User Account Management: Users are allowed to create accounts, save their address and view order history. AllAuth offers easy password recovery and account management options.

  • Error Handling: Clear error messages and guidance when users encounter issues, such as out-of-stock products or incorrectly filled-out forms.

  • Accessibility: I ensured that website is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.


Colour Scheme

I opted for a very minimalistic aesthetic and only apllied 3 colours (2 with additional shades) to this project.

root {
    --background-col: #fff;
    --background-accent: #7A92A5;
    --text-black: #0F1519;
    --text-gray: #6A92A5;
    --accent-col: #69101E;
    --accent-ligh: #A42435;

To provide a better user experience, I went for a light and neutral theme with an hints of red to add spice to the site. The colours have been implemented across the site and are included in the buttons/links and their hover effects.

I used Colormind colour scheme for this project:

Colour Scheme

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'Montserrat' has been used as a main font:

The old posters and signs in the traditional Montserrat neighborhood of Buenos Aires inspired Julieta Ulanovsky to design this typeface and rescue the beauty of urban typography that emerged in the first half of the twentieth century. As urban development changes that place, it will never return to its original form and loses forever the designs that are so special and unique.

Alt text

root {
    --main-font: 'Montserrat', sans-serif;


I designed a GamerOnBoard logo with Figma

same logo has then been used to create Favicon icons.


The Ideal User/Persona

Garry GameGeek

  • Age: 28
  • Gender: Male
  • Occupation: Software Developer
  • Hobbies: Board games, video games, and attending gaming conventions
  • Location: Urban area, lives in a small apartment
  • Income: Middle-class
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Education: Bachelor's degree in Computer Science

Tech-savvy: Gary is comfortable using technology, especially when it comes to shopping online. Social Gamer: He enjoys board games because they provide a great way to socialize with friends, either in-person or online. Value Shopper: Gary is price-conscious and looks for good deals or discounts. Game Collector: He is an avid board game collector and is always on the lookout for the latest and greatest titles. Research-Oriented: Gary does extensive research before buying a game, reading reviews, and watching video tutorials. Minimalist Lifestyle: Due to limited space in his apartment, Gary prefers games that are compact and versatile. Environmental Consciousness: He cares about the environment and appreciates eco-friendly or sustainable game options.

Goals: Discover new and exciting board games. Get the best value for his money. Stay up-to-date with the latest board game releases. Find games suitable for various group sizes and occasions.

Pain Points: Limited storage space for board games. Worries about the environmental impact of buying new games. Struggles to find time to attend physical board game events or conventions. How the Online Board Game Shop Can Appeal to GameGeek Gary:

Epics & Admin/User Stories

7 Epics (milestones) were created which were then further developed into 41 User Stories.

EPIC 1 Django & Project Basic Setup

  • As an ADMIN, I want to setup Django app so that I can start building my web store MUST HAVE
  • As an ADMIN, I want to create 'home' app so that I can start creating base templates MUST HAVE
  • As an ADMIN, I want to be able to configure and deploy to Heroku so that my page is available for everyone to view MUST HAVE
  • As a USER, I want to be able to clearly see the site's purpose is so that I can decide whether or not to continue browsing it MUST HAVE

EPIC 2 User Authentication & Page Admin

  • As an ADMIN, I want setup AllAuth so that I can manage users from the Admin Panel MUST HAVE
  • As an ADMIN, I will make copies of allauth templates so that I can adjust them to my user needs MUST HAVE
  • As a USER, I want to be able to register my account so that I can view my profile SHOULD HAVE
  • As a USER, I want to be able to create a personalised user profile so that I can re-use my details easily and view order history SHOULD HAVE
  • As a USER, I want to be able to login and logout so that I can access my account info SHOULD HAVE
  • As a USER, I want to be able to get a confirmation email after registration so that I can verify my account has been successfully registered SHOULD HAVE
  • As an Admin I want to be able let users sign in with SSO so that they can log in easily and securely* WONT HAVE

EPIC 3 Product App

  • As an ADMIN/Product Owner, I want to be able to add product so that I add or increase stock MUST HAVE
  • As an ADMIN/Product Owner, I want to be able to edit or update product so that change product price, description etc. MUST HAVE
  • As an ADMIN/Product Owner, I want to be able to delete product so that I can remove it if it's not for sale MUST HAVE
  • As a USER, I want to be able to identify deals, clearance areas and special offers so that ** I can take advantage of special offers** MUST HAVE
  • As a USER, I want to be able to view a list of products so that I can browse and shop easily MUST HAVE
  • As a USER, I want to be able to see a detailed view of the product so that I can read details of the product. MUST HAVE
  • As a USER, I want to be able to search the webpage so that I can find specific products and check if it's in stock SHOULD HAVE
  • As a USER, I want to be able to view product by category so that find product I'm looking for quickly and easily MUST HAVE
  • As a USER, I want to be able to sort available products so that easily identify the best rated, best priced and by category products MUST HAVE
  • As a USER, I want to be able to view additional details such as age group, play time and number of players so that I am fully aware of benefits of the product I want to buy COULD HAVE
  • As a USER, I want to be able to view a carousel of images on the home page so that I feel engaged and enticed straight away COULD HAVE
  • As a User, I want to be able to like product so that I can easily view my liked products COULD HAVE
  • As a User, I want the have the ability to like product count so that I can clearly see how many people like the same product COULD HAVE

EPIC 4 Bag, Checkout and Payment

  • As a USER, I want to be able to add products to a bag so that I can purchase products i want MUST HAVE
  • As a USER, I want to be able to view the total of my purchase so that I'm in full control of what I am buying MUST HAVE
  • As a USER, I want to be able to add/remove product quantity so that I am in full control of how many items I am buying MUST HAVE
  • As a USER, I want to be able to view my bag so that view product info, quantity and price of my purchase MUST HAVE
  • As a USER, I want to be able to enter payment info so that I can check out easily MUST HAVE
  • As a USER, I want to feel that my payment is safe and secure so that I feel confident to provide my card details MUST HAVE
  • As a USER, I want to get an email confirmation after my purchase so that I keep a record of what I've purchased MUST HAVE
  • As a USER, I want to be able to type in a discount code so that I can avail of a shop promo WONT HAVE

EPIC 5 Subscriptions

  • As a USER, I want to be able to subscribe to a newsletter so that I'm being kept up to date with all things new at GamerOnBoard SHOULD HAVE

EPIC 6 Reviews and Blog

  • As a site user, I want to be able to view blog posts on the website so that I can read any posts/comments COULD HAVE
  • As a User, I want to be able to create blog posts from the front end so that I can share information with site visitors COULD HAVE
  • As a User, I want to be able to edit existing blog posts so that I can ensure that posts are up to date COULD HAVE
  • As a User, I want to be able to delete existing blog posts so that I can remove any unwanted posts from the site COULD HAVE

EPIC 7 Marketing and Search Engine Optimalisation

  • As an ADMIN, I want to be able to - Marketing MUST HAVE
  • As an ADMIN, I want to be able to - Social Media MUST HAVE
  • As an ADMIN, I want to be able to - Social Media Extra SHOULD HAVE

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MoSCoW Prioritization

This project was developed using agile methodologies by delivering small features (User Stories) across the project.

The Kanban board was created using Github projects and can be located here and can be viewed to see more information on the project cards.

Using this approach, I was able to apply the MoSCow prioritization and label user stories. User Stories were assigned to Epics, prioritized under the labels:

  • MUST HAVE - guaranteed to be delivered (max 60% of stories)
  • SHOULD HAVE - adds significant value, but not vital (the rest ~20% of stories)
  • COULD HAVE - has small impact if left out (20% of stories)
  • WON'T HAVE - not a priority for this iteration

To ensure that all core requirements were completed I worked on the 'MUST HAVE' epics/user stories first.

A few COULD HAVE user stories have been implemented before project due date i.e. ...

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Ecommerce Business Model

GamerOnBoard is a B2C (business-to-consumer) as it sells goods to individual customers.

In B2C model, the success of board game online business will depend on ability to connect with individual consumers, offer a compelling product, and deliver exceptional customer service. Adapting and evolving business strategy based on consumer feedback and market trends will be crucial for long-term success.

Other Google services available to boost business awareness:

  • Google My Business - registering business address
  • Google Ads - powerfull advertising tool
  • Google Analytics - visual analytics on clicks, track etc

Web Marketing

GamerOnBoard has links for social media marketing and a Newsletter model is linked to the form on the page.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media can potentially build a community of users around the business, and boost site visitor numbers, especially when using larger platforms such a Facebook.

Social marketing in the context of online business refers to the use of social media platforms and strategies to promote products or services, build brand awareness, engage with customers, and ultimately drive sales and business growth. It's an essential component of digital marketing that leverages the vast reach and influence of social media to connect with potential customers.

Common platforms include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and TikTok.

Social marketing in online business is an ongoing effort that requires a deep understanding of your target audience and the ability to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of social media. It's essential to maintain a strategic and customer-focused approach to maximize your online business's success through social media channels.

I've started this journey by creating a Facebook account


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Newsletter Marketing

A newsletter list can be used by the business to send regular messages to site users. For example, what items are on special offer, new items in stock, updates to business hours, notifications of events, and much more!

I have incorporate a newsletter sign-up form on my application, to allow users to supply their email address if they are interested in learning more about what the business has to offer.

I created a custom newsletter app in my project with a custom NewsletterSignup model and added a form to the site's footer to collect user email addresses

Newsletter model:

class NewsletterSignup(models.Model):
    email = models.EmailField(unique=True, null=False, blank=False)

    def __str__(self):

I set the email address to be unique to avoid users signing up multiple times with the same email address. If a user tries to sign up twice with the same address they will be shown a message letting them know they've already signed up.

Once a user signs up, I used the send_mail() functionality in the file to trigger a welcome email for the user to acknowledge that they've successfully signed up for the newsletter.

Click to View Newsletter Form Page


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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Keyword research is the process of finding and analyzing search terms that people enter into search engines, with the goal of using that data for SEO or general web marketing.


Keywords have been identified to align with my site, that should help users when searching online to find my page easily from a search engine. This included a series of the following keyword types

  • Short-tail (head terms) keywords These short-tail keywords can serve as the foundation for your SEO strategy. However, keeping in mind that competition for these keywords can be high, it's also essential to consider long-tail keywords and specific game titles to reach a more targeted audience. Additionally, regularly updating your website with fresh and relevant content, optimizing your site's structure, and acquiring backlinks from reputable sources can help improve search engine rankings.

Long-tail keywords: | ---------- | ---------- | ------------ | | "Best board games" | "Board game collection" | "Top Game store" | | "Tabletop games" | "Board game store" | "Board game retailer" | | "Board game store near me" | "Buy board games" | "Tabletop game shop" | | "Game board shop" | "Board games online" | "Best board games" | | "Board games for sale" | "Game store online" | "Board games for adults" | | "Board games for kids" | "Popular board games" | "Board games to buy" |

SEO Optimlisation

Website's content, including product descriptions, category pages, and blog posts, by incorporating chosen keywords naturally. High-quality, informative, and engaging content that satisfies user intent and answers common questions related to board games. Use header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to structure your content and make it more readable:

For the Homepage: "Discover the Best Selection of Board Games Online. Shop Now for Family Fun, Strategy, and Classic Titles. Find Your Next Adventure!"

For a Category Page (e.g., Strategy Board Games): "Explore a World of Strategy Board Games – From Chess to Eurogames. Upgrade Your Game Night with Our Collection of Engaging Titles."

For a Product Page (e.g., "Catan: Settlers of Catan Board Game"): "Get Ready to Conquer Catan! Shop the Classic 'Settlers of Catan' Board Game. Build, Trade, and Win in this Award-Winning Title."

For a Blog Post (future function, e.g., "Top 10 Board Games for Family Game Night"): "Planning a Family Game Night? Discover Our Top 10 Board Games for Unforgettable Fun. Start the Countdown to Laughter and Memories!"

External Link

  • The Boardgame Players Association The Boardgame Players Association started in 1991. The gaming convention which would eventually evolve into the present WBC got its start in 1991 as Avaloncon when years of campaigning for it by Don Greenwood finally convinced Avalon Hill management that a “return to basics” gaming convention emphasizing competitive play of the games was the best way for The Avalon Hill Game Company to reverse its flagging fortunes. Having started the Origins gaming convention two decades earlier—with all of 13 tournaments—Avalon Hill had freely relinquished control of that annual gaming fest to the fledgling Game Manufacturer’s Association to concentrate on the production of its own games.

  • The Irish Games Association The Irish Games Association CLG is dedicated to promoting gaming in Ireland, by running, supporting and publicising gaming events, while seeking to communicate and cooperate with others that do likewise. The IGA engages in a number of activities designed to further its stated aim of promoting gaming in Ireland and has evolved substantially over its lifespan. Originally, the IGA was a group composed of different gaming interests from around the country who came together to organise an event known as Convention: Gaelcon. Since that time, a number of changes have taken place, and the IGA has expanded into other fields. The goal of the IGA is to help the gaming community in whatever way possible, be it by organising events, providing information, or offering what assistance it can to others who are working on behalf of the gaming community in Ireland. If you are running an event and need some assistance or some friendly advice please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.


The European Union introduced the General Data Protection Regulation, known as GDPR in May 2018. GDPR is the toughest privacy and security law in the world and even though it was passed by the European Union, it imposes obligations onto organizations anywhere in the world, as long as they target or collect data related to people in the EU.

GamerOnBoard Privacy Policy has been generated and inluded in the footer of the page.

Click to View Privacy Policy Page



META keywords: | ---------- | ---------- | ------------ | ----------- | ----------- |
| Board | Tabletop | Card | Strategy | Family board |
| Board game store | Game night | Role-playing games (RPGs) | Classic board | Board game recommendations |
| Board game shop | Party games | Board game collection | Board game accessories | Board game reviews |


I've used XML-Sitemaps to generate a sitemap.xml file. File generated using deployed site URL:

After it finished crawling the entire site, it created a sitemap.xml which I've downloaded and included in the repository's root dir.


I've created the robots.txt file at the root-level. Inside, I've included the default settings:

User-agent: *

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I've used Balsamiq to create my page wireframes.

Home Page Wireframes

Click to View Wireframes

Alt text

Sign Up Page Wireframes

Click to View Wireframes

Alt text

Login Page Wireframes

Click to View Wireframes

Alt text

Logout Page Wireframes

Click to View Wireframes

Alt text

User Update Page Wireframes

Click to View Wireframes

Alt text

Product Wireframes

Click to View Wireframes

Alt text

Product Details Wireframes

Click to View Wireframes

Alt text

Product Managment - Add Wireframes

Click to View Wireframes

Alt text

Product Management - Edit Wireframes

Click to View Wireframes

Alt text

Bag Wireframes

Click to View Wireframes

Alt text

Checkout Wireframes

Click to View Wireframes

Alt text

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Data Models

The below is the Data Schema created for GamerOnBoard


The following are the models created for GamerOnBoard.

  • Category

    PK id (unique) Type Notes
    name CharField
    friendly_name CharField
    cat_desc CharField
    cat_image ImageField
  • Condition

    PK id (unique) Type Notes
    name CharField
    condition_desc CharField
  • AgeGroup

    PK id (unique) Type Notes
    name CharField
    restriction_name CharField
    restriction_desc CharField
    restriction_image ImageField
  • SpecialCategory

    PK id (unique) Type Notes
    name CharField
    sp_cat_desc CharField
  • Product

    PK id (unique) Type Notes
    FK category ForeignKey FK to Category model
    FK special_cat ForeignKey FK to SpecialCategory model
    sku CharField
    name CharField
    description TextField
    FK age ForeignKey FK to AgeGroup model
    min_players CharField
    max_players CharField
    game_play_time CharField
    FK condition ForeignKey FK to Condition model
    price DecimalField
    rating DecimalField
    image ImageField
    image2 ImageField
    image2 ImageField
    video URLField
    stock IntegerField
    M2M likes ManyToManyField M2M related to product_likes
  • Order

    PK id (unique) Type Notes
    order_number CharField
    FK user_profile ForeignKey FK to UserProfile model
    full_name CharField
    email EmailField
    phone_number CharField
    country CountryField
    postcode CharField
    town_or_city CharField
    street_address1 CharField
    street_address2 CharField
    county CharField
    date DateTimeField
    delivery_cost DecimalField
    order_total DecimalField
    grand_total DecimalField
    original_basket TextField
    stripe_pid CharField
  • OrderLineItem

    PK id (unique) Type Notes
    FK order ForeignKey FK to Order model
    FK product ForeignKey FK to Product model
    quantity IntegerField
    lineitem_total DecimalField
  • NewsletterSignup

    PK id (unique) Type Notes
    email EmailField unique=True
    date DateTimeField auto_now_add=True
    date_update DateTimeField auto_now=True
    gdpr BooleanField Default=False
  • Allauth User Model

    • The User model was built using Django's Allauth library
    • When a user is created, they're automatically assigned a profile through the Profile model.
  • UserProfile

    PK id (unique) Type Notes
    FK user OneToOne FK to User model
    default_phone_number CharField
    default_street_address1 CharField
    default_street_address2 CharField
    default_town_or_city CharField
    default_county CharField
    default_postcode CharField
    default_country CountryField

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Existing Features

Landing Page is where a user lands on arrivial to the page. It welcomes them to the site and gives them an idea of what the site sells. A 'SHOP NOW' button invites users to enter and show around the site's product page. My intention was to keep it simple but enhance it to grab the attention of the users and invite them to shop.

landing page

Navigation Menu features include a search bar, profile access, bag and its total (showing the value of products currently in the bag), and links to filter products by different categories. When logged in as a super user, one gets access to the additional menu 'Admin'. Nav bar also includes the Delivery threshold info which is set to 50 Euro.

>>> Click to View Navigation Menu Picture

Nav Bar

Product Sorting and Filtering - User can sort and filter products in a number of ways. Products can be sorted by: Price (low to high), Price (high to low), Age (low to high),Age (high to low), Rating (low to high), Rating (high to low),Name (A-Z), Name (Z-A), Category (A-Z), Categoty(Z-A). If the user chooses to filter product by category, relevant category is also shown on top of the page (as a link).

>>> Click to View Sorting and Filtering Pictures

Filtering Sorting Sorting Sorting


Search Bar - the 'Search GamerOnBoard' bar gives the user the possibility to search product data by keyword which is matched up with the products' name and description. The user can also see how many results were returned for their search term and the exact fraze they were looking for. If the user hits the search button without entering anything, an error message is shown.

>>> Click to View Search Bar Pictures

Search Search

My Account - A user has the option to either purchase the product without creating an account or create one in the 'My Account' menu. If the user is logged in, and has admin permissions, they will see an admin icon in the main nav menu. Clicking this will give the admin options to add a new product or open Admin Panel. Both, Admin and regular user, have access to 'My Account' menu which provides links to 'My Profile' or log out from the App.

>>> Click to View My Account Link Picture

My Account

Sign Up Page - A User has an option to create their account traditionally with their email/password combination or by useing Google SSO. User is asked to confirm their email via email.

>>> Click to View Sign Up Page

Sign Up Confirmation

Sign In Page - A User has an option to login with their traditional email/password combination or by useing Google SSO. There's also a checkbox to let the user be remembered on their current device to avoid having to log in every time they visit the site.

>>> Click to View Sign In Picture

Sign In

Log Out Page

>>> Click to View Sign Out Picture

Sign Out

Password Reset Page

>>> Click to View Password Reset Pictures

Pass Reset Pass Reset Pass Reset

User Profile / Deliver Information / Order History Page - Fully registered users get a profile which contains the user's default delivery information if set and a list of the user's previous orders. The form on the user's profile contains the default delivery information if the user has saved it. The user can update this information from their profile by altering the form and clicking the update information button. This information will be automatically used for the user's next purchase to make the site easier to use for customers. Logged in users can view their list of order history on their profiles. The order number contains a link which when the user clicks on it, are brought to the order confirmation page for that specific order which contains all the details for that order and a link to return to the user's profile. User can also reset their password from their Profile view.

>>> Click to View User Profile / Deliver Information / Order History Page

User Profile history

Admin - Superusers can access extra menu with links to 'Product Management' and 'Admin Panel'

>>> Click to View Admin Picture


Product Management - Superusers can add new products to the webstore. The add product contains a form for the admin to fill out with the details of the new product.

>>> Click to View Product Management Picture

Product Add

Products Page have their own pages for the user to view more information about the product including a description for every game, category, age restrictions etc. Similar to the all products page, the product's images (max 3 plus a video), name, condition and availability badges and price appear on the individual page along with buttons to add the product to the user's basket or to return to the all products page and keep shopping.

Product All

Product Card Page / Product Card Admin View

>>> Click to View Product Cards Pictures

Product Card Product Card Admin

Product Card Page - Add to Bag - Stock Availability Badges Products have a stock availability badges which show stock left for each product so that the user is informed whether the product is in stock (>3 items), how many are left in stock (<3 items) or 'Out of Stock' (cannot be added to bag).

  • Products with more than 3 items left in stock have a teal badge with the 'in stock' info displayed.
  • If the product has less than 3 items left in stock then the badge displays the item count and is turned yellow.
  • A Red 'Out of Stock' badge and locked 'Add to Bag' button is shown for products stock even 0.
  • When a product is purchased, the stock will automatically decrease by the number of units of each product the customer purchases.
>>> Click to View Card Page - Add to Bag - Stock Availability Badges

Sold Out Limited Stock In Stock

Product Card Page - Condition Badges Products may have a condition badge attached to let the user know whether the product is new, like new, user or collectable.

Product Details Page Users can use a quantity selector to select how many items they want to purchase. The selector lets the user add a minimum of 1 and a maximum of whatever the product's current stock is to their bag. After setting the quantity, a user can click the add to bag button to add that number of the product to their bag. If the user already has an item in their bag and tries to add more than the stock, an error message will be shown.

Product Details Product Details

Editing Product A Superusers can edit products by clicking the edit icon on either the product card on the all products page or the individual product page.The edit product page contains the same form as the add product page but the fields are already populated with the product's current data.

>>> Click to View Edit Product Page


Deleting Product A Superusers can delete products by clicking the delete icon on either the product card on the all products page or the individual product page. After clicking the icon, the admin will be promped with a popup message and asked to confirmation deletione to avoid products being deleted accidentally.

>>> Click to View Delete Page Confirmation Picture


Product Card Page - Add to Bag Every product has a button that lets the user add to bag when viewing it both on the products page or the individual product page. By clicking the 'Add to Bag' button, one unit of the product is added to the user's bag. A user is shown a message confirming when an item has been added, removed or updated in their bag.

>>> Click to View Product Card Page - Add to Bag Pictures

Add Add text

Alert Alert Alert Alert

Bag Empty Page

>>> Click to View Empty Bag Picture

Empty Bag

Bag Page - Users can use a quantity selector to select, update or delete items they wish to purchase. The selector lets the user add a minimum of 1 and a maximum of whatever the product's current stock is to their bag. After setting the quantity, a user can click the add to bag button to add that number of the product to their bag. If the user already has an item in their bag and tries to add more than the stock, an error message will be shown. User is also presented with Bag Total, Delivery Costs, Grand Total and is encuraged to buy by pressing 'Pay Stripe' button which brings the User to Stripe payments page.


Checkout Page - The user is asked to complete the customer details form if not logged in or if a previous profile with details has been saved form is pre-populated with delivery details. Order Summary is shown with all products sitting in the bag and the 'Complete Order' button lets the User complete the transaction using Stripe Payments. Upon successful transaction completion, an order confirmation email is sent to the user's email address and an order confirmation page is shown. Users have the option to 'Go back to Your Profile' if logged in or the 'View Our Deals' button is purchase made incognito.

>>> Click to View Checkout Page



Order Confirmation

Confirmation Order Email

Footer Page is always shown through each page and contains links to the blog (future function), privacy policy and social media. Also, quick links to games by category are presented in the centre section. On the right side, users can use a form to submit to the Newsletter as well as view the links for the Association we are working with/are members of.


Newsletter Page - Users can sign up for the GamerOnBoard newsletter where on submission, they will be sent a welcome email. Users can only sign up to the newsletter once and if they try to sign up with an already registered email address, they will see a message letting them know.

>>> Click to View Newsletter Pictures

Newsletter Newsletter Newsletter

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Future Features

  • Ranking - as a future development step, I'd like incorporate Ranking functionality. t the moment rakning onthe page doesn not work correctly and its missing functionality to calculate ranking.
  • Blog - as a future development step, I'd like incorporate a Blog which would build and gather the like-minded, board-games focused enhusiasts.
  • Discount - as a future development step, I'd like incorporate discounts so that I can reward existing users as well as invite new mambers over the Social Media.

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Error Pages

404 Page not found - page has been implemented and will display if a user navigates to a broken link.

Click to View http404 Error Page

Error 404

500 Internal Server Error - error page has been displayed to alert users when an internal server error occurs.

Click to View http500 Error Page

Error 500

403 Action Forbidden - error page has been implemented to provide feedback to the user when they try to access unauthorized content.

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Testing file.

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Tools & technologies used

Languages Used

  • HTML5 used for page content and structure
  • CSS used for page styling
  • Javascript used for dynamically updated content
  • Python - used for the functionality of the program

Frameworks & Tools

Imported Libraries and Packages

  • gunicorn - Python WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX
  • psycopg2 - PostgreSQL database adapter for Python
  • dj-database-url - Django utility to utilise the DATABASE_URL environment variable to configure the Django application. Used with PostgreSQL
  • Django - Python package for the Django framework
  • django-allauth - Django user authentication, registration and account management
  • django-crispy-forms - Django package that provides tags and filters to control the rendering behaviour of Django forms
  • [django-countries] - A Django application that provides country choices for use with forms
  • [django-storages] - provides a variety of storage backends in a single library
  • [sqlparse] - is a non-validating SQL parser for Python. It provides support for parsing, splitting and formatting SQL statements
  • [stripe] - Stripe Payments webhook
  • [boto3] - to create, configure, and manage AWS services
  • [s3transfer] - a Python library for managing Amazon S3 transfers
  • [botocore] - A low-level interface to a growing number of Amazon Web Services
  • [jmespath] - allows you to declaratively specify how to extract elements from a JSON document.
  • [oauthlib] - is a framework which implements the logic of OAuth1 or OAuth2 without assuming a specific HTTP request object or web framework
  • [asgiref] - Provides an optional template to start ASGI channel layers from with the two exceptions you need provided and all APIs
  • [Pillow] - adds image processing capabilities to your Python interpreter
  • [PyJWT] - A library which allows you to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens
  • [pytz] - This library allows accurate and cross platform timezone calculations using Python

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The live deployed application can be found deployed on Heroku.

ElephantSQL Database

This project uses ElephantSQL for the PostgreSQL Database.

To obtain your own Postgres Database, sign-up with your GitHub account, then follow these steps:

  • Click Create New Instance to start a new database.
  • Provide a name (this is commonly the name of the project: tribe).
  • Select the Tiny Turtle (Free) plan.
  • You can leave the Tags blank.
  • Select the Region and Data Center closest to you.
  • Once created, click on the new database name, where you can view the database URL and Password.

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Amazon AWS

This project uses AWS to store media and static files online, due to the fact that Heroku doesn't persist this type of data.

Once you've created an AWS account and logged-in, follow these series of steps to get your project connected. Make sure you're on the AWS Management Console page.

S3 Bucket

  • Search for S3.

  • Create a new bucket, give it a name (matching your Heroku app name), and choose the region closest to you.

  • Uncheck Block all public access, and acknowledge that the bucket will be public (required for it to work on Heroku).

  • From Object Ownership, make sure to have ACLs enabled, and Bucket owner preferred selected.

  • From the Properties tab, turn on static website hosting, and type index.html and error.html in their respective fields, then click Save.

  • From the Permissions tab, paste in the following CORS configuration:

     		"AllowedHeaders": [
     		"AllowedMethods": [
     		"AllowedOrigins": [
     		"ExposeHeaders": []
  • Copy your ARN string.

  • From the Bucket Policy tab, select the Policy Generator link, and use the following steps:

    • Policy Type: S3 Bucket Policy

    • Effect: Allow

    • Principal: *

    • Actions: GetObject

    • Amazon Resource Name (ARN): paste-your-ARN-here

    • Click Add Statement

    • Click Generate Policy

    • Copy the entire Policy, and paste it into the Bucket Policy Editor

       	"Id": "Policy1234567890",
       	"Version": "2012-10-17",
       	"Statement": [
       			"Sid": "Stmt1234567890",
       			"Action": [
       			"Effect": "Allow",
       			"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::your-bucket-name/*"
       			"Principal": "*",
    • Before you click "Save", add /* to the end of the Resource key in the Bucket Policy Editor (like above).

    • Click Save.

  • From the Access Control List (ACL) section, click "Edit" and enable List for Everyone (public access), and accept the warning box.

    • If the edit button is disabled, you need to change the Object Ownership section above to ACLs enabled (mentioned above).


Back on the AWS Services Menu, search for and open IAM (Identity and Access Management). Once on the IAM page, follow these steps:

  • From User Groups, click Create New Group.
    • Suggested Name: gamer-on-board (group + the project name)
  • Tags are optional, but you must click it to get to the review policy page.
  • From User Groups, select your newly created group, and go to the Permissions tab.
  • Open the Add Permissions dropdown, and click Attach Policies.
  • Select the policy, then click Add Permissions at the bottom when finished.
  • From the JSON tab, select the Import Managed Policy link.
    • Search for S3, select the AmazonS3FullAccess policy, and then Import.

    • You'll need your ARN from the S3 Bucket copied again, which is pasted into "Resources" key on the Policy.

       	"Version": "2012-10-17",
       	"Statement": [
       			"Effect": "Allow",
       			"Action": "s3:*",
       			"Resource": [
    • Click Review Policy.

    • Suggested Name: gamer-on-board (policy + the project name)

    • Provide a description:

      • "Access to S3 Bucket for gamer-on-board static files."
    • Click Create Policy.

  • From User Groups, click your "gamer-on-board".
  • Click Attach Policy.
  • Search for the policy you've just created ("gamer-on-board") and select it, then Attach Policy.
  • From User Groups, click Add User.
    • Suggested Name: gamer-on-board (user + the project name)
  • For "Select AWS Access Type", select Programmatic Access.
  • Select the group to add your new user to: gamer-on-board
  • Tags are optional, but you must click it to get to the review user page.
  • Click Create User once done.
  • You should see a button to Download .csv, so click it to save a copy on your system.
    • IMPORTANT: once you pass this page, you cannot come back to download it again, so do it immediately!
    • This contains the user's Access key ID and Secret access key.
    • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = Access key ID
    • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = Secret access key

Final AWS Setup

  • If Heroku Config Vars has DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC still, this can be removed now, so that AWS will handle the static files.
  • Back within S3, create a new folder called: media.
  • Select any existing media images for your project to prepare them for being uploaded into the new folder.
  • Under Manage Public Permissions, select Grant public read access to this object(s).
  • No further settings are required, so click Upload.

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Stripe API

This project uses Stripe to handle the ecommerce payments.

Once you've created a Stripe account and logged-in, follow these series of steps to get your project connected.

  • From your Stripe dashboard, click to expand the "Get your test API keys".
  • You'll have two keys here:
    • STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY = Publishable Key (starts with pk)
    • STRIPE_SECRET_KEY = Secret Key (starts with sk)

As a backup, in case users prematurely close the purchase-order page during payment, we can include Stripe Webhooks.

  • From your Stripe dashboard, click Developers, and select Webhooks.
  • From there, click Add Endpoint.
  • Click receive all events.
  • Click Add Endpoint to complete the process.
  • You'll have a new key here:
    • STRIPE_WH_SECRET = Signing Secret (Wehbook) Key (starts with wh)

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Gmail API

This project uses Gmail to handle sending emails to users for account verification and purchase order confirmations.

Once you've created a Gmail (Google) account and logged-in, follow these series of steps to get your project connected.

  • Click on the Account Settings (cog icon) in the top-right corner of Gmail.
  • Click on the Accounts and Import tab.
  • Within the section called "Change account settings", click on the link for Other Google Account settings.
  • From this new page, select Security on the left.
  • Select 2-Step Verification to turn it on. (verify your password and account)
  • Once verified, select Turn On for 2FA.
  • Navigate back to the Security page, and you'll see a new option called App passwords.
  • This might prompt you once again to confirm your password and account.
  • Select Mail for the app type.
  • Select Other (Custom name) for the device type.
    • Any custom name, such as "Django" or gamer-on-board
  • You'll be provided with a 16-character password (API key).
    • Save this somewhere locally, as you cannot access this key again later!
    • EMAIL_HOST_PASS = user's 16-character API key
    • EMAIL_HOST_USER = user's own personal Gmail email address

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Heroku Deployment

Setting up basic Django Project and Deploying to Heroku CI Doc

This project uses Heroku, a platform as a service (PaaS) that enables developers to build, run, and operate applications entirely in the cloud.

Deployment steps are as follows, after account setup:

  1. Select New in the top-right corner of your Heroku Dashboard, and select Create new app from the dropdown menu.

  2. Your app name must be unique, and then choose a region closest to you (EU or USA), and finally, select Create App.

  3. Further down, to support dependencies, select Add Buildpack.

  4. The order of the buildpacks is important, select Python first, then Node.js second. (if they are not in this order, you can drag them to rearrange them)

  5. From the new app Settings, click Reveal Config Vars, and set your environment variables.

    • Key Value
    • USE_AWS

Heroku needs two additional files in order to deploy properly.

  • requirements.txt
  • Procfile

You can install this project's requirements (where applicable) using:

  • pip3 install -r requirements.txt

If you have your own packages that have been installed, then the requirements file needs updated using:

  • pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt

The Procfile can be created with the following command:

  • echo web: gunicorn app_name.wsgi > Procfile
  • replace app_name with the name of your primary Django app name; the folder where is located

For Heroku deployment, follow these steps to connect your own GitHub repository to the newly created app:


  • Select Automatic Deployment from the Heroku app.


  • In the Terminal/CLI, connect to Heroku using this command: heroku login -i
  • Set the remote for Heroku: heroku git:remote -a <app_name> (replace app_name with your app, without the angle-brackets)
  • After performing the standard Git add, commit, and push to GitHub, you can now type:
    • git push heroku main

The project should now be connected and deployed to Heroku!

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Local Deployment

This project can be cloned or forked in order to make a local copy on your own system.

For either method, you will need to install any applicable packages found within the requirements.txt file.

  • pip3 install -r requirements.txt.

You will need to create a new file called at the root-level, and include the same environment variables listed above from the Heroku deployment steps.

Sample file:

import os

os.environ.setdefault("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", `HEROKU CONFIG VARS`)
os.environ.setdefault("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", `HEROKU CONFIG VARS`)
os.environ.setdefault("DATABASE_URL", `HEROKU CONFIG VARS`)
os.environ.setdefault("EMAIL_HOST_PASS", `HEROKU CONFIG VARS`)
os.environ.setdefault("EMAIL_HOST_USER", `HEROKU CONFIG VARS`)
os.environ.setdefault("SECRET_KEY", `HEROKU CONFIG VARS`)
os.environ.setdefault("STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY", `HEROKU CONFIG VARS`)
os.environ.setdefault("STRIPE_SECRET_KEY", `HEROKU CONFIG VARS`)
os.environ.setdefault("STRIPE_WH_SECRET", `HEROKU CONFIG VARS`)

# local environment only (do not include these in production/deployment!)
os.environ.setdefault("DEBUG", "True")

Once the project is cloned or forked, in order to run it locally, you'll need to follow these steps:

  • Start the Django app: python3 runserver
  • Stop the app once it's loaded: CTRL+C or ⌘+C (Mac)
  • Make any necessary migrations: python3 makemigrations
  • Migrate the data to the database: python3 migrate
  • Create a superuser: python3 createsuperuser
  • Load fixtures (if applicable): python3 loaddata file-name.json (repeat for each file)
  • Everything should be ready now, so run the Django app again: python3 runserver

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You can clone the repository by following these steps:

  1. Go to the GitHub repository
  2. Locate the Code button above the list of files and click it
  3. Select if you prefer to clone using HTTPS, SSH, or GitHub CLI and click the copy button to copy the URL to your clipboard
  4. Open Git Bash or Terminal
  5. Change the current working directory to the one where you want the cloned directory
  6. In your IDE Terminal, type the following command to clone my repository:
    • git clone
  7. Press Enter to create your local clone.

Alternatively, if using Gitpod, you can click below to create your own workspace using this repository.

Open in Gitpod

Please note that in order to directly open the project in Gitpod, you need to have the browser extension installed. A tutorial on how to do that can be found here.

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By forking the GitHub Repository, we make a copy of the original repository on our GitHub account to view and/or make changes without affecting the original owner's repository. To make a copy or ‘fork’ the repository -

  1. Log into GitHub and locate the repository
  2. On the right-hand side of the page select the ‘fork’ option to create and copy the original

Alternatively, if using Gitpod, you can click below to create your workspace using this repository

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Throughout the building process I found many helpful tutorials online. I sometimes applied principles within them to the site, after fully understanding their code and modifying to fit the site's needs.

  1. Code Institute Template - This repository was created using the template provided by Code Institute.

  2. Django Documentation - Django step-by-step document to ensure everything is set up correctly.

  3. Setting up basic Django Project and Deploying to Heroku - Documentation on how to create django project provided by Code Institute

  4. Allauth Documentation - referenced during development.

  5. Cloudinary Documentation - referenced during development.

  6. Summernote Documentation and Git - referenced during development.

  7. Crispy Forms Documentation - referenced during development.

  8. Privacy Policy Generator - The fastest free Privacy Policy generator.

  9. Stackoverflow - I found myself on Stackoverflow so many times researching issues. This a fantastic place to learn and troubleshoot code.

  10. Slack - The slack community is great and I reached out to fellow students who had already completed their P5 for their advice and got some nice tips and feedback. I attending some webinars by CI staff which I found very beneficial.

  11. unsplash - Graphics used on the page

  12. Markdown Builder by Tim Nelson - tool to help generating some parts of the Markdown files

  13. GitHub - Ian Lunn - GitHub repo with awsome CSS codes

  14. GitHub - Bootstrap - bootstrap repo

  15. CSS effects - some awsome

  16. - some awsome CSS

  17. BPA World Boardgaming - which I lineked on my page.

  18. BPA World Boardgaming - which I lineked on my page.

  19. Wikipedia - PEGI classification and description and other.

  20. - for inspiration


As always, big thank you to Harry Dhillon, my mentor who provided me with guide and excellent feedback throughout the project. I'd like to thank my fellow coders from my group but not limiting, for advise, support and sharing their knowledge over the last one year.

GamerOnBoard was developed for educational purpouses and as part of my Diploma in Software Development with Code Institute.

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GamerOnBoard is a B2C (business-to-consumer) board game web store which aims to audiences, such as families, tabletop gamers, or collectors and specialising in strategic and role-playing board games.







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