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File metadata and controls

30 lines (17 loc) · 2.61 KB

Data Wrangling

This set of files presents the raw statistical data gathered from experiments. The outputs from the benchmark's --report latencies runs are in *@*.csv files, while the processed data that is used for the plots in the document are in the latency-*.csv, scaling-*.csv, and cdf-*.csv files.

Processing Latency Data

The script to transform the data is transform.lisp and will require a Lisp and Quicklisp installation to be present locally. For a quick setup, try Portacle. Once that's set, simply run the script in this data/ directory and it will churn the data as required.

sbcl --load transform.lisp

If using Portacle on linux, that would be:

path/to/portacle/ sbcl --load transform.lisp

In case of missing files, the script will present you with a debugger and a list of "restarts". You can ignore the missing script by entering continue, or simply abort the process by entering exit.

Transforming Beam Output Data Into Timely Benchmark Input Data

For validation purposes there's a script that transforms the output file from a Beam Query 0 run into the format as digested by the Timely benchmarking system that is a part of this repository. In order to get Beam to generate these files, a run like the following is required:

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=org.apache.beam.sdk.nexmark.Main -Pflink-runner -Dexec.args="--runner=FlinkRunner --suite=SMOKE --streaming=false --manageResources=false --monitorJobs=true --flinkMaster=local --parallelism=1 --numEventGenerators=1 --sinkType=TEXT --outputPath=."

This should be done within the beam/sdks/java/nexmark directory and must be preceded by a first-time mvn compile call. See the sparse Beam documentation for other available options. I won't document them here for the time being.

Once the nexmark_Query0_[..].txt-[..] files have been generated, you can transform them with the beam-to-timely.lisp script. It requires the same setup as the transform.lisp script, meaning a Lisp implementation and Quicklisp. Running the script, assuming Portacle, would look like the following:

path/to/portacle/ sbcl --load beam-to-timely.lisp nexmark_Query0_...

It will output the data to an output.json file, though you can change that by passing the desired target path as the second argument to the script:

path/to/portacle/ sbcl --load beam-to-timely.lisp nexmark_Query0_... my-output.json

Should records be malformed for whatever reason, the script should completely ignore them in case of a parse failure, or fill the output fields with nulls in case of missing fields.