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BG3 Settings for GoldenEgg

ShinyNinetalesTM edited this page Mar 28, 2019 · 16 revisions

Layer 3 Settings

This page will help you to check which settings are needed to make layer 3 work properly in your level. There are two types of layer 3 used in the game: for backgrounds and for sprites.

Layer 3 Backgrounds

This type of layer 3 is commonly used for complement the Layer 2 Background, but it can also be used to generate some miscellaneous effects (like water or mist, for example)

NOTE: The palette values listed are the ones are supposed to be used with the background, so keep in mind there may be other palette values that could work.

Water of Pond

Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset 1
BG3 Palette 2
Header Animation 1

Additional Notes: Vertical BG3 scrolling rate must be Constant (settings 1, 2, 8, B and D)

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Animated Clouds

Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset 4
BG3 Palette 6 (Blue), 2E (Pink)
Header Animation 3, 11

Additional Notes: recommended Vertical and Horizontal BG3 scrolling rates below 75%

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Cross Section Cover

Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset A
BG3 Palette 1 (Green), 31 (Pink)
BG Scrolling Rate 3

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Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset C
BG3 Palette C
Palette Animation 2, 13, 14

Additional Notes: ONLY works in Level Mode 6 (might work on F though, need testing)

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Clouds and Mountains

Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset D
BG3 Palette 0 (Blue), 23/25 (Pink)
Header Animation Any with BG3:None
BG Scrolling Rate 0, 9

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Sky and Mountains

Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset F
BG3 Palette 9
Header Animation Any with BG3:None
BG Scrolling Rate 10, 11

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Sky Clouds

Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset 10
BG3 Palette A

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Hookbill the Koopa's Fog

Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset 11
BG3 Palette 0

Additional Notes: As you can conclude, this can only be used on Hookbill's battle

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Stars and Raven's Moon

Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset 12
BG3 Palette B

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Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset 13
BG3 Palette F (Blue), 2F (Green), 28 (Brown), 29 (Light Blue)
Header Animation 5
BG Scrolling Rate 3

Additional Notes: ONLY works in Level Mode 0 and 5 (might work with 1). Tileset 1D is the same as this but with higher tides, sadly it's unusable because there aren't proper settings to get it scroll correctly.

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Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset 14
BG3 Palette 8
Header Animation Any with BG3:None
BG Scrolling Rate 6

Additional Notes: The level SHOULDN'T be able to scroll vertically when you use this because weird graphical glitches happen (and they always end with Yoshi being killed on invisible lava)

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Cave Crystals

Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset 15
BG3 Palette D (Normal), 15 (Purple), 16 (Dark Green)
Palette Animation 5 (Optional)

Additional Notes: If using Palette Animation 5, you should set a Cave tileset for BG1 (0 or 8) and Cave Crystals for BG2, because the palette settings are merged on the animation slot.

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Castle & Torches

Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset 18
BG3 Palette 11 (Orange), 26 (Gray), 27 (Dark)
Palette Animation 9
Header Animation 6, D, E(*)

Additional Notes: Works best with BG Scrolling Rate Setting 1. When used with Header Animation E clouds and torches animates faster.

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Setting Constant Snowstorm Outgoing Snowstorm Incoming Snowstorm
BG3 Tileset 19 19 19
BG3 Palette 0 A 14
Palette Animation N/A C B
Header Animation 9 9 9
BG Scrolling Rate 0 0 0, 3

Additional Notes: Constant and outgoing snowstorms are compatible ONLY with Level Mode F, incoming snowstorm is ONLY compatible with Level Mode 8 (might work with F though)

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Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset 1A
BG3 Palette 12
Header Animation A
BG Scrolling Rate 7 (might work with 0)

Additional Notes: ONLY works in Level Modes 7 and B

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Flower Garden

Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset 1B
BG3 Palette 13
Header Animation B
BG Scrolling Rate 6

Additional Notes: Butterfly's palette is determined by BG1's palette

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Setting Dark Low Dark Red Dark Extra Dark
BG3 Tileset 1C 1C 1C 1C
BG3 Palette 1 33 34 35
BG Scrolling Rate D, F, 14 D, F, 14 D, F, 14 D, F, 14

Additional Notes: ONLY works in Level Mode E. Depending which BG1 and BG2 are you using, the intensity of the darkness could change (and yes, palettes 1 and 35 are slighty different). Use with Back Area Color 0.

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Kamek's Magic Shower

Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset 1F
BG3 Palette B
BG Scrolling Rate 4

Additional Notes: As Hookbill's Fog, this isn't usable on levels, only on certain Boss Battles (Froggy, Naval Piranha, Raven first room and Tap-Tap)

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Bush and Palms

Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset 20
BG3 Palette 19
Header Animation F
BG Scrolling Rate 1

Additional Notes: ONLY works in Level Mode 5. Used to complement Smiley Mountains BG2 in the original game.

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Prince Froggy's throat

Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset 21
BG3 Palette 1A
BG Scrolling Rate F

Additional Notes: Again, only usable in Froggy's battle. Level Mode D is required as long is the only part of the game where the mode itself works.

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Clouds and Mist

Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset 22
BG3 Palette 1B
BG Scrolling Rate 1

Additional Notes: This is intended to be used with BG2 Waterfall

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Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset 23
BG3 Palette 1C (Sunset), 1D (Day)
Palette Animation D
BG Scrolling Rate 0, 5

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Oil-Painted Stars and Moon

Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset 24
BG3 Palette 1E
BG Scrolling Rate 0

Additional Notes: Works best in Level Mode 0 (might work with B), though works in level modes 05 and 06 but it prevents BG2 to appear. It's also incompatible with level intro cutscene.

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Boss' Room

Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset 25
BG3 Palette 1F
Palette Animation F
Header Animation Any with BG3:None
BG Scrolling Rate C, E

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Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset 26
BG3 Palette B
Header Animation 4
BG Scrolling Rate E, F

Additional Notes: Used to represent the "pop!" effects in Bigger Boo and Marching Milde boss battles, only compatible with that.

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Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset 27
BG3 Palette 7 (Green), 24 (Autumn)
BG Scrolling Rate 9

Additional Notes: ONLY works in Level Modes 0 and B

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White Stars

Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset 28
BG3 Palette B
BG Scrolling Rate 0

Additional Notes: ONLY works in Level Modes 0, 7 and B

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Note: STILL WIP, these clouds tilesets acts very weird on different level modes so I'm still figuring how they actually work

Setting Value(s) (*)
BG3 Tileset 29, 2B 2E
BG3 Palette 21 (Pink), 22 (Blue) 21 (Pink), 22 (Blue)
Header Animation Any with BG3:None Any with BG3:None
BG Scrolling Rate E, F 13

Additional Notes: Tileset 29 has smaller clouds, tileset 2B has bigger clouds. Tileset 2E is used for clouds being in front of Layer 2 (used in some Sky levels in the original game), this one ONLY works in Level Mode 7

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Giant Moon

Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset 2A
BG3 Palette 18
Header Animation F (Optional)
BG Scrolling Rate 0, A

Additional Notes: If you scroll above the moon you should use Header Animation, otherwise glitched graphics will show.

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Setting Wavy Mist Moving Mist Incoming Moving Orange Mist Moving Orange Mist
BG3 Tileset 2C 2D 2D 2D
BG3 Palette 2B 2B 2C 2D
Palette Animation N/A N/A 11, 12 N/A
BG Scrolling Rate 3, 12 0, 6 0 0, 3, 6
Level Mode 6, F F 8 F

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Layer 3 Sprites

There are sprites that uses layer 3 to show its graphics

NOTE: The palette values listed are the ones are supposed to be used with the background, so keep in mind there may be other palette values that could work.

Layer 3 Tileset 2, aka BG3 Objects 1 (Several Sprites)

Seetings Value(s) Value(s) Value(s) Value(s) Value(s) Value(s)
BG3 Palette 0 3 4 C 12 30
Sprites 10, 3D, 90, A5, D6, DB, 193 3F 73 36, 3D, A5 3D DB, 193

Sprite 10: Big Sewer Ghost

Sprite 36: Falling down Wall

Sprite 3D: Seesaw

Sprite 3F: Slime (not Salvo)

Sprite 73:

NOTE: Use with Spriteset 30, INCOMPATIBLE with BG2 Tilesets 5, F, 16 and 1C.

Sprite 90: Dangling Ghost

Sprite A5: Gargantua Blargg (X=1), Nep-Enut (X=0)

Sprite D6: Platform Ghost

Sprite DB: Soft Thing

Sprite 193: Long Sewer Ghost

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BG3 Objects 2: Spinning Platform (Spite 39) and Water Platform Ghost (Sprite 57)

Setting Sprite 39 Sprite 57
BG3 Tileset 5 5
BG3 Palette 0 5
Header Animation N/A 0

Additional Notes: Sprite 39 is only compatible in Level Modes 1, 5, 6, 7 and B

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BG3 Objects 3: Wooden Planks and Log (Sprites 50, 51, 5E and 5F)

Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset 6
BG3 Palette 0

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Chasing Chomp (Sprite 154)

Setting Value(s)
BG3 Tileset 16
BG3 Palette E
Header Animation Any with BG3:None
Level Mode 5(*)

Additional Notes: Might work in Level Modes 1, 7 and B, but the original game only uses them in 5

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Misc. Information

Unused Layer 3 Palettes: 10, 20, 2A, 36, 37-3F

(TO DO: Add gifs to: Cross Section Cover , Snowstorm, Goonies, Kamek's Magic Shower, Falling Down Wall and Water Platform Ghost)