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Factors influencing and machine learning models predicting read coverage in a genome assembled using short reads

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Scripts for our paper: Wang PP, Meng FR, Moore BM, Shiu SH. Factors influencing read coverage variation in a genome assembled using short reads. bioRxiv DOI: 10.1101/790337 bioRxiv

Step 01: Map genome sequencing reads to tomato genome.

mapping reads to tomato genome

  • bwa mem -R "@RG\tID:1\tSM:SRR404081\tLB:SRR404081\tPL:SRR404081\tPU:SRR404081" -t 8 Solanum_lycopersicum_GCF_000188115.3_SL2.50_genomic.fa Sly.1.trimmed.fastq Sly.2.trimmed.fastq > 01_SRR404081.sam

reorder the mapped reads

  • java -jar $PICARD/ReorderSam.jar I=01_SRR404081.sam O=02_SRR404081_reorder.sam REFERENCE=Solanum_lycopersicum_GCF_000188115.3_SL2.50_genomic.fa

transfer sam file to bam file

  • samtools view -bS 02_SRR404081_reorder.sam -o 03_SRR404081_reorder.bam

sort the bam file by coordinate

  • java -jar $PICARD/SortSam.jar INPUT=03_SRR404081_reorder.bam OUTPUT=04_SRR404081_sorted.bam SORT_ORDER=coordinate

remove PCR duplicates

  • java -jar $EBROOTPICARD/picard.jar MarkDuplicates REMOVE_DUPLICATES=true MAX_FILE_HANDLES_FOR_READ_ENDS_MAP=8000 INPUT=04_SRR404081_sorted.bam OUTPUT=05_SRR404081_sorted_dedup.bam METRICS_FILE=05_SRR404081_sorted_dedup.metrics

Step 02: Determine the optimal bin size. Note that bin sizes of 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 bp have been tested

Determine read depth and regions with variable read coverage using CNVnator (Abyzov et al., 2011) with different bin sizes. Note that in outputs of CNVnator, regions with significantly higher (HC) is referred to as "duplication", while regions with significanly lower (LC) read coverages is "deletion". The remain regions were taken as BG.

  • cnvnator -genome Solanum_lycopersicum_GCF_000188115.3_SL2.50_genomic.fa -root Sly.root -tree 05_SRR404081_sorted_dedup.bam -unique

  • cnvnator -genome Solanum_lycopersicum_GCF_000188115.3_SL2.50_genomic.fa -root Sly.root -his bin_size -d genome/

  • cnvnator -genome Solanum_lycopersicum_GCF_000188115.3_SL2.50_genomic.fa -root Sly.root -stat bin_size

  • cnvnator -genome Solanum_lycopersicum_GCF_000188115.3_SL2.50_genomic.fa -root Sly.root -partition bin_size

  • cnvnator -genome Solanum_lycopersicum_GCF_000188115.3_SL2.50_genomic.fa -root Sly.root -call bin_size > Sly.cnv

Determine the optimal bin size. The optimal bin size was the bin size leading to a ratio of RD average to RD standard deviation of ~4-5 as suggested (Abyzov et al., 2011)

  • cnvnator -root my.root -his bin_size -d genome/

  • cnvnator -root my.root -eval bin_size > out_put

Step 03: save the read depth (RD) in each bin region to a file

  • awk '{print $2}END{print "exit"}' Sly.cnv | cnvnator -root Sly.root -genotype bin_size > out_put

Step 04: resample reads based on different strategies

Reads were resampled based on simulated RDs: i) the only possible RD values were 0 (LC), 1 (BG), or 2 (HC) regions; ii) the analysisoriginal RD values were discretized (rounded) to their closest integers; iii) the analysis RD were used; iiii) the analysis RD but resampled at X-fold coverage.

  • python Sly.cnv Solanum_lycopersicum_GCF_000188115.3_SL2.50_genomic.fa strategies_to_resample_read ### Note that strategies_to_resample_read can be one of "012", "rounded", "analysis"

  • python read_file number ### we tested the read coverage at 5X, 10X, 20X, 30X

Step 05: HC/LC designation filtering

Adjust p-values (q-value), then filter HC/LC regions based on q-value and q0 value (get rid of determined regions with q0 >= 0.5). Before that, q-value threshold was determined by evaluating the consistency between results using original reads and resampled reads.

  • R --vanilla --slave --args input_file output_file < 05_01_pvalue_adjustment.r ### Note that the input_file is the Sly.cnv resulted from CNVnator

  • python original_HC/LC/BG_calling simulated_HC/LC/BG_calling

  • R --vanilla --slave --args F_measure_file < 05_03_draw_F1_at_different_qvalues.r

Step 06: Determine HC/LC/BG regions with high confidence

Compare RD in HC, LC, and BG regions, then determine the threshold to call HC/LC/BG regions with high confidence.

  • R --vanilla --slave --args RD_from_CNVnator HC_LC_designation_from_CNVnator HC_LC_designation_from_CNVnator_after_filtering output_HC output_BG output_LC < 06_threshold_to_distinguishing_HC_LC_BG_regions.r

Step 07: Accuracy and precision of HC/LC/BG calling

To evaluate the accuracy and precision of HC/LC/BG calling, resample reads from genome with simulated RDs, and rerun CNVnator again and compare the original RDs (anslysis RDs) with the new RD. The simulated RDs are: i) the only possible RD values were 0 (LC), 1 (BG), or 2 (HC) regions; ii) the analysisoriginal RD values were discretized (rounded) to their closest integers; iii) the analysis RD were used. See Step 04

  • R --vanilla --slave --args input_file1 input_file2 < 07_draw_correlation_between_two_RD.r

Step 08: Impact of read coverage on RD determination

To assess the extent to which read coverage impacts the RD determination, reads at 5-fold, 10-fold, 20-fold and 30-fold coverages were resampled from dataset2, and were used to rerun CNVnator.

  • python read_file number

Step 09: Get the features to build the machine learning models

GC content and densities of genomic features

  • python genome_file gff_file repeats_gff_file repeats_gff_file_2 dic_file tandem_file proximal_file


  • python HC/LC/BG_regions genome_file number_of_K

  • python genome_file CNV_file kmer_file number_of_K

Tandem repeats, or Simple sequence repeat

  • trf your_genome_sequence_file 2 7 7 80 10 50 500 -f -d -m # software tandem repeat finder can be found here: click here

  • python path_to_html_files

  • python genome_file CNV_file SSR_file

Step 10: Build prediction models using Random Forest

  • python -df your_dataset -alg RF -cm T -plots T -gs T -n 100 -cv 10 -p 8 -apply all -threshold_test accuracy -cl_train your_classes ### see, contributed by Christina Azodi

Step 11: Get importance value of each feature in the prediction models

  • python your_dataset your_classes_list

Step 12: Select K-mer and SSR features based on p-value of Kruskal-Wallis H test

  • python path_to_your_files output_name

Step 13: Determine the correlation between densities of HC/LC/BG regions with densities of genome features.

  • python ### input files see notes in the script

Step 14: Estimate the prevalence of HC/LC/BG across the genome

To assess how the observed correlation between densities of HC/LC/BG regions with densities of genome features derived from random expectation, HC/LC/BG regions were reshuffled across the genome 1000 times, where HC/LC/BG regions don't overlap with each other.

  • python path_to_save HC_regions LC_regions Length_of_chromosomes

  • python Length_of_chromosomes correlation_NCBI_SGN path_to_files

Step 15: Estimate gene proproties located in HC regions

To evaluate the properties of genes located in HC regions, first the number of each type of gene overlapping with HC regions were determined. Next, regions with same number and length of HC regions were randomly selected from BG regions, which was repeat 10,000 times. The observed numbers of genes were compared with the random null distribution to see which type of gene is over- or under-representative.

  • python HC_file BG_file chromosome_length path

  • python HC_file gff_file genome_file output

  • python HC_file pseudogene_gff_file genome_file output

  • python HC_file repeat_gff_file repeat_gff_file_2 genome_file dir_chromo output

  • R --vanilla --slave --args observed_HC path_to_random_HC tandem_file proximal_file sm_file output_file < 15_05_count_genes_in_observed_random_HC.r

Step 16: Gene set enrichment analysis (Fisher’s exact test)

  • python your_file 0/1 ## contributed by Sahra Uygun

Step 17: Align two genome assemblies (MUMmer, Kurtz et al., 2004. Genome Biology)

  • python ### link all chr and scaffold together
  • ./nucmer -p ref.seq qry.seq
  • mummerplot -p prefix --png -large -layout
  • python prefix chr_SL2.5 chr_SL4.0 # output: corresponding_between_two_assemblies.txt
  • Rscript 17_03_draw_alignment.r
  • Rscript 17_04_identify_mis-assembly_regions_including_scaffold.r
  • Rscript 17_05_merge_regions.r ### before this step, cat files with 'mis-assembly_dup_same_chr','dup_same_chr','mis_dup_diff_chr','dup_diff_chr','mis_non_dup','Non_duplicate' results together
  • Rscript 17_06_combine_CNV_region_and_aligned_regions.r

Step 18: compare HC/LC/BG calls between two assemblies

  • python


Factors influencing and machine learning models predicting read coverage in a genome assembled using short reads






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