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Appendix 1 Wiki Organization

Fornost461 edited this page Nov 27, 2017 · 2 revisions

Wiki Organization

It's not well documented but you can create a primitive book-like structure of menus and articles with the github wiki tools and if you dare to, it could be partially generated using git hooks.

Step One is to clone the wiki because most of the work will have to be done on a local copy using commandline tools and text editors using features that don't have a web equivalent. Note: once it's properly set up it may be possible to edit certain things with the web site interface but don't depend on it.

Step Two: Create subdirectories for each "chapter". Move articles (or create them) into the proper chapter. In that chapter you'll create an article which is the chapter info. This page is that kind of an article. Since topic is not very wordy there probably won't be any other articles next to this one.

Now we need to create a file in the folder. This is the side bar that will be displayed when that article is shown on the website. So what's in the sidebar? You want a link to Home so the user can get back to something. If you've got other articles in the chapter then you'd want to have links to them in the order you think is most useful.

Of course, you'll need to git add/rm files and create commit messages and then push or create a pull request.

You repeat the process for all the other chapters and articles in that chapter. Don't forget the

Clone this wiki locally