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StatHub is a multifaceted platform designed to revolutionize the way coding enthusiasts track and enhance their skills.

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StatHub is a multifaceted platform designed to revolutionize the way coding enthusiasts track and enhance their skills.

Tech Stack

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React.js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Open AI
  • Vercel


The inspiration for StatHub stems from a collective desire to empower and support the coding community in their continuous learning and development journey. Recognizing the challenges faced by developers in tracking their progress across various coding platforms like LeetCode, GitHub, and others, the vision for StatHub emerged as a solution to streamline and simplify this process.

The project draws inspiration from the need for a centralized platform that not only aggregates coding statistics but also provides valuable insights into individual coding journeys. The idea is to create a space where developers can seamlessly monitor their achievements, track daily challenges, and access educational resources—all in one place.

The success of StatHub is envisioned as a catalyst for fostering a sense of community among developers, encouraging healthy competition, and providing a supportive environment for skill enhancement. The inspiration also comes from recognizing the importance of data-driven insights in aiding developers to set goals, identify strengths and weaknesses, and tailor their learning paths accordingly.

What it does

StatHub is a multifaceted platform designed to revolutionize the way coding enthusiasts track and enhance their skills. One of its key features is the seamless aggregation and presentation of statistics from diverse coding platforms such as LeetCode, GitHub, and others. Users gain a centralized dashboard that offers a comprehensive overview of their coding journey, including solved problems, streaks, and other relevant metrics. Beyond statistics, StatHub serves as an educational hub by providing direct access to links for Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), development resources, and interview preparation kits, ensuring users have valuable learning materials at their fingertips.

In addition to being an analytics tool, StatHub encourages community engagement by allowing users to easily share their achievements and rewards on professional networks like LinkedIn. This social aspect adds a layer of motivation and community building within the coding community. Moreover, StatHub enhances the daily coding experience by offering a curated selection of coding challenges, fostering a habit of continuous learning and improvement. Users can actively participate in these challenges and share their progress, fostering a collaborative and supportive environment. Overall, StatHub serves as a holistic platform that not only informs but also empowers and connects coding enthusiasts on their journey of skill development.

How to get started?

  • clone the repo

    git clone
  • run the following commands

    cd hackHurricane
    npm install
  • create a separate branch

    git branch <branch_name>
    git checkout <branch_name>
  • make changes and then stage, commit, push and create PR.

    git add .
    git commit -m "message"
    git push -u origin <branch_name>
  • Go to Create Pull Request tab above and create PR.

Challanges we ran into

Developing the StatHub project with the MERN stack, HTML, Bootstrap, CSS, and TailwindCSS presented challenges and required strategic decision-making. A significant hurdle was achieving seamless integration of frontend components in React.js, demanding meticulous planning and effective state management for a smooth flow across sections like active challenges, stats, and to-do lists.

The next challenge revolved around creating a cohesive design system with TailwindCSS and Bootstrap. Maintaining design consistency across pages and customizing components with TailwindCSS while preserving a visually appealing and user-friendly interface required careful consideration.

Deployment on Vercel introduced challenges in configuring settings, managing environments, and handling platform-specific nuances, crucial for a reliable and efficient deployment process.

Integrating various APIs, including LeetCode and GitHub, for tracking coding journeys introduced challenges related to data retrieval, authentication, and secure API response handling.

Collaborative challenges among team members during development necessitated effective communication and coordination to address issues related to code integration, feature implementation, and alignment with project goals.

The long-term goal of implementing a robust backend and database using MongoDB, Node.js, and Express.js presented challenges in designing an efficient database schema, handling data relationships, and implementing secure backend APIs.

Building separate portals for coding enthusiasts and individuals tracking coding journeys introduced challenges related to user authentication, data privacy, and providing a responsive user interface. Implementing features like real-time updates.

Additionally, the tool aims to help coders save time in creating content for posting on LinkedIn/Twitter, providing assistance in content creation for a more streamlined experience.

What we learned

Crafting the StatHub project has been a rich learning experience, shedding light on several crucial aspects of project development. The foremost lesson gleaned from this endeavor is the immense power that collaborative effort holds when aligned toward a common goal. The recognition that each team member's unique strengths can be effectively leveraged resulted in a more robust and dynamic development process.

Additionally, the project emphasized the significance of adaptability and continuous learning. The ever-evolving nature of coding platforms required the team to stay vigilant, adapt quickly to changes in APIs or data structures, and maintain the platform's compatibility. This highlighted the importance of staying current with industry trends and technology advancements.

The development of StatHub also underscored the balance between complexity and simplicity. While frameworks are advantageous for swift development, the project reinforced the importance of preserving simplicity to encourage broad team participation. This inclusive approach ensured that individuals with varying levels of familiarity with specific technologies could actively contribute to the project.

What next for StatHub


StatHub is a multifaceted platform designed to revolutionize the way coding enthusiasts track and enhance their skills.







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