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Compact Model Library Installation

Lukas Chrostowski edited this page Sep 19, 2018 · 1 revision

Installation instructions – for Lumerical INTERCONNECT:

  • To perform circuit simulations using the EBeam Compact Model Library, you need Lumerical INTERCONNECT (version R2018a or later) and then need to install the Compact Model Libraries (CML) provided here.
  • Library:
    • a) ebeam_vYYYY_MM_DD.cml (Electron Beam Lithography technology library),
  • Install the latest version of the CML libraries found in the folder "klayout_dot_config/tech/EBeam/":
    • Open the INTERCONNECT program, and find the “Element Library” window.
    • Right-click on the “Design kits” folder (at the bottom of the “Elements”) and select “Install”.
    • Select the E-beam CML file for the “Compact Model Library Package” (the CML file from the ZIP archive provided here)
    • Set the “Destination Folder” (any folder on your computer), and then click “OK”.
    • Now the elements should be available in a new “ebeam_v” folder in “Design kits”.
    • To use the E-beam elements, simply drag and drop the elements into the schematic editor.
    • Make sure to exit INTERCONNECT so that the Library definitions are saved to the configuration file.
  • (optional) More info on CMLs can be found on Lumerical's CML page and Lumerical's CML installation page. For more information about how to use INTERCONNECT, please visit the Lumerical Knowledge Base.