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Invoke-Obfuscation #1009

zinint opened this issue Sep 14, 2020 · 25 comments

Invoke-Obfuscation #1009

zinint opened this issue Sep 14, 2020 · 25 comments


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zinint commented Sep 14, 2020



Sigma rules heavily rely on process execution (with command-line) events (Windows Event Log Security Event ID 4688 and Sysmon Event ID 1).
Many of them provide detection of malicious PowerShell one-liners.
At the same time, the presence of Sigma rules for Powershell Obfuscation Indicators detection is quite limited.

There are a five Sigma rules for PowerShell obfuscation detection, developed by Thomas Patzke (@thomaspatzke), Florian Roth (@Neo23x0), Sami Ruohonen (@samsson) and Harish Segar (@HarishHary):

At the same time, there and only three Sigma rules (developed by Daniel Bohannon, @danielhbohannon) that are focusing on detection of one of the obfuscation functions (obfuscated IEX invocation) provided by Invoke-Obfuscation framework.

There are at least 30 more obfuscation methods that Invoke-Obfuscation framework provides.
We would like to collaborate on Sigma rules development in this area.


We developed a table with pre-generated PowerShell commands, obfuscated by the Invoke-Obfuscation framework, you can pick up some of the tasks in that table and develop Sigma rules for them. You will need to use regular expression value modifier, provided by Sigma converter (sigmac).

Here is an example of Sigma rule that utilizes a regular expression value modifier (|re):

title: Invoke-Obfuscation obfuscated IEX invocation
id: 4bf943c6-5146-4273-98dd-e958fd1e3abf
description: "Detects all variations of obfuscated powershell IEX invocation code generated by Invoke-Obfuscation framework from the following code block \u2014"
status: experimental
author: Daniel Bohannon (@Mandiant/@FireEye),
date: 2019/11/08
    - attack.defense_evasion
    - attack.t1027
    product: windows
    service: process_creation
        - CommandLine|re: '\$PSHome\[\s*\d{1,3}\s*\]\s*\+\s*\$PSHome\['
        - CommandLine|re: '\$ShellId\[\s*\d{1,3}\s*\]\s*\+\s*\$ShellId\['
        - CommandLine|re: '\$env:Public\[\s*\d{1,3}\s*\]\s*\+\s*\$env:Public\['
        - CommandLine|re: '\$env:ComSpec\[(\s*\d{1,3}\s*,){2}'
        - CommandLine|re: '\*mdr\*\W\s*\)\.Name'
        - CommandLine|re: '\$VerbosePreference\.ToString\('
        - CommandLine|re: '\String\]\s*\$VerbosePreference'
    condition: selection
    - Unknown
level: high

The approach

We developed a table with pre-generated PowerShell commands, obfuscated by the Invoke-Obfuscation framework. The description of the approach is following.

Original code (before obfuscation)

# command example
Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString
# variable example
# type token example
[Scriptblock]::Create("Write-Host $env:path")

The main goal is to detect the obfuscation method itself, not a specific command

Some of the obfuscation methods are already covered by Sigma rules, developed by the Invoke-Obfuscation author. He used the following regexes in the rules:


These regexes provide detection of the IEX invocation obfuscation function. This function is included into almost every encoding method so they can maintain zero dependencies and work on their own. That's why you'll see similar obfuscation results in different tasks, but it shouldn't distract you from the main goal.

Let's walk through the task 28 to get more details on the regex development approach:

  1. Copy all obfuscated commands examples into Sublime or other text editor of your choice

  2. Select all examples and lowercase them. In Sublime you can do it by pressing Ctrl+k, Ctrl+l (Windows) / CMD+k, CMD+l (Mac)

  3. Paste the lowecased examples to the regex editor of your choice

  4. Start to apply lowercased regexes from existing Sigma rule created by Daniel Bohannon one by one:

    4.1. Regex \$pshome\[\s*\d{1,3}\s*\]\s*\+\s*\$pshome\[ covers only one example (9th):

    example 1

    4.2. Regex \$shellid\[\s*\d{1,3}\s*\]\s*\+\s*\$shellid\[ covers only one example (3rd):

    example 2

    4.3. Regex \$env:public\[\s*\d{1,3}\s*\]\s*\+\s*\$env:public\[ doesn't cover any examples.

    4.4. Regex \$env:comspec\[(\s*\d{1,3}\s*,){2} covers only one example (5th):

    example 3

    4.5. Regex \*mdr\*\w\s*\)\.name doesn't cover any examples.

    4.6. Regex \$verbosepreference\.tostring\( doesn't cover any examples.

    4.7. Regex \string\]\s*\$verbosepreference doesn't cover any examples.

  5. Start to develop your own regex that will cover all of the obfuscation examples of this particuar obfuscation method, e.g.:

    5.1. Regex .*cmd.*\/c.*\^\|.*powershell.*&&.*cmd.*\/c covers all examples:

    example 4

This is our main goal - detect the obfuscation method looking for similar patterns in all of it obfuscation examples.

A little tip for the regex development

You can copy all pre-generated obfuscated powershell one-liners from a particular task (that are generated by a specific obfuscation method) and paste them to regex101 web-app for regular expression development. It will simplify the process a lot, and help you to find patterns to detect. (you can save your progress there and even apply a dark theme (: ).

One obfuscation method = 3 Sigma rules

Each Sigma rule for a specific PowerShell obfuscation method should be developed for process_creation log category, service creation events (windows system eid 7045, windows sysmon eid 6, windows security eid 4697) and powershell log source. You can follow the approach used for obfuscated IEX invocation rules — there are 3 rules that rely on the same set of regular expressions:

Case Sensitivity

We consider that we're able to apply all regexes as not case sensitive or that all events are lowercased in a log pipeline before indexing in SIEM/LM system.


If you would like to assign yourself to some of the Tasks listed below, you should comment on the Issue with a specific Task you are going to solve. This way, the other participants will see that you will work on a particular task so they will do something else and not intersect with you.



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TOKEN\STRING\1&2 skipped, because there are not any String tokens to obfuscate, but they do Concatenate and Reoder just like TOKEN\ARGUMENT\3&4 (Tasks #4&5)

Task # Option Results Comments





IN`V`o`Ke-eXp`ResSIOn (Ne`W-ob`ject Net.WebClient).DownloadString

IN`V`OKE-exPRE`Ss`i`oN (n`eW-O`BjECT Net.WebClient).DownloadString

IN`VOke-expr`eSS`ioN (NE`w-`o`BjECt Net.WebClient).DownloadString


Invoke-Expression (New-Object n`eT.Web`Clie`Nt).DownloadString

Invoke-Expression (New-Object Ne`T.WEb`CLIe`Nt).DownloadString

Invoke-Expression (New-Object n`ET.w`E`BCLIEnt).DownloadString


Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient)."Do`W`NLOa`dStriNg"

Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient)."D`OWnlOa`DSTring"

Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient)."D`O`wnLo`AD`StrinG"

These options apply Ticks.

&('In'+'voke-Expressi'+'o'+'n') (.('New-Ob'+'jec'+'t') Net.WebClient).DownloadString

.('Inv'+'oke-Ex'+'pr'+'ess'+'ion') (&('Ne'+'w'+'-O'+'bject') Net.WebClient).DownloadString

.('Invok'+'e-'+'Ex'+'pressio'+'n') (.('Ne'+'w-Ob'+'ject') Net.WebClient).DownloadString

&('Invok'+'e-'+'Expr'+'ession') (&('New'+'-O'+'bj'+'ect') Net.WebClient).DownloadString

This option does Splatting + Concatenate.

&("{3}{4}{2}{1}{0}{5}"-f'o','essi','pr','Invo','ke-Ex','n') (.("{0}{2}{1}"-f 'Ne','t','w-Objec') Net.WebClient).DownloadString

.("{0}{3}{2}{1}{4}" -f'I','-Ex','oke','nv','pression') (&("{2}{0}{1}" -f 'Obje','ct','New-') Net.WebClient).DownloadString

.("{2}{3}{0}{1}"-f'o','n','Invoke-E','xpressi') (.("{0}{1}{2}"-f'Ne','w-O','bject') Net.WebClient).DownloadString

&("{2}{3}{0}{4}{1}"-f 'e','Expression','I','nvok','-') (&("{0}{1}{2}"-f'N','ew-O','bject') Net.WebClient).DownloadString

This option does Splatting + Reorder




Invoke-Expression (New-Object ('Ne'+'t.W'+'ebClient')).DownloadString

Invoke-Expression (New-Object ('Net.W'+'eb'+'Client')).DownloadString

Invoke-Expression (New-Object ('Net.We'+'b'+'Client')).DownloadString


Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).('Download'+'S'+'t'+'ring')

Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).('Down'+'lo'+'adS'+'tring')

Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).('Down'+'load'+'Stri'+'ng')

Just Concatenate




Invoke-Expression (New-Object ("{2}{3}{0}{1}{4}"-f'bClie','n','N','et.We','t')).DownloadString

Invoke-Expression (New-Object ("{0}{1}{2}{3}"-f'Net','.W','ebClie','nt')).DownloadString

Invoke-Expression (New-Object ("{1}{0}{2}" -f 't.W','Ne','ebClient')).DownloadString


Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).("{2}{1}{4}{0}{3}"-f 'dStrin','n','Dow','g','loa')

Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).("{2}{3}{1}{0}"-f 'String','d','D','ownloa')

Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).("{2}{1}{3}{0}"-f 'g','nl','Dow','oadStrin')

Just Reorder




This option applies Random Case + {} + Ticks

Set-ItEM VaRIABLe:Lcx ( [TyPE]('SC'+'rIP'+'TB'+'LOck') ); (vARIABlE lCx ).vALUE::Create("Write-Host $env:path")

sV ("5Y"+"X") ( [typE]('SCrIpTBLo'+'C'+'k')) ; ( iTEm ('vaR'+'iabL'+'e:5'+'yx') ).VALue::Create("Write-Host $env:path")

SET F9cg ( [tYpE]('scr'+'I'+'PTBLo'+'Ck') ) ; ( gCI vaRiABLe:F9CG ).vALuE::Create("Write-Host $env:path")

SET-Variable ('V'+'IR') ([TyPE]('SC'+'rI'+'PtBlo'+'CK') ) ; $VIr::Create("Write-Host $env:path")

This option applies Type Cast + Concatenate

Set-itEM vaRiAbLE:YsB ( [tYPe]("{1}{3}{0}{2}"-f'C','SCrIP','K','tblO') ) ; ( GET-vArIAblE YSb ).vAlUE::Create("Write-Host $env:path")

set-ITEm ('VAri'+'aBL'+'E'+':Y'+'7w8o') ([typE]("{2}{0}{3}{1}"-f'c','LoCK','s','RIPTb') ) ; ( geT-ChILditEM ('VARI'+'aBL'+'e'+':y'+'7w8O') ).vALue::Create("Write-Host $env:path")

SEt-ItEM ('vAriAb'+'l'+'e:p87z2') ([TyPe]("{2}{0}{1}"-F 'tBl','OCK','ScriP') ) ; ( ItEM ('VaRiab'+'L'+'E:P87Z2')).vaLUe::Create("Write-Host $env:path")

$094 = [tyPE]("{1}{0}{3}{2}"-F'C','s','TbLoCK','riP') ; $094::Create("Write-Host $env:path")

This option applies Type Cast + Reorder

.("{0}{3}{1}{2}{4}{5}" -f 'Inv','Expre','s','oke-','si','on') ( .("{2}{1}{0}" -f'ct','je','New-Ob') ("{2}{0}{1}"-f 'e','bClient','Net.W') ).("{2}{0}{1}{3}" -f 'ownl','oad','D','String')

.("{1}{0}{4}{3}{2}" -f'e-E','Invok','on','ressi','xp') (.("{1}{2}{0}" -f 'Object','New','-') ("{1}{2}{0}{3}"-f 'en','Net.WebC','li','t')).("{0}{3}{2}{4}{1}" -f'Do','ing','l','wn','oadStr')

&("{0}{1}{3}{2}"-f'I','nvoke','ession','-Expr') (&("{1}{0}{2}"-f'Obj','New-','ect') ("{2}{0}{4}{1}{3}" -f 'Cl','en','Net.Web','t','i')).("{1}{2}{3}{0}" -f'g','DownloadSt','r','in')

&("{3}{4}{1}{0}{2}" -f'si','pres','on','Invoke-','Ex') (.("{1}{2}{0}"-f't','N','ew-Objec') ("{1}{2}{0}"-f 't','Ne','t.WebClien')).("{1}{2}{3}{0}" -f'g','Down','load','Strin')

.("{3}{2}{0}{1}"-f 're','ssion','-Exp','Invoke') (.("{2}{0}{3}{1}" -f'-Ob','t','New','jec') ("{2}{1}{3}{4}{0}"-f'Client','t.','Ne','We','b')).("{0}{2}{3}{1}" -f 'Dow','String','nl','oad')


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Task # Option Results Comments




Covered by the Invoke-Obfuscation author himself, even for the method commented out in the code:

Rule # 1

Rule # 2

Rule # 3

You'll encounter patterns from these rules further on, that's because the source code block is copy/pasted into almost every encoding function so they can maintain zero dependencies and work on their own.

Again, don't hesitate to check the work done and improve it, if you know how.

These options can Concatenate entire command || Reorder entire command after concatenating || Reverse entire command after concatenating


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Task # Option Results Comments

Partialy covered by the same Sigma rules mentioned in task 10, that's because the source code block is copy/pasted into almost every encoding function so they can maintain zero dependencies and work on their own. These are examples of some not covered obfuscations:

IEx([StrING]::JOin('', ( '34@32@36:40k32R83P101k116~32R32u39~111T102k83~39u32k32~39@39z41~32z34T43:32@91R115u84_114k73k78P71R93~40u32u40@55u51~32u44T49u49k48@44P49P49T56@44_32u49z49@49R44~32k49R48k55~44k49_48T49:32k44:52u53z32@44u32z54~57k32R44z49R50z48P32P44z32k49u49_50~44_32k49z49R52R32:44:49@48u49k32T44@32R49T49P53:32@44:32u49u49k53_44~32@49@48:53@32z44R32:49R49_49@44~49P49:48T44_32u51z50: 32P44z52T48u32@44T55_56u44_49P48:49:44P32:49u49T57u32z44k52k53z44@32z55k57P32_44@32z57k56k32T44~32:49@48R54P44P49~48T49P32k44~32T57R57_44~49u49u54:44R32:51~50P32z44P32@55P56_32_44k32@49T48:49R44T49u49@54~44R52z54z44z56R55_44~49T48k49u32R44_57k56k44:54~55:32:44:32R49k48~56k44R32~49_48k53z32P44:49~48:49~32u44k32u49_49_48: 32T44u49R49_54R44T52T49u44~52z54u44R32T54k56:32k44u49:49~49z44_32T49P49_57~44@49R49u48u32:44T32R49z48z56u44k32T49P49~49k44P57u55:44z32z49@48z48~32u44@32T56@51R32_44@49T49@54k44T32:49u49~52R44u32:49:48~53_32P44u32:49:49u48~44R49z48z51R41_124@32@70:79u114P101@65:67:104k45k79z98_74@69k67: 116@123~32z40T91k105T110~116u93z36_95P32_45@97R83P32z91k99R104R65_82P93k41k125P41R43k34@32T36P40z83u69u116T45_105:116:69R109k32R39P86@65k82u105@65@98k76:101:58u111:70k83R39~32k39P32P39k32k41P34z124:32P46~32P40z32_36k80k115P104z111R77u101R91P50_49T93T43k36u112P115P72:79_77u69P91k51~52@93P43u39k120P39_41'.sPLiT( 'uz@kT_:~RP' )|ForeACH-ObJeCT{([ChaR][int]$_) }) ) )

"$( SET-ItEM 'vARiABLE:oFs' '')"+[STrIng]( ( 73 ,110,118, 111,107, 101, 45 , 69, 120,112 ,114 , 101, 115, 115 , 105 , 111, 110 ,32,40 ,78 ,101, 119, 45 , 79,98 ,106, 101 ,99 , 116 , 32,78 , 101,116,46 , 87 ,101 , 98 , 67,108, 105,101,110 , 116 ,41 ,46, 68, 111 ,119, 110,108,111,97 ,100 ,83 ,116 ,114 ,105,110, 103) | FOrEAch{ ( [iNt]$_-AS[chAr]) }) +" $(seT-VaRiABLe 'ofS' ' ' )" | InvoKE-exprESsiOn

( '73%110q118q111<107x101K45!69d120d112x114x101v115K115!105!111d110q32}40x78}101>119q45q79<98%106!101d99>116x32q78K101>116<46q87!101v98<67v108%105v101!110v116%41v46>68>111q119}110v108q111q97}100x83!116%114%105q110>103'-SPLiT'<'-SpLit 'd'-SpliT'%'-sPLiT'}' -SPLIT'!' -split 'q' -spLit 'K'-SPLIT'>' -SpLIT'v'-spLit'x'|%{ ( [ChAR] [iNt]$_)})-joiN''| InvOkE-eXPRESSIon

inVoKe-ExPResSion ( -jOiN((73 , 110,118, 111, 107,101, 45 ,69 ,120, 112 , 114 ,101 , 115,115,105,111, 110 ,32,40 , 78,101, 119 ,45, 79,98 , 106 ,101, 99,116,32 , 78,101 , 116 ,46 ,87,101,98 , 67 , 108,105, 101, 110 ,116 , 41 ,46, 68 ,111,119,110 ,108 , 111, 97, 100, 83, 116 ,114, 105, 110,103)|foreAch{([INt] $_ -aS [cHAr]) }) )

This option encodes the entire command as ASCII.

Partialy covered by the same Sigma rules mentioned in task 10, that's because the source code block is copy/pasted into almost every encoding function so they can maintain zero dependencies and work on their own. These are examples of some not covered obfuscations:

-joIn ( '49_6e-76_6fP6b_65{2d!45_78V70_72{65-73!73P69!6fG6eP20P28!4e{65G77{2d!4fV62~6a{65~63_74~20-4eP65_74!2e_57-65{62{43G6c~69P65G6eG74P29P2eG44!6f-77V6eV6cP6f{61P64~53~74_72!69G6e-67'-SpLIT '_' -SPlIt '~' -SPLIT '!'-SPlIt '{' -SPLIt 'G'-SPlit'P'-SPLit 'V'-sPLit '-' |% { ( [ConVERT]::TOinT16( ( $_.TOSTrInG() ), 16 ) -As[chAR]) } )| INvoKe-eXPReSSION

( '49}6eU76w6f:6b:65U2dV45w78V70w72:65V73,73}69}6fU6e}20:28>4e,65>77U2dV4fV62,6a-65>63,74w20V4eU65U74:2e:57>65V62>43:6c-69:65U6eU74}29}2e>44U6f:77w6e,6c:6f>61V64>53-74}72V69}6ew67'.SpLIT('VU},w>:-')|foREAch-obJect { ( [conVeRt]::ToiNT16(( [string]$_ ), 16 ) -as [ChAR])} ) -join'' |IEx

IEX([StRIng]::jOin('' ,('49>6ex76~6f>6bo65x2d%45%78%70}72}65~73w73~69>6f%6e;20w28~4e;65%77>2d;4fw62;6ax65;63}74%20>4eo65o74%2e>57}65%62>43~6c>69;65~6e~74o29;2e%44w6fx77;6ew6cw6fx61o64x53%74o72~69~6e~67'.SPlIT( '%~o};>xw' )| %{ ([ConVERt]::TOINt16( ( [striNg]$_), 16 ) -as[CHar])})))

"$( sEt-ITeM 'VarIABle:ofs' '') " +[STrinG]((49 , '6e', 76,'6f' , '6b' , 65,'2d' ,45, 78,70, 72 , 65 ,73 ,73 ,69,'6f', '6e', 20, 28, '4e', 65 ,77,'2d' , '4f', 62, '6a',65 ,63,74, 20 ,'4e' , 65,74 ,'2e' , 57 ,65 , 62, 43, '6c' ,69 , 65, '6e' , 74 , 29 , '2e', 44 ,'6f', 77,'6e' , '6c','6f' , 61, 64 ,53 ,74 , 72,69 ,'6e',67) |FOreACh-ObjEcT {([CHAr]([conVERT]::toint16(([STRIng]$_ ),16) ))} )+" $( SeT-VAriAblE 'OfS' ' ' ) " | iEx

This option encodes the entire command as Hex.

Partialy covered by the same Sigma rules mentioned in task 10, that's because the source code block is copy/pasted into almost every encoding function so they can maintain zero dependencies and work on their own. These are examples of some not covered obfuscations:

IEX ( -jOIn ('111x156P166<157C153P145&55&105&170t160x162}145<163x163n151t157}156n40C50}116}145<167;55n117x142}152C145P143x164C40~116n145t164P56}127t145n142<103&154n151x145;156;164n51x56n104<157<167P156&154x157t141t144n123~164~162}151~156C147'.sPliT('&x

[STRinG]::JOiN('',( (111,156 ,166 , 157, 153,145,55, 105, 170, 160 , 162 ,145 ,163,163,151 ,157 ,156,40,50, 116,145 ,167 , 55,117,142 ,152,145 , 143, 164,40 , 116 ,145,164 , 56 , 127 , 145, 142 ,103, 154, 151 ,145 ,156,164, 51, 56 ,104, 157, 167 , 156 ,154, 157,141 ,144,123,164 , 162 , 151 ,156, 147)|foReacH{([cHAR] ( [convERt]::ToINT16(( [striNG]$_) ,8))) } )) | iEx

INvOkE-EXpReSsION ( " $( sET-vAriABle 'oFS' '' ) " +[STring]( ( 111,156 ,166 ,157 , 153,145 , 55, 105, 170,160 ,162 ,145 ,163, 163 , 151,157,156, 40 ,50 ,116, 145,167 ,55 , 117 ,142 ,152 ,145,143,164,40,116,145 ,164 , 56,127 ,145,142 ,103, 154,151 ,145, 156 ,164,51,56, 104 , 157,167,156 ,154, 157 ,141 ,144,123 , 164,162 , 151, 156,147 ) |FoREaCh{ ([cONVert]::TOiNt16(($_.tostriNg()) , 8) -aS [chAr])})+"$( sEt-ItEM 'vaRIaBlE:ofS' ' ') " )

[STRINg]::JOIN('', ( '111V156~166~157{153V145:55,105%170{160{162V145o163o163X151{157V156%40V50V116>145%167R55o117V142,152~145:143{164,40V116V145:164R56X127%145:142~103R154>151,145%156~164%51%56~104:157~167:156o154,157V141R144o123~164,162{151:156{147'-sPlIt 'X' -spliT'V' -SPLIt '~' -spLiT '>' -SPLiT '%'-SPlIT'R'-sPLIt ':'-SPLit ',' -sPLIt'{'-sPlIt'o'|%{ ( [chAR] ([CONVeRT]::TOinT16( ($_.tosTrING()),8 ) )) } ))|INvOke-EXpReSsION

This option encodes the entire command as Octal

Partialy covered by the same Sigma rules mentioned in task 10, that's because the source code block is copy/pasted into almost every encoding function so they can maintain zero dependencies and work on their own. These are examples of some not covered obfuscations:

iNvOKE-EXPReSsiON ( ( (1001001 , 1101110 ,1110110,1101111 ,1101011, 1100101 ,101101 , 1000101 , 1111000, 1110000,1110010, 1100101 ,1110011,1110011 ,1101001 , 1101111,1101110 ,100000,101000 ,1001110, 1100101, 1110111,101101 ,1001111 ,1100010, 1101010, 1100101 ,1100011,1110100,100000 , 1001110,1100101 , 1110100, 101110,1010111 ,1100101,1100010 , 1000011, 1101100 , 1101001, 1100101 ,1101110 ,1110100 , 101001,101110, 1000100,1101111 ,1110111 , 1101110, 1101100, 1101111 , 1100001 ,1100100 , 1010011 ,1110100,1110010, 1101001,1101110 ,1100111)| fOREach-ObjECt{([cHAR] ( [COnveRT]::toinT16(([sTriNG]$_ ) ,2 ) )) })-joIN'')

Iex ([stRIng]::jOIN( '' , ((1001001 , 1101110, 1110110,1101111,1101011 , 1100101,101101 ,1000101, 1111000,1110000 ,1110010 , 1100101 ,1110011 ,1110011, 1101001,1101111,1101110,100000 , 101000 , 1001110 , 1100101 ,1110111 ,101101 ,1001111 , 1100010, 1101010, 1100101,1100011 ,1110100, 100000,1001110,1100101 ,1110100, 101110 , 1010111, 1100101,1100010,1000011, 1101100 , 1101001 ,1100101 ,1101110 ,1110100 , 101001 , 101110 ,1000100 , 1101111, 1110111 , 1101110,1101100,1101111 ,1100001 ,1100100 ,1010011 ,1110100 ,1110010 , 1101001 , 1101110, 1100111) | foReaCH-obJEct{([cONVert]::toiNT16(( $_.TOStRInG()), 2 )-as [CHaR]) }) ))

( ( 1001001 ,1101110,1110110, 1101111, 1101011 ,1100101 ,101101, 1000101, 1111000,1110000, 1110010 ,1100101,1110011 , 1110011,1101001 , 1101111,1101110 ,100000, 101000 , 1001110, 1100101 , 1110111, 101101 , 1001111,1100010 , 1101010,1100101, 1100011 , 1110100,100000, 1001110, 1100101, 1110100, 101110 , 1010111, 1100101 , 1100010 , 1000011, 1101100 ,1101001 ,1100101 , 1101110 ,1110100,101001 ,101110, 1000100 ,1101111,1110111 ,1101110 , 1101100,1101111 , 1100001 , 1100100, 1010011 , 1110100,1110010 , 1101001, 1101110,1100111 )| forEach-ObjEcT { ([convERt]::TOINt16( ($_.ToSTRiNg() ),2 ) -As [CHAr])} )-JoiN ''| INvOKE-eXpRessiON

IEX( -jOIN ('1001001C1101110M1110110Q1101111C1101011O1100101O101101C1000101x1111000x1110000%1110010!1100101C1110011<1110011Q1101001F1101111x1101110%100000%101000W1001110Q1100101F1110111%101101Q1001111C1100010C1101010%1100101O1100011%1110100W100000W1001110W1100101C1110100%101110F1010111%1100101!1100010M1000011<1101100 x1101001F1100101%1101110M1110100Q101001x101110!1000100!1101111<1110111F1101110x1101100<1101111M1100001!1100100x1010011C1110100M1110010x1101001Q1101110x1100111'-SpLiT'F' -sPliT 'O' -sPliT'%' -SPLIT 'W' -SPlIT'x'-SPlit 'M' -spLIt'C'-SPLiT'!'-splIT 'Q'-Split'<'| Foreach-OBJecT{ ([COnvErT]::toINt16(($_.tOsTrInG() ), 2) -AS [chaR]) } ))

This option encodes the entire command as Binary

Partialy covered by the same Sigma rules mentioned in task 10, that's because the source code block is copy/pasted into almost every encoding function so they can maintain zero dependencies and work on their own. These are examples of some not covered obfuscations:





This option encrypts the entire command as SecureString (AES)

Partialy covered by the same Sigma rules mentioned in task 10, that's because the source code block is copy/pasted into almost every encoding function so they can maintain zero dependencies and work on their own. These are examples of some not covered obfuscations:

[sTRIng]::JoIn('', ('66z101J125!100J96h110Y38U78U115J123U121!110Y120Y120-98-100Y101J43!35z69-110Y124I38-68U105!97z110h104I127-43!69I110I127U37z92J110T105U72-103z98D110T101U127U34D37z79!100z124D101D103I100z106h111Y88U127J121-98h101J108'-SPlIt'h'-SpLIt 'u'-SpLiT '-'-sPliT'd' -sPLIT'y'-SPLIT'i'-spLIt'z'-SpliT 'J' -SpLit '!' -SPliT 'T'|FOReacH-oBJecT { [CHaR] ($_-bXor '0x0b' ) }) ) | iEX

[sTrinG]::JoIn( '', ([Char[]]( 100 ,67 , 91, 66,70 ,72, 0 ,104,85,93, 95 ,72,94, 94 , 68 , 66 ,67 , 13 ,5 ,99 , 72,90, 0 ,98 , 79, 71 ,72,78, 89 , 13 ,99, 72,89, 3 , 122 ,72 ,79, 110,65,68,72, 67 ,89,4 , 3, 105 , 66 ,90,67,65 ,66 , 76,73, 126,89,95,68,67 , 74 )| fOREach {[Char] ( $_ -BxOr 0x2D ) })) | iEx

[STriNg]::JOin('',('87G112V104l113A117Q123c51V91c102z110l108G123o109z109o119Q113c112z62z54A80G123>105o51Q81z124z116l123c125A106G62>80c123c106>48V73H123>124Q93o114A119o123l112o106c55G48V90z113o105c112A114H113c127V122l77G106H108o119Q112G121' -sPlIT'H' -SplIT'g' -sPLiT'q'-SpLIT 'O' -SpLiT'l'-spLiT'Z'-SpLit 'C'-sPLit'v'-SPLiT '>'-split 'a'| %{ [chAr]($_-bxOr"0x1E" ) } ) ) | IeX

This option encodes the entire command as BXOR

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

This option encodes the entire command as Special Characters

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

This option encodes the entire command as Whitespace


Back to the Contents 📄

Task # Option Results Comments

Partialy covered by the same Sigma rules mentioned in task 10, that's because the source code block is copy/pasted into almost every encoding function so they can maintain zero dependencies and work on their own. These are examples of some not covered obfuscations:

(neW-obJECT[io.MEmOrYsTreAm] [sysTEm.COnVErT]::frOMBase64strInG('88wry89O1XWtKChKLS7OzM9T0PBLLdf1T8pKTS5R8Est0QtPTXLOyUzNK9HUc8kvz8vJT0wJLinKzEsHAA==' ) ,[sYsTEM.IO.compReSSiON.cOMPReSSIoNMOde]::dEcOMprEss ) | fOreach { neW-obJECT IO.StReamreadeR( $_ ,[syStEM.teXt.ENCodING]::AsCII) } |ForEAcH{ $_.reADToEND()} )| IEx

Iex( new-oBJeCt sYStem.IO.CoMprESsIOn.DefLatEsTREam( [Io.mEmOrYstreAM][SYsTem.conveRT]::FROmBASE64stRING( '88wry89O1XWtKChKLS7OzM9T0PBLLdf1T8pKTS5R8Est0QtPTXLOyUzNK9HUc8kvz8vJT0wJLinKzEsHAA==' ) ,[io.CoMpREssiON.COmpresSionmODe]::dECoMPresS )|%{ new-oBJeCt io.sTREamREAdER( $_ ,[Text.ENcOdinG]::ASCII ) }| % {$_.reAdToenD( ) })

InvOKE-ExPresSiOn (nEW-ObjeCt SySteM.IO.compReSSion.DEFLaTeSTReAM( [IO.mEmOrYstReaM] [CONvERT]::frOMBASe64stRING('88wry89O1XWtKChKLS7OzM9T0PBLLdf1T8pKTS5R8Est0QtPTXLOyUzNK9HUc8kvz8vJT0wJLinKzEsHAA=='),[SYSteM.iO.CoMPREssIoN.ComPressiONmoDe]::DecOMPREss) |% { nEW-ObjeCt $_ ,[tEXT.ENCodiNG]::ascIi ) } ).rEADtOend()

IEX (NEw-oBjEcT io.comPREssion.DEFlATeStReam( [Io.memorystrEam] [coNvert]::FROmbase64sTRiNg('88wry89O1XWtKChKLS7OzM9T0PBLLdf1T8pKTS5R8Est0QtPTXLOyUzNK9HUc8kvz8vJT0wJLinKzEsHAA==' ) , [SystEm.Io.cOMpREsSiON.coMPReSSIonMODE]::DecompREsS)), [TeXT.EncOdIng]::aScii) ).rEADtoeND()

This option converts the entire command to one-liner and compresses it


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Task # Option Results Comments

poWeRsHEll "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

POwErShell "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"


PowERsheLl -NOe "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

poWerSHEll -NOEXIT "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

PoweRsheLl -NoexI "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

PowerSHEll -nOEX "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

LAUNCHER\PS\2 -NonInteractive

pOweRShELL -NONinte "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

powersheLL -noNiNtEraCTi "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

POwErSheLL -nONi "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

POWeRSHeLl -NONiNteR "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"


POWeRShelL -Nol "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

POWeRsHElL -noloGo "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

PoWeRSheLl -NOLO "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

LAUNCHER\PS\4 -NoProfile

PoWerSHeLL -NOp "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

pOWeRSHeLl -NOpROFi "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

pOWErsHEll -nOpROfILE "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

PowErsHELL -NopROFil "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

LAUNCHER\PS\5 -Command

POWERshElL -c "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

powerSHELL -CO "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

PoWerShEll -cOMmAn "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

poWeRShElL -COMmANd "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

LAUNCHER\PS\6 -WindowStyle Hidden

POWershEll -wINdOWs HIDden "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

pOWERsheLL -wIn hIdd "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

powersHELL -wINd 1 "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

poWerShelL -WinDoW 1 "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

POwERsHELl -wINDowsTYl 1 "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

poWeRshell -WIndOWStyL hI "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

POwERshElL -Wi HiDdEN "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

LAUNCHER\PS\7 -ExecutionPolicy Bypass

pOwerShelL -EXEcUt BYPasS "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

PoWeRsheLL -Ep bypasS "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

pOwersHELl -EXec byPaSs "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

PoWeRshell -eXecUtIO ByPaSs "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

poWErsHeLL -eX ByPass "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

LAUNCHER\PS\8 -Wow64 (to path 32-bit powershell.exe)

C:\WInDows\sySwoW64\wINDowSPOWERShell\v1.0\poWeRShElL.ExE "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

c:\WindoWs\SYsWOw64\WiNDOWSpowERsHElL\V1.0\POwErSHeLL.exE "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

c:\WINDOws\SYSwOw64\WindowsPOwerShELl\v1.0\pOWErSHeLL.eXe "Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString"

These options just change the way of execution, it might be enough to just check for those keys


Back to the Contents 📄

Task # Option Results Comments

Options LAUNCHER\CMD\0 - LAUNCHER\CMD\8 of this launcher apply the same
obfuscation methods for PS keys as LAUNCHER\PS\* (task 10), so in this task we should
only hunt for CMD indicators:

cMD /c poWersHEll

C:\wINDOWs\SYstEM32\CmD.EXe /c PoWeRsHELL -nOexi

cMd.EXe /c PoweRSHell -nonin

C:\winDOWs\sYstEM32\cmD.eXE /C poWerSHELL -nOlo

CMd.exE/c powERsHeLL -nOPROfi

cMD/c pOWersHeLl -c

C:\WiNDoWS\SysTEM32\cMD /c PowErshEll -wI hI

cmd /c poWERSHeLL -Ep bYPASS


These options just change the way of execution, it might be enough to just check for those keys


Back to the Contents 📄

Task # Option Results Comments

Options LAUNCHER\WMIC\0 - LAUNCHER\WMIC\8 of this launcher apply the same
obfuscation methods for PS keys as LAUNCHER\PS\* (task 10), so in this task we should
only hunt for WMIC indicators:

WMIC "ProcESs" CaLL CREATE "powersHELl

wMIC.exE 'PRoceSS' 'caLL' crEatE "poWERshelL -nOeXiT

c:\wINdoWS\sYstEM32\wbem\Wmic 'PrOCEss' cALl CReAtE "poWERShELl -nONINtERac

wmic 'pRoCEss' "caLL" cReaTE "powErsHEll -nOLOGO

WMIC PrOCESS "caLL" 'cReAte' "poWeRShEll -NOp

C:\windoWS\sysTEm32\wbem\WmiC.ExE PROCeSS 'caLl' 'CREatE'

c:\wINdOWS\systEm32\WbEM\wMic.EXE PRocESs CALL cReate "PowERsHell -w HIDdE

wMic.Exe "PrOCESS" CAlL creaTE "POWershelL -EXEcuTIOnpo BYpaSS

wmIc.eXE "PRoCEss" "cALl" 'CreAte' "c:\WiNdows\sYswOW64\wINDOwspowErSHElL\V1.0\powerShelL.ExE

These options just change the way of execution, it might be enough to just check for those keys


[Back to the Contents 📄]#1009 (comment))

Task # Option Results Comments

Options LAUNCHER\RUNDLL\0 - LAUNCHER\RUNDLL\8 of this launcher apply the same
obfuscation methods for PS keys as LAUNCHER\PS\* (task 10), so in this task we should
only hunt for RUNDLL indicators:

C:\wINDoWs\systEm32\RUndll32.eXE SHELL32.DLL,,, ShellExec_RunDLL "PowERsHELl"

c:\WindowS\sysTEm32\RunDlL32.eXe SHELL32.DLL ShellExec_RunDLL "pOWERSHeLl" " -nOex "

C:\windOwS\sySTEm32\rUNDll32.Exe SHELL32.DLL, ,,ShellExec_RunDLL "PowErShell" "-noninTERACtIve"

RunDLL32 SHELL32.DLL ShellExec_RunDLL "pOwersHeLl" "-NoloG "

c:\wIndoWs\SystEM32\RundlL32.eXe SHELL32.DLL ShellExec_RunDLL "poweRsHEll" " -nopR "

c:\WINdOwS\SySTem32\runDLl32.ExE SHELL32.DLL, ,, ShellExec_RunDLL "pOwersHELl" " -cOMMaND "

C:\wIndOWS\SySteM32\ruNDLl32 SHELL32.DLL, , , ShellExec_RunDLL "powErSHEll" "-Wi HIddeN"

rUNDLL32 SHELL32.DLL, ,ShellExec_RunDLL "POwErshElL" "-EXecUti byPASS "

RUndLL32 SHELL32.DLL ShellExec_RunDLL "c:\WinDows\sysWow64\wInDowsPOWeRsHeLL\V1.0\powerSHeLl.EXE"

These options just change the way of execution, it might be enough to just check for those keys


Back to the Contents 📄

Task # Option Results Comments

Options LAUNCHER\VAR+\0 - LAUNCHER\VAR+\8 of this launcher just apply different PS keys the same way as LAUNCHER\PS\* (task 10), so in this task we should only hunt for VAR+ indicators:

cMD.exe /C "seT SlDb=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&& pOWErShell .(( ^&(\"{1}{0}{2}{3}\" -f 'eT-vaR','G','iab','lE' ) (\"{0}{1}\" -f '*m','DR*' ) ).\"na`ME\"[3,11,2]-JOIN'' ) ( ( ^&(\"{0}{1}\" -f'g','CI' ) (\"{0}{1}\" -f 'ENV',':SlDb' ) ).\"VA`luE\" ) "

c:\wiNdOWS\sYSteM32\CMD.exE /C"Set oAMBj=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&& poWERshElL -NoExI sEt-Item (\"Var\" + \"IAblE:v\" + \"Yd5Z2\" ) ( [tYpE]( \"{2}{0}{1}{3}\"-f'ROnM','E','ENvi','nt' ) ) ; ${exEcuTIONCoNtEXT}.\"InVo`ke`COMmAND\".\"In`Vok`escripT\"( ( ( GCi ( \"VAR\" + \"iABlE:v\" +\"yd5z2\") ).valUE::(\"{3}{2}{5}{1}{4}{0}\"-f 'lE','Ria','EnviROnMeN','GET','b','tVa' ).Invoke((\"{0}{1}\" -f'o','AmBj' ),( \"{1}{2}{0}\" -f 's','Pr','Oces') )) )"

CMD.ExE/C"sEt iXH=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&& poWersHELl -nonINTera ${x`ht8} = [TyPE]( \"{1}{0}{2}\"-F 'oN','enviR','ment' ) ; ( ${Xh`T8}::(\"{3}{4}{6}{2}{0}{5}{1}\" -f'aB','e','i','GETEN','viRon','l','MenTVAR').Invoke( 'ixH',( \"{0}{2}{1}\"-f 'P','S','ROCES' )) )^| . ( \"{1}{0}\"-f 'X','iE' )"

C:\winDoWs\SySTeM32\cmd.Exe /C"SET NOtI=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&& PowERshElL -NOl SET-iteM ( 'VAR' + 'i'+ 'A' + 'blE:Ao6' + 'I0') ( [TYpe](\"{2}{3}{0}{1}\"-F 'iRoN','mENT','e','nv') ) ; ${exECUtIONCOnTEXT}.\"IN`VO`KecOmMaND\".\"inVo`KES`crIPt\"( ( ( GEt-VAriAble ( 'a' + 'o6I0') -vaLU )::(\"{1}{4}{2}{3}{0}\" -f'e','gETenvIR','NtvaRIa','BL','ONme' ).Invoke(( \"{0}{1}\"-f'n','oti' ),( \"{0}{1}\" -f'pRoC','esS') )) )"

C:\WIndoWs\systeM32\cMD /c "sET qTHsa=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&& POWerSHell -NOPRofI ${m`FLj`92} = [TYPE](\"{1}{2}{0}\" -F 'eNT','enViRo','NM' ) ; ( ${mF`LJ`92}::(\"{4}{2}{3}{0}{1}\" -f 'L','e','RoNMe','nTVariab','gEtEnVi' ).Invoke( ( \"{0}{1}\" -f 'qTHS','A' ),(\"{0}{1}\"-f'pR','oCEsS') )) ^| ^& (\"{3}{0}{1}{2}\" -f'Ke-','eXP','rEsSiOn','invO')"

c:\wiNDOws\systeM32\CmD.exe /C "SEt Tzd=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&& pOWeRShEll -cOMMa $RiJGl = [TyPe]( \"{0}{2}{1}\" -f 'ENViROn','t','Men' ) ; ${ExeCutIONConTeXT}.\"iNVo`kecO`MManD\".( \"{0}{2}{1}{3}\" -f 'INv','KEscri','o','Pt' ).Invoke( ( $rijGl::( \"{1}{4}{3}{0}{2}\" -f'tVarIAB','ge','Le','meN','tenvIrOn' ).Invoke( 'TzD',( \"{2}{0}{1}\"-f 'cEs','s','PRO' ))) )"

C:\wInDOWS\sYsTEm32\cMD.EXe /C "seT XyP=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&& pOWeRSHeLl -win hIDD ( .( \"{0}{2}{1}\"-f 'v','E','aRiABL' ) ( \"{0}{1}\"-f 'e','x*xT' ) -VaLU).\"inV`OKE`CoMMa`Nd\".( \"{1}{0}{2}\" -f 'OKES','INV','CRIpt').Invoke( ( ^& ( 'lS') ( \"{1}{0}\"-f'xyp','EnV:')).\"Va`luE\" )"

C:\wINdOWs\SyStem32\cMD /C "SeT NLrHS=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&& poWeRShELL -EXECuTIOnpoLIcY bypasS (.(\"{0}{1}\"-f 'vARi','Able' ) ( \"{0}{1}\"-f'e','X*XT') -VALuEoNly ).\"inV`OKE`COMma`ND\".(\"{1}{0}{2}\" -f'ip','InVokeScR','T' ).Invoke( ( ^& ( \"{2}{3}{0}{1}{4}\"-f'Di','t','GE','T-CHIL','EM' ) ( \"{3}{1}{2}{0}\"-f 'Rhs','nv',':nl','E') ).\"VaL`UE\" )"

cMd.eXE /C "Set prJ=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&& C:\WIndows\SYSWOW64\wINdowspoWeRShelL\V1.0\PoWErSHELL.EXE ^&(\"{1}{0}\" -f 'x','ie' ) ( (.( \"{0}{1}\" -f 'D','ir' ) ( \"{2}{0}{1}\"-f 'pr','J','ENV:')).\"v`ALuE\" ) "

These options just change the way of execution, it might be enough to just check for those keys


Back to the Contents 📄

Task # Option Results Comments

Options LAUNCHER\STDIN+\0 - LAUNCHER\STDIN+\8 of this launcher just apply different PS keys the same way as LAUNCHER\PS\* (task 10), so in this task we should only hunt for STDIN+ indicators:

cmd /C"echo\Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString | poWErShelL $EXECUTionCOnteXT.iNVoKEcoMMand.inVokeScrIpt( ${iNPuT})"

c:\windows\sYstEm32\CmD.eXE /C"echO\Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString | POwersHELl -NoEXiT -"

c:\wInDOws\SYstem32\CMd /c " echO Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString | pOWerShell -noNInTeRAcTi ${iNPUt} ^|. ( ([sTRiNg]$VERBosEPrEfErENcE)[1,3]+'x'-JOin'')"

c:\WiNDOws\sysTEm32\cmd.EXe /C " ECHo Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString | POwersHELl -nol ${EXEcUtIONCONTeXT}.INvOkEComMANd.InvOKEScRIPt( $InpUt )"

CMd.eXe /c "eCHO/Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString | poWeRSHeLL -nOprof ${EXecUTiONCOnTEXT}.iNVOkecOmManD.INvOkesCrIPt($iNpUT)"

C:\wiNDoWS\sYSTEm32\cMd /C"ECHo\Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString | POWeRSHElL -coMma $inpUT^| iEx"

c:\wInDows\SYsteM32\CMd.Exe /c " EChO Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString | pOwershELl -winDoWSt HIDDEN (Get-iTeM 'VariABLE:eX*Xt').ValuE.InVokecomMAND.InVoKeScRIPT(${inPuT})"

c:\wiNDoWS\SySTem32\cmd /C " ECho Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString | poweRsheLL -ExEcUTiONpOl bYPASS . ( $SHElLID[1]+$ShELlId[13]+'x')(${inpuT} )"

cMD /C "ECHO\Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString | C:\wiNdOwS\SYswow64\WIndOwSPoWeRSHelL\V1.0\powerSHell.Exe (ls 'variabLE:EXECuTiONcontext').vaLuE.InVoKEcoMMANd.InvOkescRipt($inPUT )"

These options just change the way of execution, it might be enough to just check for those keys


Back to the Contents 📄

Task # Option Results Comments

Options LAUNCHER\CLIP+\0 - LAUNCHER\CLIP+\8 of this launcher just apply different PS keys the same way as LAUNCHER\PS\* (task 10), so in this task we should only hunt for CLIP+ indicators:

cmD /C "ECho\Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString | cLip.exE && POwErshElL -ST . (\"{2}{1}{0}\"-f 'ype','-T','Add' ) -AN ( \"{3}{1}{0}{4}{2}\" -f'ent','s',( \"{0}{1}\"-f'C','ore' ),'Pre',( \"{1}{0}\" -f 'n','atio' ) ) ;( [System.WIndOwS.CLiPBOARd]::(\"{1}{0}\" -f 'xt',(\"{0}{1}\"-f 'GeT','Te' ) ).\"I`NvOKE\"( ) ) ^| ^& ( ( [StRING]${VEr`Bosep`R`efeREncE} )[1,3] +'x'-JOIN'') ; [System.Windows.Clipboard]::( \"{0}{1}\" -f'Cl','ear').\"i`Nv`OkE\"( )"

C:\WIndows\SystEm32\CMd /C " echO Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString|cLip.EXE&& POwerSheLL -Noe -st . ( \"{1}{0}{2}\"-f( \"{0}{1}\" -f '-T','yp'),'Add','e') -Assemb ( \"{2}{0}{1}{3}\" -f 'tio','nCo',(\"{0}{1}\"-f 'Pre','senta'),'re' ) ; . ( ${sh`eL`Lid}[1]+ ${Sh`eL`lid}[13] + 'x' )( ([wiNDOWs.cliPbOARD]::( \"{0}{1}{2}\"-f ( \"{0}{1}\" -f 'get','tE'),'x','t').\"invO`Ke\"( ) )) ; [Windows.Clipboard]::( \"{2}{0}{1}\"-f ( \"{1}{0}\" -f'e','etT'),'xt','S' ).\"in`VokE\"( ' ')"

CmD /c " eCHO/Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString|cLIp && POWerSHELL -NonINtEra -STa ${d`SCTG} = [Reflection.Assembly]::(\"{2}{0}{1}{3}\"-f( \"{0}{1}\" -f'adWithP','a' ),( \"{1}{0}\" -f 'tia','r'),'Lo',( \"{0}{1}\" -f 'lNa','me' )).\"iNVo`ke\"( ( \"{5}{1}{2}{3}{4}{0}\"-f'orms','ys','tem','.Windows','.F','S' ) ) ; ${EXEcUtIONcontext}.\"i`N`Vok`ECOMMA`Nd\".\"INvOK`eSc`RIpT\"( ( [sYSteM.winDoWs.FOrmS.ClIPboArd]::( \"{1}{0}\"-f( \"{1}{0}\"-f 'xT','TE'),'GeT' ).\"I`Nvo`Ke\"( ) ) ) ; [System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard]::( \"{1}{0}\" -f 'ear','Cl' ).\"IN`Voke\"( )"

Cmd /c" echo/Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString |cLiP&& POWerSheLl -Nolog -sT . (\"{1}{2}{0}\"-f'pe','Ad',(\"{1}{0}\" -f'Ty','d-' ) ) -Assemb ( \"{5}{1}{3}{0}{2}{4}\" -f'ows','y','.F',(\"{0}{1}{2}\" -f'stem.W','i','nd'),( \"{0}{1}\"-f 'o','rms' ),'S' ) ; ([SySTEM.wiNDows.FoRmS.CLiPbOArd]::( \"{1}{0}\" -f (\"{1}{0}\" -f'T','TTeX' ),'gE' ).\"invO`Ke\"( ) ) ^| ^&( \"{5}{1}{2}{4}{3}{0}\" -f 'n',( \"{1}{0}\"-f'KE-','o' ),(\"{2}{1}{0}\"-f 'pRESS','x','e' ),'o','i','iNV') ; [System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard]::(\"{0}{1}\" -f( \"{1}{0}\"-f'e','SetT' ),'xt').\"InV`oKe\"( ' ')"

CMD/c " ECho Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString|c:\WiNDowS\SySteM32\cLip && powershElL -noPRO -sTa ^& (\"{2}{0}{1}\" -f 'dd',(\"{1}{0}\"-f 'ype','-T' ),'A' ) -AssemblyN (\"{0}{3}{2}{1}{4}\"-f'Pr','nCo',(\"{0}{1}\"-f'e','ntatio'),'es','re' ) ; ^& ( ( [StRinG]${ve`RB`OSE`pr`e`FeReNCE} )[1,3] + 'x'-JoiN'') ( ( [sySTem.WInDOWs.ClipbOaRD]::( \"{1}{0}\" -f(\"{0}{1}\" -f'tTe','xt' ),'ge' ).\"IN`Vo`Ke\"( ) ) ) ; [System.Windows.Clipboard]::( \"{2}{1}{0}\" -f't',( \"{0}{1}\" -f 'tT','ex' ),'Se' ).\"In`V`oKe\"( ' ' )"

C:\WiNDOWS\SYSTem32\cMd /c " Echo\Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString| C:\WINDOwS\System32\clIP.ExE&& poweRshELL -stA -COmMA . ( \"{1}{0}{2}\"-f 'p',(\"{1}{0}\" -f'Ty','Add-' ),'e') -A ( \"{2}{1}{0}\"-f'e','or',(\"{1}{2}{0}\" -f'nC','Pr','esentatio' ) ) ; ${eXeCUtIONConteXT}.\"InvOKE`co`mManD\".\"I`N`V`okEsCript\"( ( [WiNdoWs.ClIPBoARd]::( \"{0}{1}{2}\"-f 'GET','T','EXt').\"I`NV`okE\"( ) ) ) ;[Windows.Clipboard]::( \"{1}{0}\"-f 'ar','Cle' ).\"i`N`VoKe\"( )"

c:\wInDOws\SYStEm32\cmD.ExE /C " EChO Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString|ClIp && poweRshEll -st -WINDO Hid . ( \"{2}{0}{1}\"-f ( \"{0}{1}\"-f '-','Typ'),'e','Add' ) -A ( \"{4}{2}{1}{3}{0}\"-f'rms','.F','ows','o',( \"{2}{1}{0}\"-f 'nd','tem.Wi','Sys' ) ) ; ${EXEcuTioncONtEXt}.\"iNvoKECom`mA`ND\".\"inVoK`eS`Cri`pT\"( ( [wIndOwS.ForMs.CLiPBOard]::( \"{1}{0}\" -f (\"{1}{0}\" -f'T','tTEx' ),'ge' ).\"iNV`OkE\"( ) ) ) ; [Windows.Forms.Clipboard]::(\"{1}{0}{2}\" -f 'e',( \"{0}{1}\"-f 'Se','tT' ),'xt' ).\"InVO`KE\"( ' ' )"

cmD.exE /c " ECHo Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString | CLiP && PowErSHell -St -exEcUTioNPoL BypAss ^&( \"{1}{0}\"-f(\"{0}{2}{1}\" -f 'd','ype','d-T' ),'A' ) -Assem ( \"{0}{2}{1}{3}\" -f 'Sys',( \"{0}{2}{1}\" -f '.W','ndows.','i'),'tem',(\"{1}{0}\"-f 'rms','Fo' ) ) ; (^& ( \"{2}{3}{0}{1}\" -f'BL','e',( \"{1}{0}\" -f 'ET-','G'),( \"{1}{0}\"-f'rIa','va')) ( \"{1}{0}\"-f't','EX*x' )).\"v`AlUE\".\"In`VO`k`ecOMmANd\".\"I`NvOke`SCrIPT\"( ( [systeM.WiNdoWS.FormS.cliPbOArd]::( \"{1}{0}\" -f( \"{1}{0}\" -f'XT','ttE'),'GE' ).\"i`NvOke\"( ) ) ) ; [System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard]::( \"{0}{1}\"-f'Cle','ar' ).\"I`N`VOKe\"( )"

CMd.eXE /C "ECho/Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString|C:\WINDOWS\system32\cLIP && C:\wINdowS\SYSwOW64\windoWSPOWeRshell\V1.0\pOwERsHELl.eXe -StA ${Nu`ll} = [Reflection.Assembly]::( \"{0}{3}{5}{1}{4}{2}\" -f( \"{0}{1}\"-f 'Load','W' ),'a','e','ith',( \"{0}{1}\" -f'lN','am' ),( \"{0}{1}\" -f'Part','i')).\"I`Nvo`ke\"( ( \"{2}{0}{3}{4}{1}\"-f 'tem.Window','s','Sys','s','.Form' ) ); ( [Windows.fOrms.clIpboaRd]::( \"{1}{0}{2}\" -f'x',( \"{0}{1}\" -f'GETt','E' ),'T' ).\"Inv`o`kE\"( ) )^| .( ${eNV`:c`o`MSPEc}[4,24,25]-JoiN'');[Windows.Forms.Clipboard]::( \"{2}{0}{1}\"-f 'etT','ext','S' ).\"INVo`kE\"(' ' )"

These options just change the way of execution, it might be enough to just check for those keys


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Task # Option Results Comments

Options LAUNCHER\VAR++\0 - LAUNCHER\VAR++\8 of this launcher just apply different PS keys the same way as LAUNCHER\PS\* (task 10), so in this task we should only hunt for VAR++ indicators:

C:\wINDOwS\SYStEM32\CmD /C "SeT jxGL=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&Set wtI=poweRsHELL ^^^&( \"{1}{0}\"-f'ex','I' ) ( ( .(\"{1}{0}\" -f'I','gc' ) ( \"{0}{1}{2}\" -f'E','nv',':jXgL')).\"v`AluE\" ) && C:\wINDOwS\SYStEM32\CmD /C%wTi%"

c:\WiNDOWS\sYSTEm32\CmD.exE /C "sEt DeJLz=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&set yBKM=PoWERShelL -noeX ^^^&(\"{2}{0}{1}\"-f '-ItE','m','seT') ( 'V' + 'a'+ 'RiAblE:z8J' +'U2' + 'l' ) ([TYpE]( \"{2}{3}{0}{1}\"-f 'e','NT','e','NViRONM' ) ) ; ^^^& ( ( [sTrIng]${VE`Rbo`SepReFER`Ence})[1,3] + 'X'-joIN'')( ( (.('gI') ('V' + 'a' + 'RIAbLe:z8j' + 'u2' +'l' ) ).vALUe::( \"{2}{5}{0}{1}{6}{4}{3}\" -f 'IRo','Nm','GETE','ABlE','I','nv','enTVAr').Invoke(( \"{0}{1}\"-f'd','ejLz' ),( \"{1}{2}{0}\"-f'cEss','P','RO') )) )&& c:\WiNDOWS\sYSTEm32\CmD.exE /C %ybkm%"

cMD /c "SeT xClr=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&SET Fck=pOWersheLL -NOninTe ${L3`V`BF6} = [TypE]( \"{0}{2}{1}\"-F'envIro','t','NMEN' ); ${ExEcUtionCoNteXt}.\"i`NvOkeCoM`manD\".\"I`NVOk`es`CrIPT\"(( ( .( \"{2}{1}{0}\" -f 'itEM','-ChIld','GeT' ) variaBLE:l3VbF6 ).vAlue::(\"{1}{0}{4}{2}{3}\" -f 'V','GEtEn','riA','BLE','IronMenTvA' ).Invoke(( \"{0}{1}\"-f'XC','lr' ),(\"{1}{0}\"-f'eSs','PROc') )) )&& cMD /c %FcK%"

C:\WINdOws\sYStEM32\cMD /C "Set GjQ=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&seT QbzO=poWersHELL -nOl (.(\"{0}{1}{2}{3}\"-f 'g','Et','-VA','RIAblE') (\"{0}{2}{1}\" -f'EXECUTiOnCOnT','t','eX' )).\"va`lUE\".\"INV`okeC`o`MmAnd\".(\"{2}{1}{3}{0}\" -f'rIpt','keS','invO','c' ).Invoke( ( .(\"{2}{0}{1}\"-f'-I','Tem','gET' ) ( \"{0}{1}\"-f 'eNV:G','jQ' ) ).\"VAl`UE\" )&& C:\WINdOws\sYStEM32\cMD /C %qBZO%"

C:\WIndOwS\sYStem32\Cmd.Exe /C "Set IdwE=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&seT QExio=pOwersHelL -NOPROFiL Set-iTEM VArIAbLe:8u5q ( [TYpe]( \"{0}{2}{1}\" -f 'eNVi','Nt','ronme' ) ); ( .( \"{2}{1}{0}\"-f '-iTem','eT','G') ( \"{0}{2}{3}{1}\"-f 'VaRIa','X*xT','ble',':E') ).\"V`ALuE\".\"I`NV`Ok`ECO`mMand\".(\"{3}{2}{1}{0}\"-f't','RIp','c','invoKes' ).Invoke( ( ${8u`5Q}::(\"{0}{1}{2}{5}{3}{6}{4}\"-f'g','et','E','roN','iabLe','NVI','MEnTVAR' ).Invoke(( \"{1}{0}\" -f 'We','iD' ),( \"{0}{1}\"-f'pRo','cEss') ) ) )&& C:\WIndOwS\sYStem32\Cmd.Exe /C%QexIO%"

C:\WINDoWs\SYsTeM32\Cmd /C "sEt lzXrV=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&SeT ytw=pOwErShelL -co ^^^&( ${s`helL`iD}[1] + ${sh`El`liD}[13] +'x') ( ( .(\"{1}{0}\" -f 'm','iTE') ( \"{1}{2}{3}{0}\"-f 'V','E','n','v:lzxR' )).\"v`AluE\" )&&C:\WINDoWs\SYsTeM32\Cmd /C %yTW%"

CMD.EXe /C "sEt cDpyq=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&Set kuxSF=pOWeRSHeLl -WIndowsTyle hIDDEN (.(\"{0}{1}\" -f'C','HilDITem' ) (\"{1}{0}{2}\" -f 'v:CdPy','en','q' ) ).\"VA`LUe\" ^^^| ^^^&( ${verBOse`PreFE`R`ENCe}.( \"{1}{0}\"-f'INg','ToSTR').Invoke( )[1,3]+'X'-jOIn'')&&CMD.EXe /C%kUXsF%"

cMD.ExE /C "SET BudG=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&SeT KhJC=PowersHeLL -exECUtiOn bypasS ^^^& ( 'sV') ( \"{1}{2}{0}\" -f'17j','X','W6' ) ( [tYPE](\"{0}{2}{1}\" -f'En','T','ViROnmeN' ) ) ; ( .( \"{1}{0}{2}\" -f'rI','VA','ABlE') ( \"{0}{2}{1}{3}\"-f'EXECUtiONC','Nt','o','eXt' ) ).\"V`AluE\".\"Inv`okecom`Mand\".(\"{2}{1}{3}{0}\"-f 'ript','vOke','In','SC' ).Invoke(( $XW617j::( \"{2}{3}{5}{0}{1}{4}{6}\"-f 'NmE','N','gEtEnv','Ir','tVArIAb','o','lE' ).Invoke(( \"{0}{1}\" -f'bUd','g' ),(\"{1}{0}\"-f'SS','PROCE' ) ) ) )&& cMD.ExE /C%KHjC%"

CMD /C"sET KUR=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&Set MxI=C:\wINDowS\sYsWow64\winDOWspoWERSheLl\V1.0\PowerShelL.EXe ${ExEcut`IoN`cON`TExT}.\"invo`kEcoMm`A`ND\".( \"{2}{1}{0}\" -f 'pt','EscRi','INvOk' ).Invoke( ( .( \"{0}{1}\" -f'D','IR' ) ( \"{0}{1}\"-f'ENV:kU','R')).\"vAl`Ue\" )&& CMD /C%mXI%"

These options just change the way of execution, it might be enough to just check for those keys


Back to the Contents 📄

Task # Option Results Comments

Options LAUNCHER\STDIN++\0 - LAUNCHER\STDIN++\8 of this launcher just apply different PS keys the same way as LAUNCHER\PS\* (task 10), so in this task we should only hunt for STDIN++ indicators:

cmD /c "SEt nEp= Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString &&set EcPq=Echo (DIr vaRIAblE:*XeC*T).valuE.iNvOKeCOmMaNd.InVOKEscrIpT( ([eNViROnMenT]::geTenvIRONmentVArIabLE('nEP','PROCeSS')) )^|PowersHElL (VArIABle 'eXeCUtIoNContext' -VAL).InVokeCoMmand.InvOkEscRipt( ${InPuT} ) && cmD /c %eCPQ%"

C:\wiNdOWs\SystEm32\cMD.EXe /c "sET XnK= Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString && sET PZVh=ECho ${EXECutIoNcOnTExT}.inVokecommaNd.iNvoKeSCrIPt( ([eNvirOnMEnT]::GETenVIrOnmENtVARIABLe('XNk','pRoceSS'))) ^| poweRSHelL -NoE - && C:\wiNdOWs\SystEm32\cMD.EXe /c%PzVh%"

CmD.ExE/c "SEt jqP= Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString && sET BvZ=eChO InVOKe-eXPreSsioN ([enviRONMent]::GEteNVIrONmENTvArIAblE('JQP','pROceSS')) ^| POWerSHELl -NoNinTE $INPUt^^^| ^^^&( $sheLlid[1]+$ShELlid[13]+'x')&& CmD.ExE/c%bVz%"

cMd.EXE /C "SET RiJ= Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString && sET KTpFR=Echo ${eXEcuTIONcOnTEXT}.iNVOkeCommAND.INvOKeScrIpT( (GCi eNV:rIj).vaLUe ) ^|PoWeRsheLL -NOLoG (GET-chiLDIteM 'VArIaBlE:ex*XT').vAlue.InvokECOMmand.iNvokEScrIpT($iNPut)&& cMd.EXE /C%ktpfR%"

CmD.EXE /C "SeT khW=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&Set XWPGa=ecHO ${EXECuTIonCOntext}.inVOKeCommand.iNVoKESCRipt((GeT-iTem EnV:khW).vaLuE ) ^|PoWERsHell -nOproF .( $Env:cOmSPec[4,26,25]-jOiN'')( ${inPuT} ) &&CmD.EXE /C%XWpGA%"

c:\wiNDOwS\syStem32\CMd.Exe /C "sEt xjIow= Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&sEt niG=Echo iEx (GI ENv:XjIOW).valUE ^| powersheLl -coMm (chIlditeM 'vARIaBle:eX*XT').vAlUE.iNvoKEcoMMaNd.invokEScrIpT( $InpuT )&& c:\wiNDOwS\syStem32\CMd.Exe /C %NIg%"

CMd/C "sEt Guz= Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString &&set Cpa=echO INVoKe-exprESSiOn (iteM env:gUZ).vALuE ^| POWeRSHElL -wInD hIddEn ${ExecutioncOntexT}.invokECOmmaND.invokescriPt( ${iNpuT} ) && CMd/C%Cpa%"

C:\wInDOWS\sYsTEM32\cMD /c "SET RnK= Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString &&sEt ryP=ECHo (GCi vaRIABlE:E*oNTe*).VaLUe.iNvokecOmMaNd.inVOKeScrIPt( ([eNVirONmENT]::GEtENVirOnMeNTvArIAblE('rNk','PROcEsS')) ) ^| PowershelL -EXecu byPAsS $eXecutiOnCONTeXT.invokeCoMmAND.iNVOKEsCrIpT($iNPUT ) && C:\wInDOWS\sYsTEM32\cMD /c %RyP%"

C:\winDowS\SysteM32\Cmd /C "set sHM=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString && SEt gBc=ECHO $eXECutionconTeXt.inVoKECOmmanD.InVoKESCripT( ([ENVirOnment]::geTenVIrONMEnTvaRIAble('shM','PRoCEss')) ) ^| C:\WiNDoWS\SYSwoW64\WindoWSpoWerSHelL\V1.0\pOwersheLl.EXe ^^^&( $PShOME[4]+$psHOMe[30]+'X') ( $InPUt) && C:\winDowS\SysteM32\Cmd /C %gbc%"

These options just change the way of execution, it might be enough to just check for those keys


Back to the Contents 📄

Task # Option Results Comments

Options LAUNCHER\CLIP++\0 - LAUNCHER\CLIP++\8 of this launcher just apply different PS keys the same way as LAUNCHER\PS\* (task 10), so in this task we should only hunt for CLIP++ indicators:

C:\WINdoWS\sySteM32\CMd /c " ECho\Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString|Clip.Exe&&C:\WINdoWS\sySteM32\CMd /c pOWerSheLl -STa . ( \"{2}{0}{1}\"-f'dd-',(\"{0}{1}\" -f 'T','ype' ),'A' ) -Assembly ( \"{4}{1}{3}{0}{2}\"-f (\"{0}{1}\" -f 'nd','ow'),( \"{1}{0}\"-f'.W','stem' ),( \"{2}{1}{0}\" -f 'rms','Fo','s.'),'i','Sy') ; ${exeCUtIOnCONTeXT}.\"INV`oKECOM`m`ANd\".\"INV`ok`ESCriPT\"( ( [sYSteM.wiNDoWS.forMs.ClIPboaRD]::( \"{2}{0}{1}\" -f'Ex','t',(\"{0}{1}\" -f'Get','t' ) ).\"iNvo`Ke\"( )) ) ; [System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard]::(\"{1}{0}\" -f 'ar','Cle' ).\"in`V`oKE\"( )"

C:\WInDows\System32\cMd /c " echO Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString |C:\wiNDOwS\SyStEm32\cLiP.exE &&C:\WInDows\System32\cMd /c poWErsheLl -sT -NoexiT ^^^& (\"{0}{1}{2}\"-f 'Ad','d-T','ype' ) -A ( \"{4}{0}{1}{2}{3}\"-f 'y',( \"{0}{2}{1}\"-f'stem','indow','.W' ),'s.F',( \"{0}{1}\"-f'orm','s' ),'S' ) ; ${EXEcUtIONcONtEXT}.\"IN`Vo`kECoMm`AnD\".\"I`N`VoKESCriPT\"( ( [WInDoWS.FoRMS.ClipboArD]::(\"{0}{1}\"-f'GE',(\"{0}{1}\"-f 'TT','EXt') ).\"INV`Oke\"( ) ) ) ; [Windows.Forms.Clipboard]::(\"{0}{1}\" -f'C',(\"{0}{1}\" -f'le','ar' ) ).\"iN`V`oKe\"( )"

C:\wiNdowS\syStEm32\cmd /C" ecHO Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString | clIp&&C:\wiNdowS\syStEm32\cmd /CPoWeRSHEll -sta -NonIntERaCTI ${nu`LL} = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::( \"{2}{1}{3}{0}\" -f(\"{0}{1}\" -f'l','Name' ),'it',( \"{1}{0}\"-f 'adW','Lo' ),(\"{0}{1}\" -f 'hPart','ia')).\"i`NvOke\"((\"{3}{4}{1}{0}{2}\" -f'Windows.For','tem.','ms','Sy','s')) ; ${eX`Ec`UT`ioN`coNteXt}.\"I`N`VOKEcOMm`And\".\"In`VOkES`CRipt\"( ([WInDowS.fORmS.cLipbOArD]::( \"{1}{0}\"-f'EXt',(\"{1}{0}\" -f 'T','gET' )).\"INV`okE\"( ) ) ); [Windows.Forms.Clipboard]::( \"{1}{0}{2}\"-f 'x',( \"{1}{0}\" -f 'tTe','Se' ),'t' ).\"i`NvoKe\"(' ' )"

C:\WINDowS\sYsTEM32\CmD.eXE /C" echo\Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString| C:\WIndOWs\SYSteM32\CLip &&C:\WINDowS\sYsTEM32\CmD.eXE /C POWERSHeLL -sT -noL [Void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::( \"{0}{3}{4}{1}{2}\" -f( \"{0}{1}\"-f'Lo','adW' ),( \"{0}{1}\"-f 'Par','t'),( \"{0}{1}{2}\"-f 'ial','N','ame'),'it','h' ).\"in`VO`KE\"( ( \"{3}{1}{4}{5}{2}{0}\"-f'rms','ystem.Windo','Fo','S','w','s.' )) ; ( [wIndows.fOrms.cLIPBOArD]::( \"{1}{0}\"-f'T',( \"{1}{0}\" -f'tEX','gET' )).\"i`Nvoke\"( ) ) ^^^| ^^^& ( ( ^^^& ( \"{2}{1}{0}\"-f 'e',( \"{2}{1}{0}\"-f'IABl','aR','v' ),( \"{0}{1}\"-f'Get','-' ) ) ( \"{1}{0}\"-f'*','*MDr' )).\"n`Ame\"[3,11,2]-jOin'') ; [Windows.Forms.Clipboard]::( \"{0}{1}\" -f (\"{1}{0}\"-f'tT','Se' ),'ext').\"in`VoKe\"(' ' )"

C:\WINdOws\sYsTeM32\Cmd.EXE /C"EcHO/Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString |CLIp&&C:\WINdOws\sYsTeM32\Cmd.EXE /C powErShELl -StA -NOpRoFIl . (\"{2}{0}{1}\" -f'-T','ype','Add') -Assem ( \"{1}{3}{0}{4}{2}\" -f'ent','Pre',(\"{2}{0}{1}\"-f 'nCor','e','io' ),'s','at' ) ; ( ^^^&( \"{1}{0}{2}\" -f( \"{0}{1}\"-f'rIab','L'),'va','e' ) ( \"{1}{0}{4}{3}{2}\" -f'xEc','e','OncontEXt','tI','u' ) ).\"va`lUe\".\"invok`E`cOmM`AnD\".\"INv`o`k`EscRIPt\"( ( [SySTEm.wINDoWs.CLipbOARd]::( \"{1}{0}\" -f'xt',(\"{0}{1}\"-f 'gEt','Te' )).\"i`NVO`ke\"( ) ) ) ; [System.Windows.Clipboard]::(\"{1}{0}\" -f't',( \"{0}{1}\" -f'Se','tTex')).\"INvo`KE\"(' ')"

CmD/C "Echo/Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString|c:\windOWs\systEM32\ClIP &&CmD/C poweRshell -ST -comMaNd ^^^& ( \"{0}{1}\"-f( \"{0}{1}\" -f'A','dd-'),(\"{0}{1}\"-f'Ty','pe' )) -AssemblyNam ( \"{0}{3}{1}{2}\"-f(\"{0}{1}{2}\" -f'Pre','se','nt' ),'onC','ore','ati' ) ; ${exECUtioncONText}.\"iNVOkEC`o`MMA`Nd\".\"I`N`VokESCR`IPT\"( ([WInDowS.clIPBOARD]::(\"{0}{1}\" -f 'g',( \"{0}{1}\" -f'Ette','Xt' )).\"iN`V`OKE\"()) ) ;[Windows.Clipboard]::(\"{1}{0}\" -f'ear','Cl').\"iN`Voke\"( )"

cmd /C" eChO\Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString |CliP&&cmd /C pOWeRshELl -ST -WINdOwStY HiddeN ${U`A`TVRY} = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::( \"{0}{3}{4}{1}{2}\" -f ( \"{1}{0}\" -f'd','Loa' ),'l',( \"{0}{1}\"-f 'N','ame' ),( \"{2}{0}{1}\" -f'Pa','rti','With' ),'a' ).\"in`VokE\"( ( \"{5}{2}{3}{6}{4}{0}{1}\" -f 'ws.','Forms','y','st','Windo','S','em.' )) ; ([wIndoWS.formS.cLipbOARD]::( \"{1}{0}\"-f (\"{0}{1}\"-f 'e','tTExT'),'G' ).\"inVO`kE\"( )) ^^^|^^^& ( ${v`e`RbOsePRe`FErENCE}.( \"{1}{2}{0}\"-f 'G','tos',( \"{1}{0}\" -f 'riN','t') ).\"In`V`OKe\"( )[1,3]+'x'-JOIn'' ) ; [Windows.Forms.Clipboard]::(\"{0}{1}\" -f 'C',( \"{1}{0}\"-f 'r','lea' ) ).\"iN`VOke\"( )"

c:\WINdoWS\SYsteM32\cmd.Exe /c " Echo Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString |C:\wInDows\sYSTEM32\ClIp.EXE&&c:\WINdoWS\SYsteM32\cmd.Exe /c powERshelL -EXEcUtionpol BYPaSs -ST ^^^&(\"{0}{2}{1}\"-f ( \"{0}{1}\"-f'Ad','d-T'),'pe','y' ) -As (\"{2}{0}{1}{3}\" -f're','s','P',(\"{2}{1}{0}\"-f 're','nCo','entatio' ) ) ; ([WiNdOwS.cLIPBOArd]::( \"{2}{1}{0}\" -f( \"{1}{0}\"-f 'tEXt','t' ),'e','G' ).\"INV`OKe\"( ) ) ^^^| . ( ( [sTRING]${ve`RBosEp`ReFe`Re`NcE} )[1,3] + 'x'-join'' ) ; [Windows.Clipboard]::(\"{2}{1}{0}\" -f(\"{0}{1}\"-f't','Text' ),'e','S' ).\"In`VO`kE\"( ' ')"

CMd/C " ecHo Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString| C:\wiNdows\system32\ClIp.ExE&&CMd/Cc:\WinDows\sysWow64\wiNdowsPOWersHelL\v1.0\PoweRsHElL.exE -Sta . (\"{1}{0}{2}\" -f 'T',( \"{0}{1}\"-f 'A','dd-' ),'ype' ) -AN ( \"{1}{0}{2}{3}{4}\"-f(\"{0}{2}{3}{1}\" -f 'tem','s.F','.','Window' ),'Sys','or','m','s' ) ; ${exECUTIOncONTeXT}.\"in`VokeC`O`MManD\".\"invOke`S`C`RipT\"( ( [wiNDOWs.fOrmS.clIPbOARd]::( \"{1}{2}{0}\"-f 't',(\"{0}{1}\" -f'gE','TT' ),'Ex' ).\"in`V`OkE\"( ) ) ) ; [Windows.Forms.Clipboard]::( \"{0}{1}\" -f (\"{1}{0}\"-f'lea','C'),'r' ).\"iNV`oke\"( )"

These options just change the way of execution, it might be enough to just check for those keys


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Task # Option Results Comments

Options LAUNCHER\RUNDLL++\0 - LAUNCHER\RUNDLL++\8 of this launcher just apply different PS keys the same way as LAUNCHER\PS\* (task 10), so in this task we should only hunt for RUNDLL++ indicators:

c:\WiNdOws\sySTeM32\cMd /c "SeT jgXU=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&RuNdLL32.exe SHELL32.DLL , ,, ShellExec_RunDLL "pOWERshelL" " (.('GI' ) ( '{0}{1}'-f'ENv:jG','Xu') ).'VALUe' ^| . ( '{1}{0}'-f'ex','i' )"

C:\wIndows\sysTEM32\cMd.eXE /C"sET EvXC=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&RunDLL32 SHELL32.DLL, , ,ShellExec_RunDLL "POWeRsheLl" "-NoEXi " " $pctJ7F = [TYpE]('{2}{1}{0}{3}'-F 'O','NVir','E','NmeNT') ; ( ^& ( '{0}{1}' -f 'i','tem' ) ('{0}{5}{1}{2}{4}{3}'-f 'v','LE',':EXECu','IoNcOnTexT','T','aRiaB')).'vALUe'.'invoKeCommaND'.( '{0}{2}{1}{3}'-f'I','KE','Nvo','sCRIpt').Invoke( ( $Pctj7f::('{2}{0}{3}{1}{5}{4}' -f 'NvIrO','VA','getE','nMEnt','E','rIAbl' ).Invoke( ( '{1}{0}'-f'C','EvX'),('{1}{0}{2}' -f's','Proce','s' ) )) )"

c:\wInDOWS\SySTeM32\CMD.exe /c "Set gsJ=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&C:\WInDoWs\SYSTEM32\RUndll32.exe SHELL32.DLL ShellExec_RunDLL "pOwershELL" " -NONiNter" " .('sV' ) je3 ( [TypE]('{2}{0}{1}' -F'NMen','t','envIRO' ) ) ; .( '{4}{3}{0}{1}{2}' -f'pR','EsSio','n','ex','iNVokE-' )( ( ( . ( '{1}{2}{0}' -f 'ITeM','gE','t-') VAriaBLe:je3 ).VAlUe::( '{3}{5}{0}{4}{1}{6}{2}'-f'nV','Me','IABLE','g','IroN','ETE','NTVar' ).Invoke( 'gSj',( '{1}{0}{2}' -f'OCE','Pr','ss') ) ) )"

C:\winDoWS\sYStem32\CMD /c"sEt iQw=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&C:\WIndoWS\sYSTEm32\runDll32.eXE SHELL32.DLL,ShellExec_RunDLL "PoweRShell" "-NoLOGO " " ^&( ( [strinG]${VERBoSEPReFEReNcE} )[1,3] +'X'-JOIn'' ) ( ( ^& ('{2}{0}{1}' -f 'iTe','m','chILD' ) ( '{1}{0}' -f ':Iqw','EnV')).'VALUE' ) "

CmD.EXE /c "SEt igfM=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&RuNdll32 SHELL32.DLL ShellExec_RunDLL "PoWERsheLl" " -noPRoFIL " " ( ^& ( '{1}{2}{3}{0}' -f 'eM','GE','t-child','IT' ) ( '{0}{1}' -f'E','nV:igFm' ) ).'VAlUE' ^| . ( '{1}{0}'-f 'x','ie')"

C:\wINdoWs\sYsTEm32\CMD.eXE /C "set Ahi=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&rundLL32 SHELL32.DLL, , ShellExec_RunDLL "pOweRshELL" " -C " " ( .( '{0}{1}'-f 'iT','em') ( '{1}{2}{0}'-f'ahI','EN','V:')).'ValUE' ^| . ( ${eNV:cOMspEC}[4,15,25]-Join'' )"

cmd /C "seT LFM=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&c:\WinDoWs\sYsTeM32\ruNdll32 SHELL32.DLL ShellExec_RunDLL "powERshELL" " -WIndOW hIdD" "$PGRV4H = [TyPe]( '{3}{2}{1}{0}'-F 'Nt','E','OnM','ENvIr' ) ; ${exeCUTIoNcONText}.'INVoKEcOMmaNd'.( '{1}{2}{0}'-f'CRIpT','iNvOkE','s' ).Invoke( ( ( gi variAbLE:pgRV4h ).'vALuE'::( '{1}{4}{0}{5}{3}{2}{6}' -f'M','GEtEn','vA','t','ViRoN','En','rIabLe' ).Invoke('lfm',('{0}{1}{2}' -f'PROc','E','SS') ) ) )"

c:\WINDOws\SysTEm32\CMD.exE /c "sEt uCQSx=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&RundLL32 SHELL32.DLL,ShellExec_RunDLL "POWerShELL" " -eXeCuTIonPOl bYpaSs " "( ^& ( '{2}{1}{3}{0}'-f 'ItEM','eT-ch','g','iLD') ('{1}{0}{2}'-f 'RIABLe:ex*','va','xT' )).'VAlUE'.'InVokeCommaND'.('{2}{3}{0}{1}'-f 'c','Ript','iNvoKe','S').Invoke( (.('{3}{0}{2}{1}'-f 't-','m','CHIldiTE','GE') ('{0}{1}' -f 'E','NV:UcQsx' ) ).'VAlUE' )"

CMD.ExE /C "SeT vPu=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&rUnDlL32 SHELL32.DLL,ShellExec_RunDLL "C:\WinDOWs\SYSwOw64\WiNDOWSPOWERshELl\v1.0\PoWERshELL.exe" "( .( '{1}{0}' -f'Ci','g' ) ( '{0}{2}{1}' -f'e','VPu','nV:' )).'VaLUE' ^| ^& ( ${eNV:cOMSPeC}[4,26,25]-JoIN'')"

These options just change the way of execution, it might be enough to just check for those keys


Back to the Contents 📄

Task # Option Results Comments

Options LAUNCHER\MSHTA++\0 - LAUNCHER\MSHTA++\8 of this launcher just apply different PS keys the same way as LAUNCHER\PS\* (task 10), so in this task we should only hunt for MSHTA++ indicators:

c:\winDowS\syStEM32\CmD /c "SeT vaw=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&C:\windoWs\SYsTem32\msHTa VBSCrIpt:CREatEObJeCT("WScriPT.ShEll").Run("POwERShElL ( ^& ( '{1}{0}'-f'I','GC') ('{0}{2}{1}' -f'eNv:','w','Va' )).'vAlue' ^| . ( ${PshOmE}[21] +${psHOme}[34] +'x')",(11-1-9),TRuE)(WiNdOW.ClOsE)"

CMD.exE/C "SeT Qsk=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&C:\windoWS\SYStEm32\MSHtA VBScRIpT:CREATeObjECt("WSc"+"RIP"+"T."+"SHeLL").RuN("POWERShell -NoeX ( ^&( '{1}{2}{0}' -f 'tEm','get-C','hilDI' ) ('{1}{0}'-f 'Sk','ENV:Q' ) ).'vAlue'^|^& ( ( ^& ( 'GV' ) ( '{1}{0}'-f 'dR*','*M')).'name'[3,11,2]-JOIn'')",15-11-3,TRUE)(WiNDOW.CLOSE)"

C:\WinDOwS\SystEm32\cMD.EXe /c "sET mQn=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&MsHta VBScript:CReATEOBjeCt("WS"+"c"+"r"+"IPT."+"ShelL").Run("POWerSHEll -NOniNtera ${EXECUtIonCONText}.'iNVokEcOmmaNd'.( '{3}{2}{0}{1}' -f 'P','t','OkescrI','iNv' ).Invoke( ( ^& ('{0}{1}'-f'GC','I') ( '{0}{1}' -f'EN','v:MQn') ).'VAlUE' )",(12-11),TrUe)(WIndoW.ClosE)"

C:\WindOws\SySTeM32\cmd.exE /c "sET Hlyd=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&c:\wInDOws\SYstEM32\mShTA VBSCRipT:CrEATeOBjecT("WSCRipT.ShElL").RUn("POwErSheLL -NoLoG ( .('{1}{0}' -f 'ITem','CHILD') ( '{0}{2}{1}'-f 'eNV','lyd',':H' )).'VAlUE' ^| .( ${pshomE}[4] + ${pSHome}[30] + 'X')",(24-23),True)(WInDow.Close)"

cMD/C "sET Nkl=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&c:\WINDOWS\sYStEm32\MsHTa VBSCRIPT:CreaTEObjeCT("WScRIPT.ShelL").RuN("POwersheLl -nOPRoFIL ${exEcUtioncONTEXt}.'invoKecOMMAND'.( '{3}{1}{2}{0}' -f 'pT','nvoKEs','cRI','I').Invoke( ( ^& ( '{0}{1}' -f'ite','m' ) ('{2}{0}{1}'-f':n','KL','EnV' )).'VaLUE' )",1,TrUe)(WINdow.CLOse)"

C:\WinDOWs\sySTEm32\CMD /c"SET lheP=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&C:\WIndows\sYStEm32\MshTA VBScript:CReaTeObJeCt("WSC"+"RiPT"+".ShElL").RUN("POwErSHeLL -COMma (.( '{1}{0}' -f 'i','GC') ('{1}{0}{2}' -f 'v','EN',':lhEp') ).'value' ^| ^& ( ( ^& ('{2}{0}{1}'-f 'ET-va','rIable','g' ) ( '{1}{0}' -f'r*','*MD' ) ).'NamE'[3,11,2]-JoIN'' )",(9-2-6),TRUe)(WiNdow.ClosE)"

c:\wiNDoWs\sYStEm32\cmd.EXe /c"Set sPvk=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&msHTa.exe VBSCripT:CreaTEObjeCT("WSCRI"+"pT.SHe"+"l"+"L").RuN("POWERshELL -WindowSTyL 1 (^& ( '{0}{1}{2}'-f 'cHIldIt','e','M' ) ( '{0}{1}{2}' -f'E','Nv:spv','K' )).'VAlUe' ^| . ( ${PShOmE}[4] + ${psHOME}[30] + 'X' )",1,TRuE)(WindOW.Close)"

c:\WIndOws\SYStem32\CMd.exe /c "SET Xuz=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&mSHta.Exe VBScriPt:CREatEObJECT("WSCRIPT.SHeLL").RUn("pOwErsHell -eXecuTIO BYPAsS ${eXeCUTiONCONText}.'inVOkecOmMANd'.( '{2}{0}{1}' -f'vOkEScRi','Pt','in' ).Invoke( ( .('{1}{0}{2}' -f'iTe','child','M') ('{2}{1}{0}' -f 'z','U','EnV:X' ) ).'vAlue' )",1,TRuE)(WindoW.ClOsE)"

cMd /C "sET yAt=Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString&&MSHTA VBSCRiPT:CrEaTeOBjECT("WSC"+"R"+"i"+"p"+"t.ShELL").RuN("c:\WIndOWS\sYSWow64\WInDoWspOWErSHeLL\v1.0\pOWErsHeLL.exe ( .('gV' ) ( '{0}{1}'-f'eX','*xT' )).'ValUE'.'inVokECoMmand'.( '{2}{3}{1}{0}' -f 'iPt','EsCR','I','nVoK').Invoke(( ^&('{1}{0}' -f 'm','ITe' ) ('{0}{2}{1}'-f'env','AT',':y' ) ).'vAlUE' )",(14-13),TRUE)(WinDOW.CLoSe)"

These options just change the way of execution, it might be enough to just check for those keys
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Dmweiner commented Oct 4, 2020

For the sprint I'm planning on starting with 20 and seeing how I can continue on from there with my mediocre regex skills.

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zinint commented Oct 6, 2020

For the sprint I'm planning on starting with 20 and seeing how I can continue on from there with my mediocre regex skills.

Thanks, great! Wating for your PR, great chance to improve your regex skills BTW (: they are pretty handy (:

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NikitaStormwind commented Oct 8, 2020

If no one objects, I'll take 31 and 30
30 #1094 #1097 #1108
31 #1098 #1099 #1109

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@zinint Do you want the rule to work on a single regular expression as specified in point 5 "Start to develop your own regex that will cover all of the obfuscation examples of this particuar obfuscation method, e.g" ? Or you need several regular expressions for different patterns as shown in the examples:

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zinint commented Oct 8, 2020

@NikitaStormwind I think we need several regular expressions for different patterns, but I'm open for suggestions (:

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zinint commented Oct 8, 2020

If no one objects, I'll take 31 and 30

No objects, of course, thanks for joining!

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NikitaStormwind commented Oct 8, 2020

@NikitaStormwind I think we need several regular expressions for different patterns, but I'm open for suggestions (:

@zinint | And one more question: Do you need to make several rules for the task ? For example: 1.Rule (4104,4103), 2.Rule (process create), or is one rule enough ?

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@NikitaStormwind I think we need several regular expressions for different patterns, but I'm open for suggestions (:

@zinint | And one more question: Do you need to make several rules for the task ? For example: 1.Rule (4104,4103), 2.Rule (process create), or is one rule enough ?

It depends, but I think they should be a Rule Collection

Saw you PRs, you went with 2 rules, I think that's fine, maybe later we will somehow rearrange that, but for now, that's a nice way, thanks a lot for your time and contribution. I'll get back to you in PRs after I review the rules.

Ok, thanks. I'll take a couple more tasks tomorrow

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zinint commented Oct 8, 2020

@NikitaStormwind I think we need several regular expressions for different patterns, but I'm open for suggestions (:

@zinint | And one more question: Do you need to make several rules for the task ? For example: 1.Rule (4104,4103), 2.Rule (process create), or is one rule enough ?

Forgive me (: but I forgot about one of the latest updates to the Issue before the sprint, it's in the end:

One obfuscation method = 3 Sigma rules

Each Sigma rule for a specific PowerShell obfuscation method should be developed for process_creation log category, service creation events (windows system eid 7045, windows sysmon eid 6, windows security eid 4697) and powershell log source. You can follow the approach used for obfuscated IEX invocation rules — there are 3 rules that rely on the same set of regular expressions:

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zinint commented Oct 8, 2020

Ok, thanks. I'll take a couple more tasks tomorrow

Top work @NikitaStormwind, thanks a lot, will see you tomorrow!

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@NikitaStormwind I think we need several regular expressions for different patterns, but I'm open for suggestions (:

@zinint | And one more question: Do you need to make several rules for the task ? For example: 1.Rule (4104,4103), 2.Rule (process create), or is one rule enough ?

Forgive me (: but I forgot about one of the latest updates to the Issue before the sprint, it's in the end:

One obfuscation method = 3 Sigma rules

Each Sigma rule for a specific PowerShell obfuscation method should be developed for process_creation log category, service creation events (windows system eid 7045, windows sysmon eid 6, windows security eid 4697) and powershell log source. You can follow the approach used for obfuscated IEX invocation rules — there are 3 rules that rely on the same set of regular expressions:

@zinint | I made 3 rules for one task. If the check is successful, I will continue to write other tasks using the same method.
30 #1094 #1097 #1108
31 #1098 #1099 #1109

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NikitaStormwind commented Oct 9, 2020

I'll take tasks 28 and 29
29 #1112 #1113 #1114
28 #1142 #1143 #1144

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zinint commented Oct 12, 2020

I'll take 27 then for descending order (: gotta do something as well ((:

#1150 #1151 #1152

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OpalSec commented Oct 13, 2020

I'm looking at task 26 - apologies if my subsequent PRs aren't done right, I haven't collaborated in Github before!

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OpalSec commented Oct 15, 2020

Looking at task 25

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OpalSec commented Oct 15, 2020

Looking at task 24

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apologies if my subsequent PRs aren't done right, I haven't collaborated in Github before!

Hello @OpalSec! That's totally fine, no worries (: That's the whole point of the sprint — engage more people into collaboration on GitHub (: I think most of the participants are not fluent in GitHub, but they are doing their best, and we are here to help.

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zinint commented Oct 18, 2020

Taking task 23 - #1223

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zinint commented Oct 18, 2020

Taking task 22 - #1225

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zinint commented Oct 18, 2020

Taking tasks 20 & 21

  • Due to the very high FP rate, I suggest skipping these tasks.

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zinint commented Oct 18, 2020

Taking task 19 - #1229

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zinint commented Oct 18, 2020

Taking task 18 - #1230

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zinint commented Oct 18, 2020

Taking task 17

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frack113 commented Dec 27, 2022

Summary rules to do

task PR
1 X
2 X
3 X
4 X
5 X
6 X
7 X
8 X
9 X
10 dead link

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Most action are detected even if get no alert on the encoding.
Need to complex regex to catch then all

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6 participants