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@potapovDim potapovDim released this 13 Sep 09:18





buildRunner(buildOpts): returns rerunner: function(string[]): {retriable: string[]; notRetriable: string[]}

arguments description
buildOpts Type: object
Options for executor
buildOpts.maxThreads Type: number,
How many threads can be executed in same time
Default threads count is 5
buildOpts.attemptsCount Type: number,
How many times can we try to execute command for success result in next cycle will be executed only faild command, success commands will not be reexecuted
Default attempts count is 2
buildOpts.pollTime Type: number,
Period for recheck about free thread
Default is 1 second
buildOpts.successExitCode Type: number,
Exit code what will be used for succes process check
Default is 0
buildOpts.logLevel Type: string, one of 'ERROR', 'WARN', 'INFO', 'VERBOSE',
ERROR - only errors, WARN - errors and warnings, INFO - errors, warnings and information, VERBOSE - full logging
Default is 'ERROR'
buildOpts.currentExecutionVariable Type: string, will be execution variable with execution index for every cycle will be ++
buildOpts.everyCycleCallback Type: function,
Optional. everyCycleCallback will be executed after cycle, before next execution cycle.
Default is false
buildOpts.processResultAnalyzer Type: function,
Optional. processResultAnalyzer is a function where arguments are original command, execution stack trace and notRetriable array processResultAnalyzer should return a new command what will be executed in next cycle or null - if satisfactory result
buildOpts.longestProcessTime Type: number,
In case if command execution time is longer than longest Process Time - executor will kill it automatically and will try to execute this command again.
Default time is 45 seconds


const {buildRunner} = require('process-rerun');

async function execCommands() {
  const runner = buildRunner({
    maxThreads: 10,               // ten threads
    attemptsCount: 2,             // will try to pass all commands two times, one main and one times rerun
    longestProcessTime: 60 * 1000,// if command process execution time is longre than 1 minute will kill it and try to pass in next cycle
    pollTime: 1000,               // will check free thread every second
    // @deprecated
    debugProcess: true,           // all information will be in console output
    everyCycleCallback: () => console.log('Cycle done'),
    processResultAnalyzer: (cmd, stackTrace, notRetriableArr) => {
      if (stackTrace.includes('Should be re executed')) {
        return cmd;
    }, //true - command will be reexecuted
  const result = await runner([
    `node -e 'console.log("Success first")'`,
    `node -e 'console.log("Success second")'`,
    `node -e 'console.log("Failed first"); process.exit(1)'`,
    `node -e 'console.log("Success third")'`,
    `node -e 'console.log("Failed second"); process.exit(1)'`,

    retriable: [
      `node -e 'console.log("Failed first"); process.exit(1)' --opt1=opt1value --opt1=opt1value`,
      `node -e 'console.log("Failed second"); process.exit(1)' --opt1=opt1value --opt1=opt1value`
    notRetriable: []


arguments description
dir Type: string , required
Directory what will be used as a root
fileList Type: Array<string> ,
This array will be used as a target for push new file
directoryToSkip Type: `Array
ignoreSubDirs Type: boolean,
In case of true - sub directories will be ignored

usage exampele

const {getFilesList} = require('process-rerun');

const readmePath = getFilesList(__dirname).find((filePath) => filePath.include(''));