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Simply Love for SM5 - v4.0

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@quietly-turning quietly-turning released this 24 Apr 01:51


This is the v4.0 release of Simply Love for StepMania 5. It includes a few new features and bug fixes not present in the previous release.

Please note that this release of Simply Love requires StepMania 5.0.12 to function properly. Older versions of SM5 are not supported.

New Features

Judgment Histogram for ScreenEvaluation

ScreenEvaluation now has a new fourth pane of information – a histogram of judgment density. This feature is intended to help newer players assess whether they are more often hitting notes early or late.


Bug Fixes

Fixes for CourseMode

The MeasureCounter has been fixed to work within CourseMode.

Additionally, ScreenSelectMusic has been updated to display a list of the songs that will be played in each course, making it similar, visually, to Simply Love for SM3.95.

Get Out of ScreenSelectMusic in EventMode without a Keyboard

I added the traditional ITG MenuButton code for exiting ScreenSelectMusic when EventMode is enabled at the request of a few users who own their own private machines. The code is MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight,MenuLeft,MenuLeft,MenuRight,MenuRight

Fix Per-Column Judgment Pane for Double Play for 4:3 Monitors

This previously spilled offscreen.

Misc. Small Changes

I have continued to add lots of inline comments for the sake of other themers and people who like to poke at my code.

Change Summary

For a summary of changes between v3.0 and v4.0, check GitHub's comparison of the two.