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4th September to 10th September 2023

Week 36

{% embed url="SingularityNET-Archive/SingularityNET-Archive#58" %}

Monday 4th September 2023

Education Guild

No summary given

Tuesday 5th September 2023

Governance WorkGroup

Not this week

Ambassador Town Hall

Town Hall #64.
No summary given.


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Wednesday 6th September 2023

Dework PBL Workgroup

Not this week

Archive Workgroup

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Attendees : Andre, Stephen [facilitator], Peter. Vanessa

Agenda :

1 - GitHub Project Board - Stephen

AI summary - (generated by

  • The meeting involved the SingularityNET Archive group, discussing ongoing projects and issues.
  • Topics discussed included updates needed for the Ambassadors GitBook, archiving town hall meetings, developing archival workflows, preparing the quarterly report, planning for next quarter, and outreach to other groups about archiving needs.
  • They talked about potentially automating some archiving tasks and rolling it out to other groups like NuNet and Mindplex.
  • There was discussion around funding proposals related to tagging content and automating archiving.
  • Meeting templates and getting feedback from workgroup leads was discussed.
  • Developing a database interface for automated archiving was mentioned.
  • They discussed how to archive the Archive group's own meetings, including timestamping recordings and posting quick summaries.

Meeting Issue

{% embed url="SingularityNET-Archive/SingularityNET-Archive#54" %}

Process Modelling Workgroup

No longer meeting

Strategy Guild


Code of Conduct continued


Fly, Osmium, WaKa, Peter, Headelf [facilitator]


Not many notes for this meeting. I am finding it more difficult to facilitate, edit and scribe.

The meeting focused on the editing of the async google doc that had been created and edited by community members.

Discussion focused on debate, gentle argument and consensus on the many topics in the Code of Conduct doc that had evolved from Strategy's previous doc termed Code of Ethics. This doc had been fed into CGPT4.0 and prompted to create a CoC with the viewpoint of a Professor of Ethics, with an avenue for reporting and possible violation remedies. The doc was about 3 pages long. The doc link is:

Length of meeting:

1.5 hours.

Incubation Guild

No summary given

Thursday 7th September 2023

Onboarding Workgroup

No workgroup meeting this week - it was replaced with an onboarding session for new members.


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Treasury Guild

Meeting Summary Context:

How to structure Ambassador rules around payments, tasks and anything related to financial activities.

Meeting notes:

Showing feature of using Dates in Dework Task Name:

Agenda Items

1) Ambassador Rewards

Description - Due to changes and concerns in Ambassador members, we clarified requirements to be eligible for the monthly rewards
[Decision] - All members who were Ambassadors at the start of the August, expect thefreysdefi, will be rewarded.
[Action] - In the next meeting, check if all Ambassadors are already eligible for September Ambassador Rewards.
Insight - Ambassadors are expected to join weekly Ambassador Townhalls
Insight - Ambassadors are expected to contribute to Ambassador Program through workgroups.

2) Insights from Treasury Guild - Activity Lists

Description - We are seeing more use of activity lists
Insight - Dework PBL workgroup has drafted an Activity List Guide:
Learning - There is a new reccurring task of setting up translation tasks in Translation Workgroup
Learning - Onboarding Translator task should not be included in activity list due to existing task template
Insight - Kenichi and Rojokaboti are doing weekly activity lists
Learning - There are a lot of reccurring tasks in Writers' Workgroup to be templated
[Action] - Organize time with writers' workgroup to discuss recognizing operational activities
Learning - Rojokaboti is not including the time spent on each activity under activity list; we are not able to recognize areas for time spent for management contribution

3) Data Formats that are recognized from title

Description - Shared new date format feature of the Treasury System: see link to video above
Insight - This helps us to make the contribution timeline visible more fluid and accurate compared with actual events
Insight - helps to audit resource availability for the month

4) Using Clockify to track your own contributions

Description - Clockify is a tool that times your activities
[Action] - SucrenSpice will send Treasury Guild Clockify Export
Insight - We will look into opportunities to see if we can allow managing operational tasks direcly using Clockify export. Right now the information is manually copied over to Dework.

Next elegant steps (general action items)

We didn't discuss quarterly budgets as yet, and should do so in next meeting as it's the last of the current quarter.

AI Sandbox

Not this week

Deepfunding Town Hall

No summary given.


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Friday 8th September 2023

Video Workgroup

No summary given

Writers' Workgroup


Kenichi [facilitator], Mikasa [documenter], CJFrankie, Devon Hardy, Nwobi Onyeka, Vasu


Translating Ben Goertzel’s Wikipedia blog to other languages:
[action] Kenichi will make a list of available languages.
[action] Mikasa will be translating into Spanish, other Scribblers can send a DM to Kenichi if they'd like to translate to other languages


Ambassadors graphics: creation of welcome graphics into each new month. Each member was asked to check the new graphics and send reviews, We got great feedback from members

Trivia testing: A new channel for trivia will be opened for members of the ambassador program

AI marketplace: Scribblers should get familiar with the AI marketplace and a task would be put up for scribblers to choose which AI tools they'd be interested in

Writing focus for the month: LLMs, Deep Funding, and AGI. Each scribbler and scribe are welcome to bring topics


Questions were raised as to why our Twitter and Medium handles were needed. Kenichi explained it's for publicity and awareness, a way to announce to people your latest work on SNET medium

Our Twitter page should be back on Tweetdeck soon, and more threads should be ready to be published

More tasks for the upcoming week will be on Dework

New members are always welcome

Great meeting everyone!