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The Flashcord Store

Sirius B edited this page Sep 20, 2023 · 1 revision

Replugged Plugins: Before posting your Plugin to the Flashcord Store

It is advised to check before with the Replugged Team if they are willing to put your plugin on their store, the Flashcord Store does allow already approved plugins but aren't really the main focus of the Flashcord Store's plugin division. The Flashcord Store hasn't been seen yet by the Replugged Team as far as I am aware, it is best if you already have approved plugins, that you continue posting yours to the Replugged Store instead of mine. Because who knows if they will be terrible people and remove all plugins who are both on their store and the Flashcord one. I do not believe they'll do such a thing, but you've been warned. Either way, if your plugin is already approved, once they finally let developers add long descriptions, the Flashcord Store for already approved plugins will be irrelevant unless you really need a lot more info to show up inside your plugin page.

Getting Approved

Flashcord Module

Please make a post inside the Sirio Game Network Discord Server inside #module-reviews with the tags "Flashcord Module" and "Store Request" with the URL link to your Module's GitHub Repository.

If you need your module to get updated, repeat the same process but replace the "Store Request" tag with "Update Request".

How verification works

I simply read your code. What a revelation I know right?

Replugged Plugin

Please make a post inside the Sirio Game Network Discord Server inside #module-reviews with the tags "Replugged Plugin" and "Store Request" with the URL link to your Module's GitHub Repository.

If you need your plugin to get updated, repeat the same process but replace the "Store Request" tag with "Update Request". Well, you don't exactly need to do this because Replugged locked down the client so I can't "freeze" plugin versions. This is the whole danger of Flashcord Approved Plugins, any plugin developer can silently push an update, malicious or not, and it will reach every user who installed it.

A workaround is in the works to fix the problem stated above.

How verification works

Previously Flashcord Approved plugin developers will verify your plugin to check if it is malicious, after approval, you will join them in the verification team. These verification are of course optional and you aren't forced to go help out verify if a new plugin is malicious.