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The Flashstore API

Sirius B edited this page Mar 16, 2024 · 3 revisions

Documentation isn't finished yet.

The Flashstore API lets you retrieve information about posted Flashcord Modules, Replugged Plugins and etc. It is currently a read-only API which will be used only for internal infrastructure or making more advanced versions of FlashCFG (The Flashcord Store Template's quick store & embed configurator).

API Commands (v3.0)

API Commands Explanation
GET Retrieve all main server data (Currently does NOT pull view/install/splash text data)
GET/[MODULES/PLUGINS/THEMES] Retrieve all the internal names of the specified Flashcord Addon type
GET/USERS Retrieve all users who published an addon to the Flashcord Store
GET/SPLASH_TEXT Get a funny (or cringe) text
GET/API_VERSION Get the server's running API Version
GET/SERVER_VERSION Get the Server's running version
GET/[VIEWS/INSTALLS]/[internal_name] Get the amount of views/installs for [internal_name], works with Replugged IDs
ADD_STAT/[VIEWS/INSTALLS]/[internal_name] Add a views/installs for [internal_name], works with Replugged IDs. Can only done once

ℹ️ The server source code will not be released.