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Docker image with compiled OpenCV, Dlib, ffmpeg and Node.js.

Based on ffmpeg-opencv-dlib image

Versions (latest)

  • node - 10.3.0
  • dlib - 19.8
  • opencv - 3.4.1

Node.js lib compatibility

  • opencv4nodejs - native module, see installing instructions above and follow module documentation.
  • face-recognition - native module, see installing instructions above and follow module documentation.

Installing opencv4nodejs

FROM m03geek/ffmpeg-opencv-dlib-node:alpine
RUN apk update && apk add -u --no-cache python make g++
RUN npm i opencv4nodejs

Installing face-recognition

FROM m03geek/ffmpeg-opencv-dlib-node:alpine
RUN apk update && apk add -u python make g++ libpng-dev libjpeg-turbo-dev giflib-dev libx11-dev
RUN npm init -y
RUN npm i face-recognition

Other images:

Without FFmpeg

OpenCV Dlib OpenCV+Dlib OpenCV+Dlib+Node.js OpenCV+Node.js Dlib+Node.js
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With FFmpeg

OpenCV OpenCV+Dlib OpenCV+Dlib+Node.js OpenCV+Node.js
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