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task scheduler for symfony witch extended syntax similar to cron.


  • run composer require skrip42/cron-bundle
  • create database php ./bin/console make:migration and php ./bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate
  • add * * * * * ./bin/console cron:run in you crontab

schedule-task syntax:

task pattern is {minute}_{house}_{day}_{weekday}_{month}_{year}

operant description example
* run everytime *_*_*_*_*_* - will be executed every minute
n,m run in n and m 5,10_*_*_*_*_* - will be executed in 5 and 10 minute
!n run everytime except n *_*_*_!1_*_* - will be executed everytime except Monday
n+m run in n+m 5+10_*_*_*_*_* - will be executed in 15 minutes
n-m run in n-m 15-10_*_*_*_*_* - will be execute in 5 minutes
-n run in m-n where m is max value of range (-5 in minute part equal 55 minute) *_*_- 1_*_*_* - will be executed on the last day of the month
n/m run when n aliquot m (*/5 in minute part - run every 5 minute) */5_*_*_*_*_* - will be executed every 5 minutes
n:m run in range from n to m 5:10_*_*_*_*_* - will be executed in 5,6,7,8,9 and 10 minutes
(n) group of operators !(5,10,15)_*_*_*_*_* - will be executed every minute except 5,10 and 15 minute

Operators can be combined, for example: 0_0_*/2-1_*_*_* - will be executed at midnight on odd days.

available command:

  • cron:add - interactiv adding cron task
  • cron:closest - show list of closest task
  • cron:list - show list of cron task
  • cron:list --all - show list of all activity status cron task
  • cron:optimize - disable outdated cron tasks
  • cron:run - run actual task
  • cron:update $id - update cron task
  • cron:toggle $id - toggle cron task activity


....... //you namespace declaration

use Skrip42\Bundle\CronBundle\Services\Cron;
use Skrip42\Bundle\CronBundle\Component\Pattern;

....... //you class declaration

protected $cron; //instance of Cron service

public function __construct(Cron $cron) {
    $this->cron = $cron

........ //in you method
$this->cron->getActualOnCurrentTime(); // return array of actual Schedule entity
$this->cron->optimize(); // disable outdated cron tasks
$this->cron->closestList($count); // return $count closest task in format: [$id, $command, $c]
$this->cron->getList($all); // return all schedule task? if $all = true includes disabled task
$this->cron->addSchedule($patternString, $commandString); // create new schedule task
$this->cron->toggleSchedule($id); // toggle schedule task activity
$this->cron->updateSchedule($id, $patternString, $commandString); // update schedule task

$pattern = new Pattern($patternString); // get pattern object
$pattern->test(new DateTime('NOW')); // test pattern for match date
$pattern->getClosest($count); //return $count closest date that match pattern

$schedule = reset($this->cron->getList()); // schedule is standart doctrine entity
$schedule->getId(); //return id
$schedule->getCommand(); // return command string
$schedule->setCommand($commandString); // set command string to schedule
$schedule->getPattern(); // return pattern string
$schedule->setPattern($patternString); // set pattern string to schedule
$schedule->toggleActive(); // toggle schedule activity

$this->container->get('doctrine')->getManager()->flush(); // to save change


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