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basics fibertoml configuration file

4rchim3d3s edited this page Sep 9, 2019 · 2 revisions


fiber.toml Configuration File

fiber.toml is used to set parameters that are used during the initialization and operation of a CX chain. The file already contains some values that can be considered as default, such as the genesis_timestamp or max_block_size, but other fields need to be set up with different values for every CX chain. Particularly, the fields:

  • blockchain_pubkey_str
  • genesis_address_str
  • genesis_signature_str

need to be updated. The values of the first two fields are updated with the values obtained by following the instructions in the section Genesis Transaction, while the last one is automatically generated and added to fiber.toml by initializing a blockchain by running a command of the form cx --blockchain --public-key $PUBLIC_KEY --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY

Other fields that can be of interest in this file are:

  • create_block_max_transaction_size
  • max_block_size
  • unconfirmed_max_transaction_size.

These fields control how large a CX chain's transactions can be. The default is set to be 5 Mb for all of these parameters.

Lastly, any field related to the configuration of a cryptocurrency should be ignored and left untouched for the functionality of a CX chain, specifically:

  • genesis_coin_volume
  • create_block_burn_factor
  • unconfirmed_burn_factor
  • max_coin_supply
  • user_burn_factor