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basics intro

4rchim3d3s edited this page Sep 9, 2019 · 4 revisions


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CX Chains Overview

This document has the purpose of dissecting CX chains into its different parts and to describe the processes that involve these parts. As the CX chains feature is still in a prototype/alpha stage, the descriptions contained in this file are subject to change. Changes can be expected after a new release of CX is created and after Github pull requests are merged into the develop branch.

Each of the following sections describe either a process or a module that is part of the composition of a CX chain. The document starts explaining what a Blockchain Code and a Transaction Code are, and how and why Merging the Blockchain and Transaction Codes is necessary for the functionality of a CX chain. After reviewing these concepts, it is then explained how these programs are necessary to create, modify and query a CX chain's Program State. The Program State Structure is then described, which helps the reader understand how a CX chain stores its state and what are the capabilities of a CX chain.

In order to create a CX chain, a number of parameters need to be set first in different files by using different methods. First, it is described how a Coin Template file is used to generate a program that can be used to run something similar to a cryptocurrency. Then, a process to generate a Genesis Address and Genesis Private and Public Keys is described, which outputs data that will be used to populate a fiber.toml Configuration File that is used for Initializing a CX Chain. After this initialization process completes, it is explained how a Wallet is created using a Seed and how we can start Testing and Injecting Transactions.

For any encountered bug or feature request, we encourage the reader to create a Github issue with the inquiry.