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Getting Started

First, make sure you have installed node using nvm. If you are using Windows, I recommend setting up Windows Subsystem for Linux. Then clone this repository. Once cloned, run the following command to install required Node.js packages.

$ npm install

Now you can start a testing server that will automatically reload as you make changes.

$ npm start

To build the site for production

$ npm run build

which will place the bundled files in the ./dist directory.

The API urls are different for development and production. The switch is handled automatically by vite environment variable.

To use functionalities that require our backend server, for example in Cluster and Gravity, check out @RuideFu's skynet-plotting-server, forked from @finnsjames's skynet-plotting-server.

Note: npm start is a shortcut for npm run start. Any npm run <your-script-name> command (like the two we used here) is defined in the scripts section of package.json. Take a look by yourself! In other words, these are not some magic commands that npm has built-in, but rather some convenient "scripts" that we have defined.


A graphing tool used by the OPIS! (Our Place In Space) and MWU! (The Multi-Wavelength Universe) curricula at UNC Chapel Hill and many other institutions. Developed under the guidance of Dr. Dan Reichart.

Light Curve Periodogram Period Folding Clustering Dual Moon Scatter