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SkyrimLL edited this page Nov 27, 2014 · 2 revisions

Starting Sanguine's Debauchery

In the MCM configuration menu, first click INSTALL. (After making changes in the menu, remember to exit all menus and allow the mod a moment to apply the changes.)

IMG.Once SD is installed, re-enter the SD MCM Menu and click BEGIN.  Be aware that this procedure has changed slightly from previous versions of SD+. Older versions allowed the player to use "BEGIN" to start SD's functions at will, or allowed them to wait until encountering the quest "A Night to Remember". With the introduction of DAYMOYL as a base, it's now necessary to BEGIN SD as soon as it's installed to get the two mods to interact correctly.

If you'd like the classic SD experience, find the SD options listed in DAYMOYL's "OnBlackout Events" and "Radiant Events" menus and disable them until you've completed "A Night to Remember". The quest first becomes available at level 14, and will kick off by engaging in the drinking contest with Sam, who you'll find boozing it up in the first inn you visit after reaching level 14. Otherwise, with the SD events enabled in DAYMOYL, you can expect SD's quests to activate from the very beginning.

*Note that Coveted and Gold for the Wicked can be toggled on and off after you install the mod. Other selections will be locked in at install. Make sure you have your options set the way you like them before you install.


Chance of Enslavement

This variable acts as a master control for whether or not DAYMOYL is allowed the opportunity to enslave the PC on an OnBlackout Event. The simplest way to use this setting is to either turn it "on" (100%), or "off" (0%). at 100%, DAYMOYL is allowed to do its thing freely, and calculate your chance of enslavement based on its set of probabilities for blackout events. At 0%, you're essentially locking out the possibility of SD events. If you set this variable anywhere between 0% and 100%, it will do what it's described to do. The higher the percentage, the greater the chance of your being enslaved if you're taken down in combat.

Limited Removal

If you use mods that insert new quest items or other unique items into the game, check this option to protect them from being possibly lost or despawned. Otherwise, leave this option unchecked, and inventory removal should preserve all of your unique items just fine...though you'll have to jump through some hoops to get them back!

Gender Restrictions

Gives you the ability to limit interactions with rapists and slavers to those of the same gender only, the opposite gender only or both genders.

Demerit Changes

Select this option to receive notifications when your master's attitude toward you changes (see notes on enslavement below).

Enable Train Run

Select this option if, when you dance for your master or for anyone else, you'd like to make it possible for multiple NPCs to take turns satisfying their urges on you.


  • Female: Using CBBE. If you're using Caliente's CBBE, check this option. For UNP bodies, leave this unchecked. -Custom Slave Clothing. Hover over this option to see instructions on how to add custom default clothes to the PC while enslaved. If you do add custom clothing, check this option


  • Buyout adjusts how much gold is necessary to give to your master during the Indentured Servant quest to purchase your freedom. Each time you're enslaved, this value will increase. Default is 500.
  • Escape Radius alters how far you need to be from your master in order to be considered to be attempting escape. Default is 3072 units (or 48 yards). Adjust up or down for preference.
  • Escape Timer is the amount of time you must avoid your master for an escape to "finalize". Default is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
  • Start Tasks is a timer that determines how long you must be enslaved before you master offers you the option to work for him. Default is .125 days (or 3 hours).

Hardcore Mode

Getting away is all fine and well, but what about those shackles? Check this option to leave your bindings in place if you escape your master. Unchecked, your bindings will be dropped once you escape, and the escape timer has expired.

Frostfall Mortality

If you're running the Frostfall mod, select this option. This prevents a glitch whereby you become invulnerable every time you're cold.


  • Min slavery level (from 1 to 6)
  • Max slavery level (from 1 to 6)
  • Slavery level cooldown multiplier (from 0.0 to 2.0)

The first two should allow you to control the progression. For example, you want to always see defiant options, set both min and max level to 1. If you want to disable the future 'total submissive slut' level, set max to 5.

The cooldown multiplier allows you to control how your character reacts to slavery.

A value < 1 means that your character craves freedom and will fight back exposure, even while being enslaved. That simulates the internal struggle of your character. If you want your character to be rock solid and never be corrupted, set the cooldown value to 0.

A value > 1 means that your character craves slavery and will augment their exposure after each day. Set it to 2 to progress through levels faster.


 Primary and Secondary Quest Status

These two sections display which quests and statuses are currently active. These are not configurable, but rather a place to check up on what's going on with the PC.

Coveted & Gold for the Wicked

These two entries allow you to toggle these sub-quests on and off. They will be available to toggle once SD+ is installed. For a detailed description of these sub-quests, see their feature entries below.


You will see this option checked if you aren't enslaved. While enslaved, it will be unchecked. You can then check this option while enslaved to abort an enslavement that has gone wrong (aka broken the game mechanics in some way, or that's simply terminally boring).