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Linter and Builder 🚀 Release Drafter 🚀

This is a repository is the backend of the chat machine trainer websit. It's using the following tech stack:

When the Docker is started, these are the URL addresses:

  • Backend Application (API docs) $\rightarrow$ http://localhost:8001/docs
  • Database editor (Adminer) $\rightarrow$ http//localhost:8081

The backend API without Docker can be found in http://localhost:8000/docs.

Why the above Tech-Stack?

Well, the easy answer is Asynchronousity and Speed!

  • FastAPI is crowned as the fastest web framework for Python and thus we use it for our backend development.
  • The database of my choice is the asynchronous version of PostgreSQL (via SQLAlchemy 2.0). Read this blog from Packt if you want to educate yourself further about the topic Asynchronous, Synchronous, Concurrency, and Parallelism.
  • Docker is a technology that packages an application into standardized units called containers that have everything the software needs to run including libraries, system tools, code, and runtime.

Other Technologies

The above-listed technologies are just the main ones. There are other technologies utilized in this project template to ensure that your application is robust and provides the best possible development environment for your team! These technologies are:

  • CodeCov $\rightarrow$ A platform that analyzes the result of your automated tests.
  • PyTest $\rightarrow$ The testing framework for Python code.
  • DBDiagram $\rightarrow$ A platform that lets your design your database by writing SQL and converting it into ERD. This platform provides a complete symbol for entity relationships (not like many other platforms!).
  • GitHub Actions $\rightarrow$ The platform to setup our CI/CD by GitHub.
  • SQLAlchemy 2.0 $\rightarrow$ The go-to database interface library for Python. The 2.0 is the most recent update where it provides an asynchronous setup.
  • CODEOWNERS $\rightarrow$ A file for distributing the responsibilities in our project to each team/teammate.



Quick setup

See quick start


See deployment. And if you are interested in docker-in-docker development, see


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file.