This repository holds an engine for my website. It's a weird hybrid trying to benefit from both Static Site Generators concept and typical Laravel setup. Nothing really advanced in fact but feel free to take inspiration.
The code itself is licensed under MIT. However, it does not apply to the content on which is proprietary and copying or redistributing it without my explicit permission is strictly prohibited.
The success/failure icons used for CLI notifications are owned by Jeffrey Way, the author of laravel-mix.
Suggested setup for the local development (which attached Docker config follows) is to put this repository in its own directory, next to the directory with compatible website content files.
Something along the lines of...
git clone website
# grab website files into "content" directory
cd website && docker-compose up -d
Then review the .env
file and adjust settings if necessary. Finally
# enter the container
docker-compose exec --user=app app bash
# and run
composer install
php artisan migrate --database=persistent --path=database/migrations/persistent/
php artisan content:index
# for IDE autocompletion
composer ide-helpers
You will also need to build the frontend assets:
docker-compose exec node bash
yarn dev # or `yarn prod` to build with minification etc
- The dedicated README in
to learn how this engine deals with databases