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Releases: SoftInstigate/restheart


10 Apr 11:33
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Release 7.7.8

This minor release upgrades Undertow to v2.3.12.Final and fixes two minor bugs

New commits

fa6d288 🐛 Prevent null return in HashMapLoadingCache.getLoading() to address potential multithreading cache issue
4bb0805 🥅 Handle mongodb error 241 (ConversionFailure) to return status code 400
dad521d ⬆️ Upgrade Undertow to v2.3.12.Final


19 Feb 11:31
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Release 7.7.7

This minor release fixes a critical bug that prevented the previous version from being built as a Uber jar using the maven shade plugin.

New commits

31ad403 🐛 Fix PluginsScanner and PluginsClassloader to support Uber jar builds


13 Feb 15:31
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Release 7.7.6

This minor release fixes a critical bug that prevented the previous version from being built as a native image.

New commits

def5111 ♻️ Refactor PluginsScanner to support native image build


13 Feb 15:27
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Release 7.7.5

Updates and Improvements

  • Dependency Upgrades: We have updated our project dependencies to the latest versions, ensuring improved performance, security, and compatibility across the board.

Bug Fixes

  • Plugin Class Loading Enhancement: We've refactored the plugin class loading mechanism to utilize a custom PluginsClassloader. This significant change addresses and resolves the issue where plugin classes were previously loaded by multiple classloaders, leading to potential conflicts. With this update, all plugin classes are consistently loaded by a single classloader, enhancing the stability and reliability of the plugin system.

New commits

9b4a7e6 ⬆️ Upgrade dependencies
f2b534a 🐛 Refactor plugin class loading to use custom PluginsClassloader. This change ensures that plugin classes are consistently loaded by a single classloader, preventing conflicts arising from classes being loaded by multiple classloaders.


07 Feb 09:57
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Release 7.7.4

RESTHeart 7.7.4 includes important bug fixes and error handling improvements to enhance stability and usability.

Below is a summary of the changes included in this release.

Bug Fixes

  • Class Not Found Error Fix: Resolved an issue where ClassNotFoundException was thrown when a Provider attempted to provide an instance of a class located within plugin JAR files.


  • Enhanced MongoDB Error Handling: Improved error handling for MongoDB operations by specifically addressing two error conditions:
    • Error 16410: FieldPath field names may not start with '$'. The system now correctly identifies and returns a 400 Bad Request response when encountering this issue, preventing invalid queries from causing unhandled exceptions.
    • Error 73: Invalid database name. Similarly, this update ensures that attempts to use invalid database names are gracefully handled, returning a 400 Bad Request response to the client.

These changes aim to improve the overall robustness and user experience of the software by preventing common errors and ensuring that clients receive clear, actionable feedback on issues. We recommend all users to update to this latest version to benefit from these improvements.

New commits

48495e0 🐛 Fix ClassNotFoundException when a Provider attempted to provide an instance of a class located within plugin JAR files
96b512a 🥅 Handle MongoDB errors 16410 (FieldPath field names may not start with '$') and 73 (Invalid database name) to return 400 Bad Request


02 Feb 17:07
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Release 7.7.3

This minor update introduces an important optimization. We have identified that the RequestLimitingHandler within our base pipeline, while initially implemented to manage request throttling, is not effective while still slowing down RESTHeart. Given the complexity of efficiently handling request loads, we've concluded that utilizing a reverse proxy offers a more robust for request throttling.


  • Performance Enhancement: We have removed the RequestLimitingHandler from the base processing pipeline. This change is aimed at streamlining operations and reducing unnecessary overhead. As part of this update, we've also deprecated the requests-limit configuration option, reflecting our move towards leveraging external tools for more effective request management.

New commits

c11b170 ⚡ Remove RequestLimitingHandler from base pipeline and linked requests-limit configuration option


29 Jan 11:07
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Release 7.7.2

This minor release:

  • Fixes NPE on Optional Stages when ?avar qparam is missing
  • Upgrade json-path to v2.9.0

New commits

9c4adf3 ⬆️ Upgrade json-path to v2.9.0
5c5f950 🐛 Fix NPE on Optional Stages when ?avar qparam is missing


23 Jan 09:05
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Release 7.7.1

This minor release:

  • Fixes graphql query-time-limit not enforced on multi queries requests and on query with nested fields
  • Upgrades TLS to v1.2

New commits

8e921bb ✨ GraphQL query-time-limit is enforced also on multi queries requests
a50ff4c 🐛 Fix timeout not returning executing graphql query that breaks query-time-limit on nested fields
98d96a3 Update SSLContext.getInstance() to use TLSv1.2


12 Jan 11:52
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RESTHeart Release 7.7.0

🚀 This release introduces significant improvements and updates, enhancing the performance and functionality of RESTHeart.

What's New in 7.7.0

  • Enhanced Plugin Directory Management: RESTHeart now supports more efficient management of plugins. We've enabled the system to recursively load plugins from both the main plugin directory and its subdirectories, simplifying the organization and deployment of plugins. Details on this enhancement can be found at GitHub Issue #495.

  • Optimized GraphQL Query Execution: In an effort to boost the efficiency of GraphQL operations, we've implemented a new mechanism to promptly terminate slow queries and aggregations. This proactive approach significantly reduces execution time for GraphQL queries, enhancing overall performance.

  • GraalVM Upgraded to v23.0.2: Keeping up with the latest advancements, we've upgraded to GraalVM version 23.0.2. This update ensures compatibility with the latest features and optimizations offered by GraalVM, further enhancing the stability and performance of RESTHeart.

Notable Commits

  • 1e3ddc906: Upgraded GraalVM to the latest version 23.0.2, ensuring improved performance and compatibility.
  • 18f9f43cc: Implemented enhancements to GraphQL query execution, introducing a mechanism to terminate slow queries and aggregations more efficiently.
  • 3decc5469: Enabled recursive loading of plugins from the plugins directory and its subdirectories, streamlining plugin management.

Full Changelog

For a complete list of changes and updates in this release, please visit the Full Changelog.

This improved version aims to provide a clearer and more detailed overview of the updates in version 7.7.0, enhancing readability and user understanding.


19 Dec 12:47
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Release 7.6.5

This minor release:

  • improve performances by removing synchronized code and improving JSON response generation
  • fix error message not logged if configuration file or configuration override file is not found
  • upgrade mongodb driver to latest release

New commits

  • f34324f ⚡ Improve JSON response generation avoiding call to minify() from BsonUtils.toJson()
  • 1ed0fd8 ⚡ Improve performance of BsonUtils.toJson()
  • fe12d3a ⚡ Improve memory consumption of BsonUtils.toJson()
  • f85a325 ⬆️ Upgrade MongoDB drivers to v4.11.1
  • ba64344 ⚡ Remove synchorized code
  • 40c24f2 🐛 Fix error message not logged if configuration file or configuration override file is not found

Full Changelog: 7.6.4...7.6.5