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@github-actions github-actions released this 09 Apr 12:30
· 501 commits to master since this release

4.0.0-beta.1 (2021-04-09)

Bug Fixes

  • use design system >v1.7.3 to fix datepicker input issue (55d7699)
  • use the latest @admin-bro/design-system (2e79e0a)


  • This is to force major version release due to one of the changes in earlier commits.
    #765 fixed a bug where 'mixed' (JSON/JSON Array) properties would be nested under it's own name in the database.
    It also resulted in the property being displayed incorrectly in 'show' action view later.
    If you used 'mixed' type previously, you might need to migrate your database data to work with the improved syntax.
    Example resource config:
properties: {
  additional_data: { type: 'mixed' },
  'additional_data.label': { type: 'string' },
  'additional_data.value': { type: 'string' },

If the above config results in your data being saved as:

{ "additional_data": { "label": "test", "value": "test" } }

instead of

{ "label": "test", "value": "test" }

in your database under 'additional_data' column, an example migration for PostgreSQL would be:

UPDATE my_table_name
SET additional_data = jsonb_extract_path(additional_data, 'additional_data');