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DSA 100 Challenge

100 DSA interview problems with solutions


This repository is your go-to resource for mastering Data Structures and Algorithms. I have curated a list of the top 100 DSA problems from LeetCode, covering a wide array of topics such as Array, String, Linked List, Graph, Dynamic Programming, Tree, Stack and Queue, and Miscellaneous. These problems are carefully selected to provide a comprehensive understanding of essential DSA concepts.

Problem Categories

  • Array
  • String
  • Linked List
  • Graph
  • Dynamic Programming
  • Tree
  • Stack and Queue
  • Misc
Array Problem LeetCode Link Difficulty Level Solution
1 Check if pair with the given Sum exists in Array Link Easy
2 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Link Easy
3 Find duplicates Link Medium
4 Product of Array Except Self Link Medium
5 Maximum Subarray Link Easy
6 Maximum Product Subarray Link Medium
7 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Link Medium
8 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Link Medium
9 3 Sum Link Medium
10 Container With Most Water Link Medium
11 Find the Factorial of a large number Link Medium
12 Trapping Rain Water Link Hard
13 Chocolate Distribution Problem Link Medium
14 Insert Interval Link Hard
15 Merge Intervals Link Medium
16 Non-overlapping Intervals Link Medium
17 Set Matrix Zeroes Link Medium
18 Spiral Matrix Link Medium
String Problem LeetCode Link Difficulty Level Solution
1 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Link Medium
2 Longest Repeating Character Replacement Link Medium
3 Smallest window in a String containing all characters of other String Link Hard
4 Check whether two Strings are anagram of each other Link Easy
5 Print all anagrams together Link Medium
Linked List Problem LeetCode Link Difficulty Level Solution
1 Reverse a Linked List Link Easy Link
2 Detect Cycle in a Linked List Link Medium Link
3 Merge Two Sorted Lists Link Easy Link
4 Merge K Sorted Lists Link Hard Link
5 Remove Nth Node From End Of List Link Medium Link
6 Reorder List Link Medium Link
7 Add 1 to a number represented as linked list Link Medium Link
8 Find the middle of a given linked list Link Easy Link
9 Delete last occurrence of an item from linked list Link Easy Link
Stack and Queue Problem LeetCode Link Difficulty Level Solution
1 Check if given Parentheses expression is balanced or not Link Easy Link
2 Delete middle element of a stack Link Medium Link
Tree and Graph Problem LeetCode Link Difficulty Level Solution
1 Invert/Flip Binary Tree Link Easy
2 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Link Hard
3 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Link Medium
4 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Link Hard
5 Subtree of Another Tree Link Easy
6 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal Link Medium
7 Validate Binary Search Tree Link Medium
8 Kth Smallest Element in a BST Link Medium
9 Lowest Common Ancestor of BST Link Easy
10 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) Link Medium
11 Add and Search Word Link Medium
Dynamic Programming Problem LeetCode Link Difficulty Level Solution
1 Coin Change Link Medium
2 0/1 Knapsack Problem Link Medium
3 Longest Increasing Subsequence Link Medium
4 Longest Common Subsequence Link Medium
5 Word Break Problem Link Medium
6 Dice Throw Link Medium
7 Egg Dropping Puzzle Link Hard
8 Matrix Chain Multiplication Link Medium
9 Combination Sum Link Medium
10 Subset Sum Problem Link Medium
11 Find maximum possible stolen value from houses Link Medium
12 Count Possible Decodings of a given Digit Sequence Link Medium
13 Unique paths in a Grid with Obstacles Link Medium
14 Jump Game Link Medium
15 Cutting a Rod Link Medium
16 Maximum Product Cutting Link Medium
17 Count number of ways to cover a distance Link Easy
18 Number of 1 Bits Link Easy
19 Counting Bits Link Medium
20 Missing Number Link Easy
21 Reverse Bits Link Easy
22 Find XOR of all subsets of a set Link Medium
Graph Problem LeetCode Link Difficulty Level Solution
1 Detect Cycle in a Directed Graph Link Medium
2 Bridges in a graph Link Hard
3 Check whether a given graph is Bipartite or not Link Medium
4 Strongly Connected Components Link Hard
5 Topological Sorting Link Medium
Miscellaneous Problem LeetCode Link Difficulty Level Solution
1 Sentence Palindrome Link Easy
2 Palindromic Substrings Link Medium
3 Longest Common Prefix Link Easy
4 Print Right View of a Binary Tree Link Medium
5 Find the first circular tour that visits all petrol pumps Link Medium
6 Length of the longest valid substring Link Hard
7 Find the XOR of all subsets of a set Link Medium
8 Detect Cycle in a Directed Graph Link Medium
9 Bridges in a graph Link Medium
10 Check whether a given graph is Bipartite or not Link Medium
12 Find size of the largest region in Boolean Matrix Link Medium
13 Flood fill Algorithm Link Medium
14 Strongly Connected Components Link Medium
15 Topological Sorting Link Medium
16 Count ways to reach the n’th stair Link Easy
17 Coin Change Link Medium
18 0/1 Knapsack Problem Link Medium
19 Longest Increasing Subsequence Link Medium