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Releases: SolariusScorch/XComFiles

The X-Com Files 3.3

23 Apr 22:14
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  • New missions: Hybrid Workshop, M.A.G.M.A. Reactor Attack.
  • New armors: Shadow Suit, Prowler Suit (sprites for both by Brain_322).
  • New HWP armors: Taser Drone (paperdoll by Barghum), Sectopod Mass Driver, Sectopod Gauss.
  • New weapons: Dragon Breath Pistol, Dragon Breath SMG, Dragon Breath Rifle, Heavy Dragon Breath (all sprites by Brain_322), Turbolaser SMG.
  • New ammo: Tactical GL Smoke Grenade, HWP Minigun Tritanium Clip.
  • New Commercial map.
  • New event: M.A.G.M.A. Targeted by MiB.
  • New Apocalypse legends: Wraith By The Bar, Stone of Discordia, Skulls and Roses, The Asphalt Entity, The Magma Massacre, Spectral Invasion, The Obliviatrix.
  • New staff input.
  • New Ufopaedia articles.
  • New Polish names.
  • Added mild weights to agent nationalities.
  • Vapor trails on some weapons.
  • New mini-icons for some scout drones.
  • Reptoids use Dragon Breath weapons instead of Gauss.
  • Reworked the Alien Abduction and the Hybrid Keep missions.
  • Cleaned up default armor lists.
  • Streamlined dog inventory slots.
  • Nerfed kukris.
  • Plasma blade weapons are lighter.
  • Ghost Neuralizer, Katapeltes Spiritus, Klein Bottle Grenade and their ammo can be produced.
  • Gillman Hero gives Juggernaut Suit now.
  • Added paperdoll for damaged Zombie Trooper (by Nord).
  • Added soldier icon for Medical Drone (by HinterDemGlas).
  • Improved Cyber Armor sprites (by Talpiot) and buffed it slightly.
  • Improved paperdoll for Chtonite (by Nord).
  • Improved Tomb Guard sprites (by Nord).
  • Improved Metamorph sprites (by Osobist).
  • Less enemies on The Sound of Graves.
  • Researching Syndicate Floppy Disc now makes the Syndicate grumpy.
  • No penalty for killing own ghost tentacles.
  • Added a balcony to ISLANDURBAN03.
  • Fixed the missing urn in The Root of All Evil (sprite by Nord).
  • Fixed Arbiter map.
  • Fixed turbolaser weapons' selling prices.
  • Fixed Counter-Terrorist Combat Analysis.
  • Fixed Small Hybrid Convoy.
  • Fixed Dagon Temple yields.
  • Fixed some trainings not being available for some agent types.
  • Fixed Technician giving TU instead of Stamina.
  • Fixed Sanity loss mitigation on extraordinary high Bravery (by zRrr).
  • Fixed Canister Gun palette (by Nord).
  • Fixed Shambler sprite (by Nord).
  • Fixed swapped floorobs for Dagon Chosen and Sorcerer.
  • Fixed M66's posture.
  • Fixed some male paperdolls' shape.
  • Fixed Sea Habitat walls.
  • Minor fixes.

The X-Com Files 3.2

05 Jan 14:26
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  • New missions: Den of Villainy (terrain by Brain_322), The Exorcism, Environmental Alert with Men in Black.
  • New outfit: Clergy (most graphics by Dioxine).
  • New unit: M.A.G.M.A. Representative.
  • New item category: Religious Gear.
  • New Ufopaedia articles and research tree adjustments.
  • 4 new Caves maps (3 by Dioxine).
  • New Junkfarm map (by Dioxine).
  • More general enemy base destruction message.
  • Increased Hovertanks' night vision range.
  • Excluded Assault Suit, Power Suit, Flying Suit and Stormtrooper Armor from underwater missions.
  • Gillman Hero gives Power Armor instead.
  • Chasers have dodge.
  • Overhauled civilians' dodge values.
  • Position Markers now actually have anti-camouflage.
  • MiB Commanders yield Personal Armor on research.
  • Increased chances for Mysterious Parcel from Syndicate to 100%.
  • Improved Car, Luxury Car and Van sprites (by 0xEBJC).
  • Improved Fenrir, Werecat, Black Werecat and Shambler sprites (by ImpMontezuma).
  • Improved Fat Tourist and Bikini Babe sprites (by Osobist).
  • Improved Celatid paperdoll (by Mikkoi).
  • Improved Mongorn Fist sprite (by Dioxine).
  • Improved Colt Commando sprite (by Alex_D).
  • Added description to the M.A.G.M.A. Chainsawbot Blade.
  • Reclamation of Aether Laboratory map is bigger (to fit any craft).
  • Hybrid convoys no longer travel on the globe.
  • Bats are excluded from science-themed missions.
  • Renamed Durathread Vest for dogs to Durathread Gear.
  • MiB Commander drops Damaged Personal Armor.
  • MiB Lunar Base awards Spacer.
  • Enabled Osiron Goon Disguise article.
  • Moved Scientist's Data Floppy from Vincent's pocket to a table.
  • Fixed Trident capacity (from 14 to 15) and interior.
  • Fixed Sonic Shotgun Focused Clip manufacturing prerequisites.
  • Fixed .308 cal Sniper Rifle's minimum range.
  • Fixed Haunted Farm terrains.
  • Fixed some cars' height.
  • Fixed destroyed streetlight height.
  • Fixed cult retaliations.
  • Fixed UAC Aerospace Lab roof.
  • Fixed Caves, Cargo Ship and CYBERPIPES walking sounds and SCANGs (by Dioxine).
  • Fixed MiB Engineering Ship lift.
  • Minor fixes.

The X-Com Files 3.1

17 Aug 10:56
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  • New missions: Cereal Cult, Agent Wilheard's Voyage.
  • New terrain: Cargo Ship (reworked from TFTD).
  • New weapon: Rift Staff.
  • New ammo: Dart Pistol Anti-E115 Clip, Dart Rifle Anti-E115 Clip.
  • New units: Ghost Eye, Phantasmal Tentacle, Agent Wilheard.
  • New cities: Marrakesh, Antalya, Aleppo, Naples, Glasgow, Sarajevo, Chisinau.
  • New country: Serbia.
  • New agent nationality: Serbian.
  • New dossier: Agent Wilheard.
  • New Apocalypse legend: Red Moon Curse.
  • 4 new events (some by Dioxine).
  • New Ufopaedia section: Martial Techniques.
  • New Ufopaedia articles.
  • Added Dr. Hadriex combat analysis page.
  • 3 new Caves maps (2 by Dioxine).
  • New firing sounds.
  • Warp weapons damage armor.
  • Reworked dart clips B and C into acid and electric clips respectively.
  • Kludge and Mateba have slightly worse snap ranges.
  • .454 Casull Ammo has Firing Accuracy bonus, but worse armor penetration.
  • Monsters Inc. Files are cheaper to sell.
  • Dogs have some anti-camouflage.
  • Minotaurs can be tamed by X-Com (base defense only).
  • Hell Cruise with Dr. Hadriex uses Cargo Ship terrain.
  • Disabled most missions from spawning in the first month.
  • Added retaliation variants to automatic retaliations.
  • More retaliation race tiers.
  • Extra rewards on some missions.
  • Ignoring Dimension X defence missions is more costly.
  • Hybrid convoys actually travel now.
  • Combat analysis is now usually unlocked by autopsy.
  • Decreased unpriming costs for most explosives.
  • Marker is Concealable.
  • Boombox is faster.
  • Taser now has snap shots.
  • Dart Musket is buyable.
  • Klein Bottle Grenade is deconstructable.
  • Removed craft item limits (due to bad interaction with Apocalypse-like item management).
  • Sanity requirement Martial Arts Training lowered.
  • Some name lists reviewed and improved (by Ivan Sanchez).
  • Caves tweaks (by Dioxine).
  • Seaside grass is shorter.
  • Almost all commendations are initially hidden.
  • Better Outdated Weapons picture.
  • Overhauled briefing colors.
  • Added mini-icons for the Liquidator (by Dioxine).
  • Added missing articles on various built-in attacks.
  • Fixed Sectopod minigun.
  • Fixed Ghost Terror Blast.
  • Fixed Hungarian area.
  • Fixed Chief Accountant introduction texts.
  • Fixed Master of X description.
  • Fixed retreating from the Syndicate HQ.
  • Minor fixes (thanks to Emil J. Schroeder).

The X-Com Files 3.0.2

11 Jul 11:16
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  • Added Ufopaedia entry to Spitter Spit.
  • Changed mixed alien crews to give them a Commander.
  • Combat Pilot Training gives +2 Stamina.
  • Fixed Alien Drone Weapon Ufopaedia trigger.
  • Fixed Sanity drain on the Aether Lab mission.
  • EXPANDEDTERROR17 stairs fix (by Dioxine).
  • Golden Academy stairs fix (thanks to Yankes).
  • Fixed some Alien Tunnels' walls.
  • Fixed points value in "Cure for Cancer" description.
  • Fixed some damage dissipation ranges.
  • Fixed some descriptions that were too long.
  • Minor fixes.

The X-Com Files 3.0.1

02 Jul 09:51
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  • Added Ufopaedia entry for Betarian Zapper and Vampire Bite.
  • Live Sectopod research needed for Sectopod adaptation.
  • Customized attack names in the Ufopaedia.
  • Fixed Ninja Arts's category in the Ufopaedia.
  • Minor fixes.

The X-Com Files 3.0

01 Jul 06:57
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  • New advanced agent types: Spartan, Infernal.
  • New UFOs: MiB Armory Ship (map by Civilian, slightly altered), MiB Escort Ship (map by Wolverin), MiB Freight Ship (map by Wolverin, altered).
  • New missions: Reclamation of Aether Laboratory (by CosmicAfro), MiB Tritanium Ammo Shipment, MiB Freight, Sleep Wave Emitter.
  • New HWP armor: Advanced Scout Drone.
  • New unit: Reclamation of Aether Master (mostly by CosmicAfro).
  • New weapons: Scoped Hunting Rifle, Dart Musket.
  • New items: MiB Crate (sprite by Brain_322), Tritanium Ammo Supply Crate (and associated changes for both), Cyber Eye, Cyber Heart, Cyber Skin, Hormone Regulator, Magnetokinetic Gear, Sectopod Parts, Hyperstims, Advanced Healing Spray (graphics collab with Brain; old item renamed to Improved Healing Spray), Advanced Repair Kit Charge.
  • New facility: Advanced Sick Bay (by Krautbernd, sprite by Brain_322).
  • New transformation for all animals: Predator.
  • New Ufopaedia section: Trainings & Augmentations.
  • New manufacturing categories: Prisoners, Disassembly.
  • New agent names.
  • New hybrid names.
  • New dog names (Korean).
  • New technologies: Advanced Optics, Cyberoptics, Tissue Composites, Advanced Micromechanics, Alien Implants, Hypermetabolism, Sectopod Adaptation.
  • New events: Untangling the Red Tape, Illegal Trade Foiled, MiB Tritanium Ammo Shipment, Serpentine Nest.
  • Brought back the "Mysterious Parcel from Syndicate" event.
  • Ensured that OXCE experience award system is used.
  • Overhauled manufacturing categories.
  • Decreased agents' hiring costs.
  • Rebalanced and expanded Kyberi (further upgrades).
  • Large Living Quarters hold 250 people.
  • Reworked Sectopod tech tree.
  • Cult Arms Dealers path can be refused.
  • Share Tritanium Ammo Tech comes earlier, but tritanium clips from M.A.G.M.A. have limited stocks.
  • Tritanium Cannon comes earlier and must be manufactured.
  • Extended Illegal Requisition Files list.
  • Meridian Hunting is now a one-time mission.
  • David Vincent's Secret Shelter now uses reinforcements rules.
  • Changed some ranks from Terrorist to Soldier.
  • Dream creatures (including X-Com) are more resistant to Chemical damage.
  • Color-coded Chasers (by 8mono).
  • Improved Giant Beetle paperdoll (by Mikkoi).
  • Proper Shadowbat Autopsy pic.
  • Advanced drone bays can be built on earlier ones.
  • Urban and Urban Deco terrains use extended roads.
  • Sliding movement tweaks (by Dioxine).
  • Island terrain values fixed (by Dioxine).
  • Fixed Ion Beam Acceleration prerequisites.
  • Fixed a hole in the Skyraider.
  • Fixed strings in the Prisoner Overview.
  • Fixed Interceptor article.
  • Fixed some ghost regions.
  • Fixed Black Lotus post-HQ event script.
  • Fixed some tanks' availability on some missions.
  • Minor fixes.

The X-Com Files 2.9

30 Apr 10:16
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  • New UFO: Saboteur (map by Wolverin, sprite enhanced by Brain_322).
  • New missions: Zombie Isolation, Abyssal Artifact Delivery.
  • New Alien Retaliation variants.
  • New event: A Perplexing Graffiti.
  • New facility: Huge Storage Facility (map and sprite by Brain_322).
  • New Dossier: Mackenzie Calhoun (by Mknzy Calhoun).
  • New items: Syndicate Weapon Box (sprite by Brain_322), Abyssal Urn.
  • New lore articles.
  • 6 new Port maps.
  • New Ufopaedia section: Mechanical Units.
  • Moved unarmed attacks to the Outfits section.
  • Moved alien weapons to the Weapons and Equipment section.
  • Toned down the selling bonus on low difficulties.
  • Bases should be built right where the source UFO landed.
  • Added more enemies to Cydonia.
  • Added a pickaxe to The Sound of Graves map.
  • Decreased Sanity drain in the Vampire Castle.
  • Better Avatar Morph Ufopaedia picture.
  • Improved Machete and Canister Gun bigobs (by Juku).
  • Added missing avatar names.
  • Changed the hyperwave decoder text to fit all the relevant situations.
  • UFO Navigation can be recovered from captured bases.
  • More rewards from Syndicate Warehouse and Lab.
  • Human Sacrifices are now held in prison for clarity.
  • Blaster Multi-Bomb Pack nerfed.
  • Thanatonautian Manus costs 2 Sanity per use.
  • Drone Rocket Launcher shoots slightly faster.
  • Outrunner can be repaired.
  • Blood Boosting is much faster.
  • Anti-E115 Weapons now also require Bio Lab.
  • Sectoid Commander's psi vision increased.
  • Some paperdoll improvements (by Talpiot).
  • Better Stormtrooper corpse sprites (by Talpiot).
  • Proper Giant Spider Autopsy and Mongorn Autopsy pics (by Flaubert).
  • Port with Pier terrain available for more missions.
  • EXALT Liquidation and Syndicate Assassination missions have random maps (equipment pile moved by necessity).
  • Simplified some mapscripts.
  • Overhauled corpse/autopsy unlocking system.
  • Unified Assault Suit bottom armor values.
  • Astral Form gives +10 Strength.
  • Fixed Chemthrower (no longer completely bypasses armor).
  • Optronic Parts are components, not evidence.
  • Removed the "Mysterious Parcel from Syndicate" event (for now).
  • Fixed some commendations.
  • Fixed missing Wrecked Syndicate Walker Examination article.
  • Fixed Port terrain script.
  • Fixed the Osiron Hacienda pool.
  • Fixes Black Lotus/Syndicate HQ corners.
  • Fixed Tritanium Cannon, Avionics and Zrbite Drive dependencies.
  • Fixed incorrect point values for some events.
  • Fixed Flying Drone and Outrunner variants incorrectly disallowed in some missions.
  • Fixed Flying Suit manufacturing time.
  • Fixed the MiB Lunar Base Landing mission deployment (thanks to Juku).
  • Fixed Reclamation of Aether unlocking.
  • Fixed X-Com Position Marker causing morale loss and giving Betrayer.
  • Fixed hair colors.
  • Minor fixes.

The X-Com Files 2.8

28 Jan 11:33
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  • New palette (by Brain_322).
  • 16 new faces (by Osobist).
  • New weapons: Portable Laser Cannon (bigob by Rockfish, slightly altered), Portable Turbolaser Cannon (bigob by Brain_322), Laser SMG (graphics by Brain_322), Laser Sniper Rifle (bigob by Brain_322; old Laser Sniper Rifle renamed to Turbolaser Sniper Rifle).
  • New ammo: BlackOps CAWS Baton Clip.
  • New missions: Ethereal Retaliation, MiB Lunar Base.
  • New UFOs: Arbiter (map and sprite by Brain_322), Dreadnought (map by Wolverin, sprite by Brain_322).
  • New terrain: Autumn Forest (recolor by Brain_322), for The Sound of Graves.
  • 1 new Urban map (by Dioxine).
  • 2 new Postindustrial maps (by Dioxine).
  • 2 new Jungle maps (by Dioxine).
  • 1 new Cult Safehouse.
  • 2 new Cult Outposts (by Brain_322).
  • 2 new Dimension X Outpost buildings (by Dioxine).
  • 2 new Mansion map variants (by Brain_322).
  • New building map for the Syndicate Assassination (by Brain_322).
  • New reload sounds for most weapons (thanks to Dioxine and Brain_322 for some resources).
  • New MiB-related research.
  • Many new Ufopaedia illustrations (one by Bloax, one by Brain_322).
  • Some paperdoll improvements (by Talpiot).
  • Updated character sets.
  • Added MiB Psi Ops armor processing.
  • Interceptor now carries Heavy Rockets instead of Light Rockets.
  • Kitsune requires Advanced Intelligence Center.
  • Pilots attacking hunter-killer UFOs now have a chance to survive.
  • Many enemy vehicles show their mission details even without the Hyper-Wave Decoder (scripting by Yankes).
  • Removed Ethereals from some missions.
  • Decreased the chances for manors to appear by 33%.
  • Manors usually start at level 1, regardless of time passed.
  • Black Lotus Party lasts longer.
  • Scorpoids are somewhat stealthy.
  • Added MiB Shock Trooper Armor Adaptation.
  • Removed redundant Alloy Vest fist attacks.
  • Cleaned up Counter-Terrorist sprite.
  • Switched to battlescape palette.
  • Fixed Keystone commendation.
  • Fixed some spawns in the Academy Tower.
  • Fixed routes on some Vampire Castle maps (by Dioxine).
  • Fixed Salt Pile being researchable without the item.
  • Fixed psi vision on the Liquidator for hybrids.
  • Fixed Televised Ghost Hunt building.
  • Fixed Alien Downtown Attack alien race.
  • Minor fixes and tweaks.

The X-Com Files 2.7

09 Nov 13:59
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  • New weapons: Chemthrower (with two ammo types), Chryssalid Gas Grenade.
  • New units: Reclamation of Aether Initiate (2 genders), Reclamation of Aether Journeyman (2 genders) (both mostly by CosmicAfro).
  • New missions: The Sound of Graves, Impossible Internet Intelligence, Televised Ghost Hunting (all mostly by CosmicAfro).
  • New commendation: Pest Controller.
  • New Postindustrial maps (mostly by Dioxine).
  • 7 new Catacomb maps and terrain (by Dioxine).
  • 4 new Port map variants (by Thallori).
  • 1 new Sewers map (by Dioxine).
  • Desert stones are yellow.
  • Better Moon minimap (SCANGs by Kato).
  • Added Security Camera description.
  • New lore articles.
  • Hybrid Control Circuitry bigob (by Brain_322).
  • Spirit Cultists have worse Psi Strength.
  • Flamethrowers give Technician commendations.
  • Commando reinforcements in manors never come from the south.
  • Children of Aether are more grey.
  • Night-Ops and MiB Enforcer graphics improved (by Dioxine).
  • Fixed an issue with Katapeltes Spiritus clips.
  • Fixed missing commendations.
  • Fixed an issue with Polar terrain where X-Com craft may be placed on water.
  • Terror Ship map fixes.
  • Fixed Trinidad position.
  • Minor fixes.

The X-Com Files 2.5

15 May 15:49
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  • New missions: MiB Base, MiB Ground Supply.
  • New staff input.
  • New cities: Bratislava, Vilnius, Talinn, Tbilisi, Bishkek, Dushanbe.
  • New countries: Kirgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Uganda, Senegal, Democratic Republic of Congo, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Thailand, Vietnam.
  • New agent nationalities: Afghani, Algerian, Australian, Austrian, Azeri, Chilean, Colombian, Ecuadorian, Egyptian, Iraqi, Libyan, Lithuanian, Moroccan, New Zealander, Pakistani, Peruvian, Tunisian, Turkmen, Venezuelan (several name lists provided by LFM).
  • More Cuban names.
  • Better country funding model (by Buscher).
  • Dimension X Expeditions.
  • Chemical Flares can be recovered.
  • Proteans are immune to zombification.
  • Custom desert roads.
  • Cydonia requires space-capable suits.
  • MiB Outpost reworked.
  • Simplified the Moon satellite project.
  • Cult vehicles have white markers.
  • Battleship map 7 fixes.
  • Corrected "Lassa" to "Lhasa".
  • Some country border corrections.
  • Fixed Kigali, Dakar and Nouakchott placement.
  • Fixed a crash on some humans vs. monsters missions.
  • Fixed Golden Academy Towers not spawning in some scenarios.
  • Fixed damage display on some power armors.
  • Muton sprites fix (by Alex_D).
  • Fixed Dimension X ending.
  • Minor fixes (thanks to Emil J. Schroeder).