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A docker hosting solution with Docker

Soletic is a non profit organisation prividing hosting solutions for others organisation engaged in social innovation.

Web build a solution to setup a physical server with a complete system to deploy Virtual Private Server (VPS) with docker.

The project was created by Laurent Chedanne with the support of Nicolas Claverie

We are french and have tried to write in english. Excuse us for our language mistakes :-)

What is a VPS ?

A VPS is a stack of containers providing web services (http server, ssh, ...) in order to serve a web feature (website, ...). Indeed, you can build a server to provide a share hosting solution with finest resources control.

We have decided to use Docker.

Advantages :

  • Each VPS has resources limited for fair sharing : CPU, RAM and disk space
  • You only need two servers : one for running webvps and one for backup.
  • A suit of tools for an easy manage

This documentation explains :

  • The setup of servers
  • Howto deploy a VPS
  • Backup and restore mechanism
  • Limitations
  • Useful commands to manage
  • Roadmap and howto contribute

Docker host installation

Setup the Docker Host Server

In this section, we describe howto to prepare your host server for all your future services we will have to deploy.

The documentation has been written for Ubuntu Trusty.

Requirements :

  • A server with Ubuntu Trusty
  • A user with sudo authorisation (never use the root !) and bash as shell

Create the hosting directory

We create the hosting directory :

$ sudo mkdir -p /home/docker/hosting/webvps
$ export DOCKER_HOSTING=/home/docker/hosting

And add the following line in sudo config

$ sudo visudo
	+ Defaults  env_keep +="DOCKER_HOSTING"

Don't forget : Add the export command in the ~/.profile !!!

Install docker

$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D
$ sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list
	+ deb ubuntu-trusty main
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get purge lxc-docker*

Verify that apt is pulling from the right repository (

$ sudo apt-cache policy docker-engine

And install

$ sudo apt-get install docker-engine
$ sudo service docker start

Verify docker is installed correctly.

$ sudo docker run hello-world

This command downloads a test image and runs it in a container. When the container runs, it prints an informational message. Then, it exits.

$ sudo mkdir /home/docker
$ sudo mkdir /home/docker/hosting
$ sudo mkdir /home/docker/lib

Install docker-compose

$ sudo su root
$ curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Install jq

Install jq package to query and modify json file.

Move docker data (optionnal)

If the partition's size /var/lib/docker is smaller than your /home, we can move it following this instructions

$ sudo service docker stop
$ sudo chmod go+rx lib/
$ sudo rsync -aXS /var/lib/docker/. /home/docker/lib/
$ sudo vi /etc/fstab
	+ /home/docker/lib        /var/lib/docker none    bind    0       0
$ sudo mount -a
$ sudo service docker start

Build docker images providing by Soletic

Install our tools suite for docker management :

$ sudo git clone ./tools
$ sudo chmod u+x ./tools/*.sh
$ sudo ./tools/

Quota disk space management

The quota package is useful to setup a disk space quota management. See this docker issue to understand the strategy

$ sudo apt-get -y install quota quotatool

Editer le fichier /etc/fstab pour remplacer defaults,relatime de la ligne /home par defaults,usrquota,grpquota,relatime :

/dev/sda3       /home   ext4    defaults,usrquota,grpquota,relatime     1       2
$ sudo mount -o remount /home
$ sudo quotaon -avug

Enable docker log rotate

$ sudo vi /etc/logrotate.d/docker-container 

And tape in :

/var/lib/docker/containers/*/*.log {
  rotate 7

Once you have configured Logrotate for you Docker container you can test it with sudo logrotate -fv /etc/logrotate.d/docker-container

Run a stack of required containers

HTTP Proxy

The server hosts containers and we use a proxy container to redirect request from a domain name to the right container. We use the image jwilder/nginx-proxy in this purpose.

First we have to start this container in your server :

$ sudo mkdir -p $DOCKER_HOSTING/certs
$ sudo docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -v $DOCKER_HOSTING/certs:/etc/nginx/certs -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro --name http-proxy jwilder/nginx-proxy

SSH and SFTP services

Start the container to expose the ssh service used to access data of others containers

$ sudo docker run -d -p 2222:22 -v $DOCKER_HOSTING/webvps:/home -e CHROOT_USER_HOME_BASEPATH=/volumes/www -e WORKER_UID=0 --name webvps.sshd --privileged soletic/ssh-webvps
  • option --privileged required to give mount permissions inside the container (see here >)
  • A root password is generated but it is generated at each start for security reasons.

This container provides a solution to create an sftp and ssh access for each webvps. By default, the user will have git, php et mysql commands with its volume data mounted.

See the git repository of the docker image for more information >


The mailer container sends email generated by other containers and stored in its queue folder (every volumes/home/mail/queue directories).

For example, the phpserver container generates emails in its volumes/home/mail/queue directory with the support of nullmailer installed in itself. Each phpserver provides a security to stop queueing mails : if the mail queueing exceeds 200 mails in the last 2 minutes, the process will stop and send an alert every day until we fix it.

Read the Readme of repository and analyse the source code to understand it.

$ sudo docker run -d -h -v $DOCKER_HOSTING/webvps:/home --name webvps.mailer -e MAILER_SMTP=<smtp parameters> soletic/mailer-webvps
  • -h : a domain name allowed by your mail service provider to send email
  • smtp parameters : a formatted string like <host>:<port>:<user>:<password>:<no|ssl>:<no|starttls>

Deploy a VPS

Create and first run of the VPS

$ sudo tools/ new -n example -h -s lamp -email

Explication about options :

  • -n : unique name to refer project
  • -h : host domaine name. Auto add the domaine name with www prefix
  • -s : service name to deploy as webvps
    • lamp : 3 containers with mysql, phpserver and phpmyadmin
    • phpserver : 1 container with phpserver
  • -email : email of the client

More options with :

  • -dq : disk quota. For example for 2G : 2000000
  • -id : set manually the unique user id
  • --host-alias :
    • Either set "no" if you don't want auto complete the domain name (with www)
    • Or set a comma seperated list of domains name
If you want to activate SSL, see the section "Limitations and troubles > SSL Support"

Now, up the webvps

$ cd /path/to/hosting
$ sudo tools/ up example

And get credentials you have to communicate to the client :

$ sudo tools/ info example

Don't forget to modify DNS Zone to setup domains name :

Example of DNS Entries with ${HOST_DOMAIN_NAME} equals to :

A entry :	A
CNAME entry : www IN CNAME
CNAME entry : db CNAME

Remove entries could be conflited with this entries.

Containers created for a lamp service

All containers created have a prefix name with the webvps name. For example with a lamp service :


To access :

The ssh and sftp access

The webmaster of the VPS can connect with ssh or sftp to access to his www volume (mounted in /home). The port used is the 2222.

$ ssh -p 2222 example@yourhost

No mail function !!

The container running SSH access does not a sendmail. So the webmaster can't run scripts sending message.

Create your own service

Writing in progress...

Backup and restore



The mysql image contains a automysqlbackup script. The bash script is launched by crontab every day to backup daily, weekly and monthly the database in the directory $DOCKER_HOSTING/<webvpsname>/volumes/var/www/backup/mysql


Configure the server with another server to rsync the $DOCKER_HOSTING. Command example to keep owner, group and permissions of every files :

$ rsync -aogpz --delete-after --password-file=/home/vps-01/credentials /home/vps-01/docker-hosting

vps-01 is an example, your internal server name

  • Launch the command from you backup server

  • Create a user in your docker server and put credentials in a credential file

  • Set up the rsync configuration in your docker server :

     log file = /var/log/rsync.log
     read only = yes
     list = yes
     uid = root
     gid = root
     hosts allow = <backup_server_ip>/32
     path = /home/docker/hosting
     exclude = volumes/mysql

Docker repository (à écrire)

This article is interesting to play with commit and tag :

Useful to rollback if an error occured.


  • Stop backup

  • Install the docker server as the first time :

  • Rsync the $DOCKER_HOSTING directory from the backup server

     # All the directory
     $ sudo rsync -aogpz $DOCKER_HOSTING
     # A specific webvps
     $ sudo rsync -aogpz $DOCKER_HOSTING/webvps

    vps-01 is an example, your internal server name. If you restore a specific webvps, don't forget (if necessary) to

    • add it as a user in the sftp/ssh common service.

    • setup quota and permissions :

       $ $DOCKER_HOSTING/tools/ refresh <webvps_name>
  • Build based docker images

     $ sudo $DOCKER_HOSTING/tools/
  • Run the stack of required containers

  • Start all webvps

     $ sudo $DOCKER_HOSTING/tools/ up
  • Import database backup for each webvps having a mysql container with the last backup in the volumes/www/backup/mysql/daily directory of every webvps

Upgrade and security management

Information that you have to know !

- configuration of php, mysql
- crontab scheduled

To avoid the problem, there is one solution :

  • create your own docker image in $DOCKER_HOSTING/src/<own_image>
  • built it
  • Modify the docker-compose of the webvps

Indeed, you never have to modify configuration system of a container !

Understanding of the strategy

All images has been built with ubunty:trusty. To update packages of all running containers, you must build regurlaly the based images :

$ sudo ./tools/ --no-cache

And recreate webvps

$ sudo ./tools/ recreate

And upgrade all user account in the common ssh/sftp service

$ sudo docker exec -it webvps.sshd bash -c '/ binupgrade'

You can't apply this method in these cases if new volumes has been added in the based image or if you want to mount a new volume from host.

We advice you to test with sample webvps before !!!
$ ./tools/webvps recreate my_sample_webvps

Useful command line

List all webvps

$ sudo $DOCKER_HOSTING/tools/ list

Get all informations about a webvps

$ sudo $DOCKER_HOSTING/tools/ info <webvps name>

Stop, rm, up, recreate, start a webvps

$ sudo $DOCKER_HOSTING/tools/ stop <webvps name>
$ sudo $DOCKER_HOSTING/tools/ start <webvps name>
$ sudo $DOCKER_HOSTING/tools/ rm <webvps name>
$ sudo $DOCKER_HOSTING/tools/ up <webvps name>
$ sudo $DOCKER_HOSTING/tools/ recreate <webvps name>

If you miss the vps name, the command will be applied for all webvps !!!

  • The recreate command stop, rm, build (without cache) and up the webvps

Terminal in container running

$ sudo docker exec -it <webvps name>.<phpserver|mysql|...> bash

If entry point failed, you can run the image with bash as entry point :

$ docker run --rm -it --entrypoint="" --volumes-from soletic/webvps bash

Command to generate big files (and test quota). Here a file of 5M) :

$ dd if=/dev/zero of=file.txt count=5 bs=1M

Clean your host server

$ sudo docker rm -f webvps.sshd webvps.mailer http-proxy
$ sudo ./tools/ stop
$ sudo ./tools/ rm
$ sudo rm webvps/.sshusers 
$ sudo rm -Rf webvps/*
$ sudo rm tools/webvps.json

Troubles and limitations


Docker compose doesn't work on Mavericks.

Container size limit

By default, a container size can't greater than the default value of dm.basesize (10G or 100G depends on the docker version).

We didn't find how to get the default value for docker installed to the server.

In the docker tools of Soletic, a script list all container with size indications to help you if the server would have disk space troubles.

SSL Support

With jwilder/nginx-proxy, the behavior for the proxy when port 80 and 443 are exposed is as follows:

  • If a container has a usable cert, port 80 will redirect to 443 for that container so that HTTPS is always preferred when available.
  • If the container does not have a usable cert, a 503 will be returned.
So when you setup a webvps, you 
- can't have a domain and subdomains configured with ssl for one and no ssl in the other hand
- can have vhosts with differents domains, every vhost choosing ssl or not

Add ssl support for a domain to a container

The webmaster of a webvps can't add himself certificates because you have to add certificates in the certs directory of http proxy (mounted with /home/docker/hosting/certs)

  • [optional] If you have trusted certificates signed, copy the *.key and *.crt in directory www/conf/certificates. The file name have to the same of the host domaine !
  • Copy this files in the certs directory of the proxy
  • In directory www/conf create the file apache2.reload to force reload of apache (max one minute to reload)
  • Restart the http proxy container

Remove ssl support to a container

  • Remove certificates from /home/docker/hosting/certs
  • Stop the proxy server, delete it and up again

SFTP / SSH Access

wget issue with ssl check certificate

The webmaster can use the command wet in a ssh session with the common ssh service. If the url's protocol is https, he could have this issue

ERROR: cannot verify's certificate, issued by '/C=US/ST=Arizona/L=Scottsdale/, Inc./OU= Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2':
	Unable to locally verify the issuer's authority.

So follow instructions and use --no-check-certificate options.





  • Trouver comment automatiser le build des iamges soletic sur le hub de docker
  • Demander confirmation sur commandes rm|up|start|recreate|... sans vps de préciser.
  • Améliorer pour fonctionner sous forme de plugins permettant d'ajouter des types de service créés par d'autres
  • Relancer automatiquement les containers au démarrage
  • Créer un programme d'upgrade de chaque compte ssh/sftp pour reprendre les mises à jour des paquets
  • Créer un programme mysql de restauration reprenant le dernier backup fait par automysqlbackup
  • Improve phpserver and mailer to catch signal if container stopped to clean properly (finish send mails)
  • Implémenter un mécanisme permettant de créer un VPS avec une image d'une certaine version (par exemple une image de phpserver contenant php en version 5.5).
    • Cas 1 : si c'est pour une app ayant besoin d'une forte personnalisation de ses containers, il faut mieux lui créeer son propre service VPS
    • Cas 2 : si c'est pour proposer une déclinaison d'une techno (par exemple PHP 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7, ...) il faut jouer avec les tags sur les images construites et donc implémenter la gestion des tags dans les scripts et (le latest étant la branche master du dépôt Git)
  • Add capability inside common SSH container to send email
  • Write a howto for webmaster of webvps
    • Connect as ssh/sftp
    • Add a vhost
    • Add a SSL
  • A webvps command to change quota
  • Authorise to setup crontab in our phpserver (without losing it if we recreate or restart the container)
  • Secure phpMyAdmin container
  • docker tools :
    • Improve to delete images building by docker-compose when a webvps is deleted
  • Un systeme d'alerte des webvps qui vont atteindre leur quota d'espace disque
  • Traffic Control in the Linux kernel (command tc) to limit bandwith
  • Créer une registry Docker propre à Sol&TIC tuto ici >. Permettrait de faire du backup...
  • Créer un soletic/wordpress
  • Créer un soletic/yunohost
  • Finaliser le soletic/owncloud
  • Certificat auto généré sur phpserver ne fonctionne pas sur domaine ET sous domaine
  • Débuguer ./tools/

Contribution process

  • Create an issue to present your idea and how to make it. So we'll discuss
  • Fork, improve and pull request !


Scripts to help managing a hosting based on docker






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