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Linked List

A linked list is a linear data structure in which elements are stored in a non-contiguous manner. Each element, also known as a node, consists of a data field and a reference to the next node in the list. The first node is called the head of the list, while the last node has a reference to null.



The following operations can be performed on a linked list:

  • Insertion: Add a new node to the list.
  • Deletion: Remove a node from the list.
  • Traversal: Traverse the list and perform an operation on each node.
  • Searching: Find a node with a given value.
  • Sorting: Sort the list in ascending or descending order.
  • Merging: Merge two lists into a single list.
  • Reversing: Reverse the order of the list.
  • Splitting: Split the list into two smaller lists.


  • Dynamic size: A linked list can grow or shrink in size during runtime.
  • Efficient insertion and deletion: Since elements are not stored in contiguous memory locations, adding or removing elements from a linked list only requires updating the references of neighboring nodes.
  • No wastage of memory: The size of a linked list can be determined at runtime, and it only uses the amount of memory required to store its elements.


  • Random access is not possible: To access a node at a particular index, the entire list must be traversed.
  • Extra memory required for references: Each node in a linked list requires an additional reference to the next node, which can increase memory usage.


  • Implementing stacks, queues, and hash tables.
  • Managing dynamic memory allocation in operating systems.
  • Text editors and compilers.
  • Image processing and computer graphics.



Understanding Data structure






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