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Real-Time Rails: Implementing WebSockets in Rails 5 with Action Cable

It's been one year since Action Cable debuted at RailsConf 2015, and Sophie DeBenedetto is here to answer the question we've all been wondering: what is it really like to implement "the highlight of Rails 5"?

Recent years have seen the speedy rise of "the real-time web." Web apps we use every day rely on real-time features––so that you see new posts magically appearing at the top of your feeds without having to lift a finger.

While we may take those features for granted, they represent a significant departure from the HTTP protocol's strict request-response pattern. Real-time web, by contrast, loosely describes a system in which users receive new information from the server as soon as it is available––no request required.

There are a number of strategies and technologies for implementing such real-time functionality, but the WebSocket protocol has been rising to prominence since its development in 2009.

What are WebSockets?

WebSockets are a protocol built on top of TCP. They hold the connection to the server open so that the server can send information to the client––not only in response to a request from the client. Web sockets allow for bi-directional (called "full duplex") communication between the client and the server by creating a persistent connection between the two.

Up until very recently, implementing WebSocket protocol in Rails was difficult. There was no native support, and any real-time feature required integrating third party libraries and strategies like Faye or Javascript polling.

However, with the development of Action Cable and its recent integration into Rails 5, we now have a full-stack, easy-to-use implementation of WebSockets that follows the Rails design patterns we've come to rely on. The only question is why it took so long.

The Path to Real-Time Rails

In 2015, Rails' benevolent-dictator-for-life DHH changed his tune about sockets. He started by acknowledging an important truth: that "dealing with WebSockets is a pain in the [you know what]." And although it wasn't necessarily a pleasure to code, you could build real-time features into Rails with nothing more than Faye and Javascript polling. In fact, Campfire, Basecamp's own chatting application, has been using polling for about a decade, and I've built compelling real-time features that way too.

But even DHH knew there's something lost without sockets. "If you can make WebSockets even less work than polling, why wouldn't you do it?" Sure, polling met the needs of his team (and many others) for many years. But as more and more consumers and developers began demanding real-time functionality, and as newer frameworks like Phoenix arrived to meet that demand, Rails felt the need to deliver—and in fact, Action Cable draws some inspiration from Phoenix channels.

It hasn't been smooth sailing. I've followed the development of Action Cable closely, and before it was merged into Rails 5, I would say that it wasn't easier than polling. But after a year of development, it's very easy to implement, and it aligns nicely with the other design patterns we've become so comfortable with in Rails.

So, how does the "highlight" of Rails 5 work, and what's it like to implement? Let's take a closer look!

Introducing Action Cable

So what do we have to look forward to? Well, it's what the docs call a "full-stack offering": it provides both a client-side JavaScript framework, and a server-side Ruby framework (editor's note: as a Django dev, I'm hoping that Channels develops the same). And because it integrates so tightly with Rails, we have access to all of our models from within our WebSocket workers, effectively layering Action Cable on top of our existing Rails architecture, including Active Record (or any other ORM).

Action Cable Under the Hood

Before we dive in to some code, let's take a closer look at how Action Cable opens and maintains the WebSocket connection inside our Rails 5 application.

Action Cable can be run on a stand-alone server, or we can configure it to run on its own processes within the main application server. In this post, we'll be taking a look at the second approach.

Action Cable uses the Rack socket hijacking API to take over control of connections from the application server. Action Cable then manages connections internally, in a multithreaded manner, layering as many channels as you care to define over that socket connection.

For every instance of your application that spins up, an instance of Action Cable is created, using Rack to open and maintain a persistent connection, and using a channel mounted on a sub-URI of your main application to stream from certain areas of your application and broadcast to other areas.

Action Cable offers server-side code to broadcast certain content (think new messages or notifications) over the channel, to a subscriber. The subscriber is instantiated on the client-side with a handy JavaScript function that uses jQuery to append new content to the DOM.

Lastly, Action Cable uses Redis as a data store for transient data, syncing content across instances of your application.

Now that we have a basic understanding of how Action Cable works, we'll build out a basic chatting application in Rails 5, taking a closer look at how Action Cable behaves along the way.

Building a Chat with Action Cable

Getting Started: Application Architecture

In this example, we'll build a basic chatting application in which users can log in or sign up to create a username, then create a new chatroom or choose from an existing chatroom and start messaging. We'll use Action Cable to ensure that our chat feature is real-time: any users in a given chatroom will see new messages (their own and the messages of other users) appear in the chat, without reloading the page or engaging in any other action to request new content.

You can follow along below, check out the code for this project on GitHub, visit my deployment here or, deploy your own copy by clicking this button.


Starting a new Rails 5 app with Action Cable

At the time of writing, Rails 5 is in Beta 3. So, to start a new Rails 5 app, we need to do the following.

  • First, make sure you have installed and are using Ruby 2.3.0.
  • Then:
$ gem install rails --pre
Successfully installed rails-5.0.0.beta3
Parsing documentation for rails-5.0.0.beta3
Done installing documentation for rails after 1 seconds
1 gem installed
  • You'll also need to have Postgres and Redis installed in order to build this app. You can brew install redis and brew install postgres if you haven't done so already.
  • Now we're ready to generate our new app!
rails new action-cable-example --database=postgresql

This will generate a shiny new Rails 5 app, complete with all kinds of goodies in our Gemfile. Open up the Gemfile and you'll notice that we have:

  • The latest version of Rails
# Gemfile
gem 'rails', '>= 5.0.0.beta3', '< 5.1'
  • Redis (which we will need to un-comment out):
# Gemfile
# gem 'redis', '~> 3.0'
  • Puma (since Action Cable needs a threaded server):
# Gemfile
gem 'puma'

Make sure you've un-commented out the Redis gem from your Gemfile, and bundle install.

Domain Model

Our domain model is simple: we have users, chatrooms and messages.

A chatroom will have a topic and it will have many messages. A message will have content, and it will belong to a user and belong to a chatroom. A user will have a username, and it will have many messages.

The remainder of this tutorial will assume that we have already generated the migrations necessary to create the chatrooms, messages and users table, and that we have already defined our Chatroom, User and Message model to have the relationships described above. Let's take a quick look at our models before we move on.

# app/models/chatroom.rb

class Chatroom < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :messages, dependent: :destroy
  has_many :users, through: :messages
  validates :topic, presence: true, uniqueness: true, case_sensitive: false
# app/models/message.rb

class Message < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :chatroom
  belongs_to :user
# app/models/user.rb

class User < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :messages
  has_many :chatrooms, through: :messages
  validates :username, presence: true, uniqueness: true

Application Flow

We'll also assume that our routes and controllers are up and running. A user can log in with a username, visit a chatroom and create new messages via a form on the chatroom's show page.

Accordingly, the #show action of the Chatrooms Controller sets up both a @chatroom instance as well as a new, empty @message instance that will be used to build our form for a new message, on the chatroom's show page:

# app/controllers/chatrooms_controller.rb

class ChatroomsController < ApplicationController
  def show
    @chatroom = Chatroom.find_by(slug: params[:slug])
    @message =

Our chatroom show page renders the partial for the message form:

# app/views/chatrooms/show.html.erb

<div class="row col-md-8 col-md-offset-2">
  <h1><%= @chatroom.topic %></h1>

<div class="panel panel-default">
  <% if @chatroom.messages.any? %>
    <div class="panel-body" id="messages">
      <%= render partial: 'messages/message', collection: @chatroom.messages%>
    <div class="panel-body hidden" id="messages">

  <%= render partial: 'messages/message_form', locals: {message: @message, chatroom: @chatroom}%>

And our form for a new message looks like this:

# app/views/messages/_message_form.html.erb

<%=form_for message, remote: true, authenticity_token: true do |f|%>
  <%= f.label :your_message%>:
  <%= f.text_area :content, class: "form-control", data: {textarea: "message"}%>

  <%= f.hidden_field :chatroom_id, value: %>
  <%= f.submit "send", class: "btn btn-primary", style: "display: none", data: {send: "message"}%>

Our new message form posts to the create action of the Messages Controller

class MessagesController < ApplicationController

  def create
    message =
    message.user = current_user
      # do some stuff
      redirect_to chatrooms_path


    def message_params
      params.require(:message).permit(:content, :chatroom_id)

Okay, now that we have our app up and running, let's get those real-time messages working with Action Cable

Implementing Action Cable

Before we define our very own Messages Channel and start working directly with Action Cable code, let's take a quick tour of the Action Cable infrastructure that Rails 5 provides for us.

When we generated our brand new Rails 5 application, the following directory was generated for us:

├── app
    ├── channels
        ├── application_cable
        ├── channel.rb
        └── connection.rb

Our ApplicationCable module has a Channel and a Connection class defined for us.

The Connection class is where we would authorize the incoming connection––for example if we wanted to establish a channel that required user authorization, like for a given user's inbox. We'll leave this class alone, as any user can join any chatroom at any time. However, the Messages Channel that we will define shortly will inherit from ApplicationCable::Channel.

module ApplicationCable
  class Connection < ActionCable::Connection::Base

The Channel class is where we would place shared logic among any additional channels that we will define. We'll only be creating one channel, the Messages Channel, so we'll leave this class alone as well.

# app/channels/channel.rb

module ApplicationCable
  class Channel < ActionCable::Channel::Base

Okay, let's move on to writing our own Action Cable code.

First things first, setting up the instance of the Action Cable server.

Establishing the WebSocket Connection

Step 1: Establish the Socket Connection: Server-Side

First, we need to mount the Action Cable server on a sub-URI of our main application.

In routes.rb:

Rails.application.routes.draw do

  # Serve websocket cable requests in-process
  mount ActionCable.server => '/cable'

  resources :chatrooms, param: :slug
  resources :messages


Now, Action Cable will be listening for WebSocket requests on ws://localhost:3000/cable. It will do so by using the Rack socket hijacking API. When our main application is instantiated, an instance of Action Cable will also be created. Action Cable will, per our instructions in the routes.rb file, establish a WebSocket connection on localhost:3000/cable, and begin listening for socket requests on that URI.

Now that we've established the socket connection on the server-side, we need to create the client of the WebSocket connection, called the consumer.

Step 2: Establish the Socket Connection: Client-Side

In app/assets/javascripts/channels we'll create a file: chatrooms.js. Here is where we will define the client-side instance of our WebSocket connection.

// app/assets/javascripts/channels/chatrooms.js

//= require cable
//= require_self
//= require_tree .

this.App = {};

App.cable = ActionCable.createConsumer();  

Note: Make sure you require the channels subdirectory in your asset pipeline by adding it to your application.js manifest file:

// app/assets/javascripts/application.js

//= require_tree ./channels

Notice that the ActionCable.createConsumer function doesn't specify the socket URI, ws://localhost:3000/cable.

How does the consumer know where to connect? We'll specify the development and production socket URIs in the appropriate environment files, and pass it through to the consumer via the action_cable_meta_tag.

In development

# config/development.rb
Rails.application.configure do 
  config.action_cable.url = "ws://localhost:3000/cable"

The following line is included for us in the head of our application layout:

# app/vippews/layouts/application.html.erb

<%= action_cable_meta_tag %>

Note: The default Action Cable URI is in fact ws://localhost:3000/cable, so we could have gotten away without configuring the cable url in development. I wanted to expose this configuration for anyone who wants to customize it in the future.

Building the Channel

So far, we've used Action Cable to create a persistent connection, listening for any WebSocket requests on ws://localhost:3000/cable. This isn't enough to get our real-time messaging feature, however. We need to define a special Messages Channel and instruct the appropriate parts of our application to broadcast to and stream from this channel.

Step 1: Define the Channel

Defining a channel with Action Cable is easy. We'll create a file, app/channels/messages_channel. Here we will define our channel to inherit from the ApplicationCable::Channel class that we described earlier on.

# app/channels/messages_channel.rb

class MessagesChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel  


Our Messages Channel needs only one method for our purposes, the #subscribed method. This method is responsible for streaming messages from, i.e. subscribing to, messages that we will broadcast to this channel.

# app/channels/messages_channel.rb
class MessagesChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel  
  def subscribed
    stream_from 'messages'

We'll revisit this method in a bit, and discuss how and when it is invoked. First, let's define how and when Action Cable should broadcast new messages to the channel.

Step 2: Broadcast to the Channel

At one point in time should a new message get broadcast to the Messages Channel? Immediately after it is created and persisted to the database. So, we'll define our broadcasting code within the #create action of the Messages Controller.

#  app/controllers/messages_controller.rb

class MessagesController < ApplicationController

  def create
    message =
    message.user = current_user
      ActionCable.server.broadcast 'messages',
        message: message.content,
        user: message.user.username
      head :ok

Here we are calling the #broadcast method on our Action Cable server, and passing it arguments:

  • 'messages', the name of the channel to which we are broadcasting.
  • Some content that will be sent through the channel as JSON:
    • message, set to the content of the message we just created.
    • user, set to the username of the user who created the message.

Note: There is nothing special about the message or user key here. We can structure or label the data we want to send across the channel any way we like. As long as we tell our subscriber (more on that soon) to access that data in accordance with how we structured it here.

Step 3: Action Cable Loves Redis

This isn't a "step", since we don't have to actually do anything (yet). But let's take a moment to look at how Action Cable pairs with Redis.

Action Cable uses Redis to send and receive messages over the channel. So, when we told our Action Cable server to #broadcast to 'messages', we were actually saying "send new messages to the 'messages' channel maintained by Redis."

At the same time, the #subscribed method of our Messages Channel is really streaming messages sent over the 'messages' channel maintained by Redis.

Thus, Redis acts as a data store and ensures that messages will remain in sync across instances of our application.

Action Cable will look for the Redis configuration in Rails.root.join('config/cable.yml'). When we generated our new Rails 5 app, we also generated a file, config/cable.yml, that looks like this:

  adapter: redis
  url: redis://localhost:6379/1

  adapter: async

  adapter: async

Here, we are specifying an adapter and a URL for each environment. We'll be running Redis on localhost for now. Later, when we discuss deployment, we'll update the production environment's Redis URL.

Defining the Channel's Subscriber

We're almost done! We just need to create a client-side subscriber to our Messages Channel.

Recall that earlier, we created our consumer with the following lines of code:

// app/assets/javascripts/channels/chatrooms.js

this.App = {};

App.cable = ActionCable.createConsumer();  

Our consumer is the client-side end of our persistent WebSocket connection.

Now, we need to add a subscription to our consumer, telling it to subscribe to the Messages Channel.

Create a file, app/assets/javascripts/channels/messages.js. Here we will define our subscription:

// app/assets/javascripts/channels/messages.js

App.messages = App.cable.subscriptions.create('MessagesChannel', {  
  received: function(data) {
    return $('#messages').append(this.renderMessage(data));
  renderMessage: function(data) {
    return "<p> <b>" + data.user + ": </b>" + data.message + "</p>";

We add our new subscription to our consumer with App.cable.subscriptions.create. We give this function an argument of the name of the channel to which we want to subscribe, MessagesChannel.

When this subscriptions.create function is invoked, it will invoke the MessagesChannel#subscribed method, which is in fact a callback method.

MessagesChannel#subscribed streams from our messages broadcast, sending along any new messages as JSON to the client-side subscription function.

Then, the received function is invoked, with an argument of this new message JSON. The received function in turn calls a helper function that we have defined, renderMessage, which simply appends new messages to the the DOM, using the $("#messages") jQuery selector, which can be found on the chatroom show page.

Deploying our Application to Heroku

Now that our real-time messaging feature is up and running, we're ready to deploy! Deploying a Rails 5 app that uses Action Cable is simple.

We just need to configure a few things for our production environment.

Step 1: Create Your Heroku App

First things first through, let's create our Heroku app:

heroku create action-cable-example-app

Step 2: Provision the Redis To Go Addon

In the command line, run:

heroku addons:add redistogo

Then, retrieve your Redis To Go URL and update your Action Cable Redis configuration.

$ heroku config --app action-cable-example | grep REDISTOGO_URL
REDISTOGO_URL:            redis://
# config/cable.yml

  adapter: redis
  url: redis://

  adapter: async

  adapter: async

Step 3: Configure Action Cable's Production URI

We need to set the cable server's URI for production.

# config/environments/production.rb

config.web_socket_server_url = "wss://" 

Note: In production, we are using a secure WebSocket connection, wss.

Step 4: Allowed Request Origins

Action Cable can only accept WebSocket requests from specified origins. We need to pass those origins to the Action Cable server's configuration as an array.

# config/environments/production.rb

config.action_cable.allowed_request_origins = ['', '']

Step 5: Deploy!

Now we're ready to git push heroku master. Go ahead and migrate your database and you should be good to go.

Action Cable: Comprehensive, Sleek and Easy to Use

So how does Action Cable stack up to DHH's claims, one year later?

So far, we've seen that Action Cable runs seamlessly alongside our main Rails application. Its implementation falls right in line with the design patterns we've become so familiar with.

We mount the Action Cable server in the routes.rb file, alongside the rest of our routes. We write the code to broadcast new messages in the #create action of the Messages Controller, and we subscribe to those messages in a channel we define similarly to the manner in which we define Rails controllers.

Not only does Action Cable seamlessly integrate with the rest of our Rails application, it provides easy-to-use client-side code, making it a full stack offering.

Above all, it allows Rails developers who want real-time functionality to be totally self-reliant. We no longer need to look towards external libraries like Faye and Private Pub or implement strategies like JavaScript polling. With the addition of Action Cable, Rails is a truly integrated system with which to build a full-stack application.

Over all, Action Cable is a very welcome addition to the Rails tool kit.

Sophie DeBenedetto is a web developer and an instructor at the Flatiron School. Her first love is Ruby on Rails, although she has developed projects with and written about Rails, Ember and Phoenix. You can learn more about her recent projects by visiting her personal site, checking out her GitHub account, or reading her blog.


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