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release notes

release notes #106

# Docs on github action files:
# build-N-test-v2.1-Dev and build-N-test-v2.1-Release are nearly
# identical, but a few tests are commented out (to not needlessly stress CI system)
# for v2.1-Dev builds
# NOTE: I've tried many tricks - none which seem to work - to get this working on one file with one
# workflow and tests
# but none seem to work
name: build-N-test-v2.1-Release
#- v2.1-Dev
- v2.1-Release
description: "ignored"
required: false
default: ""
## NB: JOBS section IDENTICAL between v2.1-Dev and 2.1-Release files EXCEPT that on v2.1-Dev file
## comment out all entries marked with includeInDevBranchBuilds: false
runs-on: ${{ matrix.runs_on }}
# Configuration notes
# o --debug-symbols false to reduce build disk size (and we aren't debugging anyhow) in many debug configurations
# ## SADLY: Container operations are only supported on Linux runners
# - displayTargetName: windows-DBG
# os: windows
# compiler: g++-8
# runs_on: windows-2022
# container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/stroika-buildvm-windows-cygwin-vs2k22:v2.1
# cpp_version: c++17
# config_name: Debug
# extra_config_args: --apply-default-debug-flags --trace2file enable
## ubuntu 18.04
- displayTargetName: ubuntu-18.04-g++-8 (Debug)
os: unix
compiler: g++-8
runs_on: ubuntu-latest
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/stroika-buildvm-ubuntu1804-regression-tests:v2.1
cpp_version: c++17
config_name: Debug
extra_config_args: --apply-default-debug-flags --trace2file enable --debug-symbols false
includeInDevBranchBuilds: true
- displayTargetName: ubuntu-18.04-cross-compile-raspberrypi (Debug)
os: unix
compiler: g++-8
runs_on: ubuntu-latest
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/stroika-buildvm-ubuntu1804-regression-tests:v2.1
cpp_version: c++17
config_name: Debug
extra_config_args: --apply-default-release-flags --trace2file enable --compiler-driver arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++-8 --cross-compiling true
includeInDevBranchBuilds: true
# ubuntu 20.04
- displayTargetName: ubuntu-20.04-g++-9 (Debug)
os: unix
compiler: g++-9
runs_on: ubuntu-latest
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/stroika-buildvm-ubuntu2004-regression-tests:v2.1
cpp_version: c++17
config_name: Debug
extra_config_args: --apply-default-debug-flags --trace2file enable --debug-symbols false
includeInDevBranchBuilds: false
- displayTargetName: ubuntu-20.04-g++-10 (Debug)
os: unix
compiler: g++-10
runs_on: ubuntu-latest
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/stroika-buildvm-ubuntu2004-regression-tests:v2.1
cpp_version: c++17
config_name: Debug
extra_config_args: --apply-default-debug-flags --trace2file enable --debug-symbols false
includeInDevBranchBuilds: false
- displayTargetName: ubuntu-20.04-g++-10
os: unix
compiler: g++-10
runs_on: ubuntu-latest
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/stroika-buildvm-ubuntu2004-regression-tests:v2.1
cpp_version: c++17
config_name: Release
extra_config_args: --apply-default-release-flags --trace2file enable
includeInDevBranchBuilds: true
- displayTargetName: ubuntu-20.04-g++-10-c++2a
os: unix
compiler: g++-10
runs_on: ubuntu-latest
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/stroika-buildvm-ubuntu2004-regression-tests:v2.1
cpp_version: c++2a
config_name: Release
extra_config_args: --apply-default-release-flags --trace2file enable
includeInDevBranchBuilds: false
- displayTargetName: ubuntu-20.04-clang++-10
os: unix
compiler: clang++-10
runs_on: ubuntu-latest
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/stroika-buildvm-ubuntu2004-regression-tests:v2.1
cpp_version: c++17
config_name: Release
extra_config_args: --apply-default-release-flags --trace2file enable
includeInDevBranchBuilds: false
# ubuntu 22.04
- displayTargetName: ubuntu-22.04-g++-11 (Debug)
os: unix
compiler: g++-11
runs_on: ubuntu-latest
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/stroika-buildvm-ubuntu2204-regression-tests:v2.1
cpp_version: c++17
config_name: Debug
extra_config_args: --apply-default-debug-flags --trace2file enable --debug-symbols false
includeInDevBranchBuilds: false
- displayTargetName: ubuntu-22.04-g++-12 (Debug)
os: unix
compiler: g++-12
runs_on: ubuntu-latest
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/stroika-buildvm-ubuntu2204-regression-tests:v2.1
cpp_version: c++17
config_name: Debug
extra_config_args: --apply-default-debug-flags --trace2file enable --debug-symbols false
includeInDevBranchBuilds: false
- displayTargetName: ubuntu-22.04-g++-12
os: unix
compiler: g++-12
runs_on: ubuntu-latest
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/stroika-buildvm-ubuntu2204-regression-tests:v2.1
cpp_version: c++17
config_name: Release
extra_config_args: --apply-default-release-flags --trace2file enable
includeInDevBranchBuilds: true
- displayTargetName: ubuntu-22.04-g++-12-c++2a
os: unix
compiler: g++-12
runs_on: ubuntu-latest
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/stroika-buildvm-ubuntu2204-regression-tests:v2.1
cpp_version: c++2a
config_name: Release
extra_config_args: --apply-default-release-flags --trace2file enable
includeInDevBranchBuilds: false
- displayTargetName: ubuntu-22.04-clang++-14
os: unix
compiler: clang++-14
runs_on: ubuntu-latest
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/stroika-buildvm-ubuntu2204-regression-tests:v2.1
cpp_version: c++17
config_name: Release
extra_config_args: --apply-default-release-flags --trace2file enable
includeInDevBranchBuilds: false
### ATTEMPT TO COMPRESS 2 workflow files into one, but so far not working
### SEE
#if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/v2.1-Release' || matrix.includeInDevBranchBuilds
# vm has 2 virtual CPUs, but 8GB ram, so jobs=3 (empirical), and QUICK_BUILD avoids some internal testing
container: ${{ matrix.container_image }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Build System Info
if: ${{ matrix.os=='unix' }}
run: |
lsb_release -d 2>/dev/null || true
echo "CWD=" `pwd`
echo "nproc=" `nproc`
grep "model name" /proc/cpuinfo | head -1
grep processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l
grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo
df -h
- name: Build System Info (Windows)
if: ${{ matrix.os=='windows' }}
run: |
echo "CWD=" `pwd`
df -h
- name: Configure ${{ matrix.config_name }}
run: |
./configure ${{ matrix.config_name }} --compiler-driver ${{ matrix.compiler }} ${{ matrix.extra_config_args }} --cppstd-version ${{ matrix.cpp_version }}
cat ConfigurationFiles/${{ matrix.config_name }}.xml
# Break out third-party-components to do clean so we dont run out of disk space, and break out TPC AND library
# to show the summary time for each part
- name: Make third-party-components
run: |
make third-party-components
make clean
- name: Make libraries
run: make libraries
- name: Make Documentation
run: make documentation
# - name: Make all
# run: make all
- name: Run Tests
run: |
make run-tests
- name: Save space
run: |
make --directory Tests clobber
- name: Make tools & samples
run: |
make tools samples
- name: Archive Samples Results
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: Sample apps (${{ matrix.displayTargetName }})
path: |
Builds/${{ matrix.config_name }}/Samples-*
- name: Archive Documentation Results
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: Doxygen Documentation
path: |
- name: Archive Log Results
if: always()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: Log Data (${{ matrix.displayTargetName }})
path: |
Builds/${{ matrix.config_name }}/PerformanceDump.txt
runs-on: ${{ matrix.runs_on }}
# Add to extra_config_args for build speed: --Xerces no --OpenSSL no --lzma no --boost no
- displayTargetName: MacOS-Debug
os: macos-latest
runs_on: macos-latest
config_name: Debug
extra_config_args: --apply-default-debug-flags --trace2file enable
includeInDevBranchBuilds: true
- displayTargetName: MacOS
os: macos-latest
runs_on: macos-latest
config_name: Release
extra_config_args: --apply-default-release-flags --trace2file enable
includeInDevBranchBuilds: false
# vm has 2 virtual CPUs, but 8GB ram, so jobs=3 (empirical), and QUICK_BUILD avoids some internal testing
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Build System Info
run: |
echo "CWD: `pwd`"
df -h
system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType
echo " X-CODE: `xcodebuild -version | tr '\n' ';'`"
# If we had docker ability, most of these would be built into a docker file
- name: Install Basic Build requirements
run: |
brew install gnu-sed
brew install p7zip
brew install automake
make install-realpath
- name: Configure
run: |
./configure ${{ matrix.config_name }} ${{ matrix.extra_config_args }}
cat ConfigurationFiles/${{ matrix.config_name }}.xml
- name: Build third-party-components
run: |
make third-party-components
make clean
- name: Build Library
run: |
make libraries
- name: Build All
run: |
make all
- name: Run-Tests
run: |
make run-tests
- name: Workaround GitHub-Actions-MacOS Issue with env.TMPDIR
run: |
mkdir /tmp/LOGS-ARCHIVE
cp $TMPDIR/Trace*.txt /tmp/LOGS-ARCHIVE
- name: DEBUG Workaround GitHub-Actions-MacOS Issue with env.TMPDIR
run: |
echo "TMPDIR using ENV.TMPDIR=${{ env.TMPDIR }}"
# Just the echo line above shows empty, and then the ls line causes exit 1/failure
#ls -l ${{ env.TMPDIR }}/Trace*.txt
#if this gets fixed, then lose Workaround GitHub-Actions-MacOS, and directly reference ${{ env.TMPDIR }}/Trace*.txt in Archive Log Results
- name: Build System Info
run: |
df -h
- name: Archive Log Results
if: always()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: Log Results (${{ matrix.displayTargetName }})
path: |
Builds/${{ matrix.config_name }}/PerformanceDump.txt
#${{ env.TMPDIR }}/Trace*.txt
- name: Archive Sample Results
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: Samples (${{ matrix.displayTargetName }})
path: |
Builds/${{ matrix.config_name }}/Samples-*
runs-on: ${{ matrix.runs_on }}
# Add to extra_config_args for build speed: --Xerces no --OpenSSL no --lzma no --boost no
- displayTargetName: windows-vs2k19-cygwin-x86-Debug
os: windows
runs_on: windows-2022
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/stroika-buildvm-windows-cygwin-vs2k19:v2.1
config_name: Debug
extra_config_args: --arch x86 --apply-default-debug-flags --trace2file enable
includeInDevBranchBuilds: true
- displayTargetName: windows-vs2k22-cygwin-x86-Debug
os: windows
runs_on: windows-2022
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/stroika-buildvm-windows-cygwin-vs2k22:v2.1
config_name: Debug
extra_config_args: --arch x86 --apply-default-debug-flags --trace2file enable
includeInDevBranchBuilds: true
- displayTargetName: windows-vs2k22-cygwin-x86-Release
os: windows
runs_on: windows-2022
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/stroika-buildvm-windows-cygwin-vs2k22:v2.1
config_name: Release
extra_config_args: --arch x86 --apply-default-release-flags --trace2file enable
includeInDevBranchBuilds: false
- displayTargetName: windows-vs2k22-cygwin-x86_64-Release
os: windows
runs_on: windows-2022
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/stroika-buildvm-windows-cygwin-vs2k22:v2.1
config_name: Release
extra_config_args: --arch x86_64 --apply-default-release-flags --trace2file enable
includeInDevBranchBuilds: false
- displayTargetName: windows-vs2k22-msys-x86-Debug
os: windows
runs_on: windows-2022
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/stroika-buildvm-windows-msys-vs2k22:v2.1
config_name: Debug
extra_config_args: --arch x86 --apply-default-debug-flags --trace2file enable
includeInDevBranchBuilds: true
- displayTargetName: windows-vs2k22-msys-x86-Release
os: windows
runs_on: windows-2022
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/stroika-buildvm-windows-msys-vs2k22:v2.1
config_name: Release
extra_config_args: --arch x86 --apply-default-release-flags --trace2file enable
includeInDevBranchBuilds: false
- displayTargetName: windows-vs2k22-msys-x86_64-Release
os: windows
runs_on: windows-2022
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/stroika-buildvm-windows-msys-vs2k22:v2.1
config_name: Release
extra_config_args: --arch x86_64 --apply-default-release-flags --trace2file enable
includeInDevBranchBuilds: false
# vm has 2 virtual CPUs, but 8GB ram, so jobs=3 (empirical), and QUICK_BUILD avoids some internal testing
ARTIFACTS_DIR: "c:/Artifacts/"
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Extract branch name
shell: bash
run: echo "branch=`echo ${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/}`" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
id: extract_branch
- name: Build System Info
shell: "bash"
run: |
echo "CWD: `pwd`"
df -h
- name: docker pull ${{ matrix.container_image }}
run: docker pull ${{ matrix.container_image }}
- name: Start docker build environment
### ash rebaseall nonsense to try and workaround sporadic failure on MSYS
### without this rebaseall, about 30% of the time we get a failure in wget wget 3470 child_info_fork::abort: \??\C:\msys64\usr\bin\msys-crypto-1.1.dll: Loaded to different address: parent(0x478B980000) != child(0x400000
### and with this hack, it hasn't happened in 5 tries --LGP 2022-01-26
run: |
docker run --interactive --memory 5G --cpus 2 --storage-opt 'size=50GB' --detach --name buildContainer ${{ matrix.container_image }} ash -c "c:/msys64/usr/bin/rebaseall -v; exec bash"
- name: Print Info about docker system
shell: "bash"
run: |
docker ps -a
docker exec buildContainer systeminfo
docker exec buildContainer df -h
- name: Git Checkout
shell: "bash"
run: |
docker exec --workdir c:/ buildContainer git clone --branch ${{ steps.extract_branch.outputs.branch }}
- name: Configure
shell: "bash"
run: |
docker exec --workdir c:/Stroika buildContainer sh -c "./configure ${{ matrix.config_name }} ${{ matrix.extra_config_args }}"
docker exec --workdir c:/Stroika buildContainer cat ConfigurationFiles/${{ matrix.config_name }}.xml
- name: Build
shell: "bash"
run: |
docker exec --workdir c:/Stroika --env MAKEFLAGS="$MAKEFLAGS" buildContainer make all
- name: Run-Tests
shell: "bash"
run: |
docker exec --workdir c:/Stroika --env MAKEFLAGS="$MAKEFLAGS" buildContainer make run-tests
- name: Build System Info
shell: "bash"
run: |
df -h
docker exec buildContainer df -h
- name: Copy Build Artifacts
shell: "bash"
# due to flaws in docker (windows must stop) - and cp no wildcards
run: |
docker exec --workdir c:/Stroika buildContainer sh -c 'mkdir TRACE_LOGS && cp $TEMP/Trace*.txt TRACE_LOGS/'
docker stop buildContainer
docker cp buildContainer:Stroika/Builds/${{ matrix.config_name }}/ $ARTIFACTS_DIR 2> /dev/null
docker cp buildContainer:Stroika/TRACE_LOGS $ARTIFACTS_DIR 2> /dev/null
rm -rf $ARTIFACTS_DIR/{ThirdPartyComponents,Tests,*.lib}
- name: Archive Log Results
if: always()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: Log Results (${{ matrix.displayTargetName }})
path: |
${{ env.ARTIFACTS_DIR }}PerformanceDump.txt
- name: Archive Sample Results
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: Samples (${{ matrix.displayTargetName }})
path: |
${{ env.ARTIFACTS_DIR }}Samples-*
name: Analyze
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
actions: read
contents: read
security-events: write
fail-fast: false
language: [ 'cpp' ]
# CodeQL supports [ 'cpp', 'csharp', 'go', 'java', 'javascript', 'python' ]
# Learn more:
# QUICK_BUILD avoids some internal testing
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Install tools required to build Stroika
run: |
sudo apt-get install -y libtool-bin pkg-config cmake automake autoconf libtool-bin libasan5 libubsan1
sudo apt-get install -y g++-10
# No boost since g++-10 doesn't build current boost version successfully --LGP 2024-02-04
- name: Configure
run: |
./configure Release --compiler-driver g++-10 --cppstd-version c++20 --apply-default-release-flags --lto disable --boost no
cat ConfigurationFiles/Release.xml
# Break out third-party-components to do clean so we dont run out of disk space, and break out TPC AND library
# to show the summary time for each part
- name: Make third-party-components
run: |
make third-party-components
make clean
# Initializes the CodeQL tools for scanning.
- name: Initialize CodeQL
uses: github/codeql-action/init@v2
languages: ${{ matrix.language }}
# If you wish to specify custom queries, you can do so here or in a config file.
# By default, queries listed here will override any specified in a config file.
# Prefix the list here with "+" to use these queries and those in the config file.
# queries: ./path/to/local/query, your-org/your-repo/queries@main
- name: Make Stroika
run: make all
- name: Perform CodeQL Analysis
uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v2