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Josh Buker edited this page Mar 6, 2017 · 2 revisions

This guide is currently in the middle of being written, in the interim please use the other wiki examples.

Part 1 - Generating a new application

If you're installing Sorcery on an existing application, skip ahead to step 2.

  1. Run the rails new command: rails new ~/sorcery-tutorial-app (path given as example, use whatever is convenient)
  2. cd into your application: cd ~/sorcery-tutorial-app
  3. Initialize git and make the initial commit:
  • git init
  • git add -A
  • git commit -m "Initial Commit"

Part 2 - Installing Sorcery / Password-based Authentication

  1. Add sorcery to the Gemfile:
# ./sorcery-tutorial-app/Gemfile
gem 'sorcery'
  1. Run bundle to install sorcery
  2. Run rails g sorcery:install to install sorcery without any submodules enabled.
  3. Run rake db:migrate to update the database schema with our new user model.

Part 3 - Adding OAuth-based Authentication

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