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|| Reinforcement Learning ||

A Collection of Reinforcement Learning Algorithms implemented in Python:

  • Multi-Armed Bandit

    • The multi-armed bandit problem is a classical problem that demonstrates the Exploration vs Exploitation dilemma.
      • Situation: k slot machines in a casino - each configured with unknown reward probabilities.
      • Question: Which of the k levers must be pulled to achieve highest long-term rewards?
  • Frozen Lake (Brute Force all State-Action pairs)

    • FrozenLake is a simple grid world with 4 actions (0-left 1-down 2-right 3-up). However, the ground is slippery (the agent is on a frozen lake), so that it ends up on the correct next field only with probability 1/3 (e.g. instead of going down it could also end up left or right). When the action would bump the agent into a border it would stay in the same state. At the goal the agent will receive +1 reward, elsewhere it receives 0 reward. An episode terminates when the agent ends up at the goal or in a hole.
    • Brute-Force Approach: Iterate over all possible policies and compute v_pi. Find optimal value function v* and thus compute the optimal policy.
  • Frozen Lake (Dynamic Programming)

    • Approach: Dynamic programming to implement a recursive decomposition of the Bellman Equation
      • Achieve optimal substructure
      • Exploit the overlapping nature of the subproblems
  • Frozen Lake (Policy Iteration)

  • Monte-Carlo method on the Blackjack game (First-visit and Exploring Starts)

    • Approach: Monte-Carlo Learning
      • Exploring Starts: Estimate the Q-Value function by randomly starting at any state, then choose the best (greedy) action.
      • First-visit MC: Increment total return by only considering the first time-step 't' that state 's' is visited in an episode.
  • Sarsa

  • Q-Learning

(To be updated...)


  • Python 3.x
  • OpenAI Gym
    • pip install gym


Reinforcement Learning Algorithms implemented in Python








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