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A web application that provides REST API to perform CRUD operations and user authentication. The application uses SQLAlchemy to provide an interface between the app and a database of your choice.For added security, it implements JWT that the user must provide to view the data.The app is deployed to Heroku for people to interact.

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I have built a Flask application that implements REST APIs to interact with the users and let users register their acount, authenticate themselves and perform CRUD operations. Furthermore the app is deployed on Heroku so that anyone can access it.

App Heroku URL:

The database support is provided by PostgreSQL and I have used SQLAlchemy to provide an abstraction on the database and handle the database operations using the SQLAlchemy object.Futhermore I have implemented JWT so that when the user wants to fetch data about a specific item or all the items, they need to have a token to complete the request.It can be added to any operation and I added to one of the operations to test its working.To enhance the performance of the app, I have also enabled uwsgi that interacts with the app and provides additional functionalities like multithreading etc.

Below is an instruction on how you can interact with the app and perform CRUD operations.

Note: I have used POSTMAN to test the API endpoints.

When you visit the App URL, you may see something like this Alt text

First you need to register to start interacting.To register, add the /register end point to front of the app URL and perform a POST request containing 'username' and 'password' in JSON format.

  "username": "Souvik",
  "password": "1234"

You will receive a response like this below Alt text

Furthermore you need to get an access token if you want to view details of items.So add the /auth end point to front of the app URL and perform a POST request. Alt text

You can even perform a test to check if you indeed receive an auth token.If you do, you will see a PASS message else you will receive a FAIL test message. Alt text

Now you can start creating stores that can hold multiple items.Let us create a 'Fruits' store that will store fruit items.So add the /store/Fruits end point to front of the app URL and perform a GET request. Alt text

Similarly you can create more stores.Let us create another store 'Food'

Now you can start creating items that will get added to the respective stores.Let us add an item 'Banana' to the first store ie 'Fruits' store.To add an item, add the /item/banana end point to front of the app URL and perform a POST request containing 'price' and 'store_id' in JSON format.

  "price": 3.99,
  "store_id": 1

You will receive a response like this below Alt text

Similarly you can create another item say 'Apple' and add it to the 'Fruits' store.Let us set the price to 9.99.

Further you can also use the PUT method to create or modify an existing item.Say we want to change the price of the apple to 7.99.To modify an item, add the /item/banana end point to front of the app URL and perform a PUT request containing new 'price' and 'store_id' in JSON format.

  "price": 7.99,
  "store_id": 1

Below you can see the updated price Alt text

Let us create items for the second store 'Food'.Like before to add an item, add the /item/<name> end point to front of the app URL and perform a POST request containing 'price' and 'store_id' in JSON format.Let us add an item say 'Burger'.

You will receive a response like this below Alt text

We can similarly add another item say 'Pizza' priced at 12.99

Now you can get a list of all the stores in the database by adding the /stores end point to front of the app URL and perform a GET request.Note that you need to provide auth token to access the stores information.Below is the response which gives information of all the stores stored in the database. Alt text

You can also view all the items that are stored across multiple stores.Add the /items end point to front of the app URL and perform a GET request.Note that you need to provide auth token to access the items information.You will get a response like this below Alt text

To view a specific item add the /item/<name> end point to front of the app URL and perform a GET request.Say we want to view the information for the item 'burger'.Note that you need to provide auth token to access a specific item information.You will get a response like this below. Alt text

You can also delete an item.Add the /item/<name> end point to front of the app URL and perform a DELETE request.Say we want to delete an item 'apple'.You wil get a response like this below. Alt text

Now you can check if the item has been deleted by simply accessing the /items end point.Below is the response that shows 'apple' has been deleted. Alt text

Similarly you can also delete a store.So all the items in the store will also get deleted.To delete a specific item add the /store/<name> end point to front of the app URL and perform a DELETE request.Say we want to delete the store 'Fruits'.

We will get a response like this below that shows the store 'Fruits' and all the items in it has been indeed deleted. Alt text

Now we can check to confirm that the store 'Fruits' has indeed been deleted.Simply access the /stores end point.Below is the response that shows 'Fruits' store has been deleted. Alt text

Heroku also provides tools to monitor your database.Below is a screenshot of the current status of my database. Alt text


A web application that provides REST API to perform CRUD operations and user authentication. The application uses SQLAlchemy to provide an interface between the app and a database of your choice.For added security, it implements JWT that the user must provide to view the data.The app is deployed to Heroku for people to interact.


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