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98 lines (58 loc) · 5.17 KB

File metadata and controls

98 lines (58 loc) · 5.17 KB


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SpiderOak is working on reimplementing its client applications for mobile devices as a central, platform-independent HTML5 / Javascript / CSS core with native extensions to fill in the functionality gaps. This is intended to replace the current, platform-specific native applications. We see many potential benefits to the html5 approach, among them being implementation in a widely used, comprehensible (if we're careful) medium that can be very useful to others.

There are many ways that access to our code can be useful. It can serve as guidance to people as examples for using our APIs. It can serve as a basis for implementing idiosyncratic functionality that they need. It can provide the opportunity to contribute to and help grow this useful tool, itself. These and other reasons are why we make the code openly available, and the development process reasonably transparent.

Hence the code is officially available as open source, under the Apache license, and we are conducting our development using a SpiderOak public repository situated at github.

It's worth mentioning that this mobile client is extremely important to SpiderOak as a business. We are opening the source in order to make the development effort more immediately useful, in ways described above, as well as to leverage various collaboration opportunities that such openness affords. We will continue to devote significant internal development resources to this effort, as it requires.


Getting started

  • clone the project
  • cd into the project folder
  • npm install to install node_modules and js/css components (npm install will also run bower install).
  • cordova platform add ios and/or cordova platform add android
  • include the FileViewerPlugin:
  • create a SpiderOakMobileClient project subdirectory named plugins
  • clone the FileViewerPlugin somewhere
  • add the FileViewerPlugin to the project: cordova plugin add /path/to/FileViewerPlugin

First test

To make sure everything is set up from the above, run your first tests

Run grunt test - This will lint the source (grunt lint), concat the source into a single js file (grunt concat) and finally run the headless Mocha tests (grunt shell:mochaspec).


JavaScript files are in src. They are kept out of the www tree so that they can be linted without trying to lint the concatenated and minified versions. However, the index.html should have a script tag only for the JavaScript files in either www/components (managed by Bower) or www/js.

Building and testing the project is normally done via the Grunt tasks below.

Grunt tasks

grunt lint

  • runs JSHint on the src files `src/**/*.js``

grunt concat

  • concatenates the src files in src/models/*.js, src/collections/*.js, src/views/*.js and src/app.js (in that order) into www/js/<package-name-from-package.json>.js
  • concatenates the src files in tests/models/*.js, tests/collections/*.js, tests/views/*.js and src/index.js into www/tests/<package-name-from-package.json>-tests.js

grunt min

  • minifies www/js/<package-name-from-package.json>.js into www/js/<package-name-from-package.json>.min.js (so should only be called after calling grunt concat above)

grunt compass:dev

  • compiles the SASS files via Compass and

grunt shell:mochaspec

  • runs Mocha tests in www/tests/<package-name-from-package.json>-tests.js based on the template www/tests/index.html and outputs via the Mocha "spec" reporter.

grunt shell:mochadot

  • runs Mocha tests in www/tests/<package-name-from-package.json>-tests.js based on the template www/tests/index.html and outputs via the more minimalist Mocha "dot" reporter.

grunt watch

  • starts watching the same files as grunt concat:dist as well as the files from grunt concat:tests and when changes are detected runs lint concat compass:dev shell:mochadot

Custom tasks

grunt (default tasks)

  • runs lint concat min shell:mochadot

grunt test

  • runs lint concat shell:mochaspec

grunt debug_ios

  • runs lint concat shell:debug_ios to debug iOS platform on the simulator

grunt debug_android

  • runs lint concat shell:debug_android to debug Android platform on the emulator (or a plugged in device)

See the Running, Testing, and Debugging section of the wiki home page for more info.