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Functional Tests

Ken Manheimer edited this page May 15, 2013 · 12 revisions

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Application Entry - Clean Slate

"Clean Slate" = no pending "remembered" login. Note that login screen is only one that lacks bar at top

  1. brief or no splash screen (SpiderOak emblem)
  2. then Login screen

Login screen actions

Use "Log in" button:
  • Fill in username and password (password characters are hidden)
  • Elect whether or not to set remember button
  • Hit Log in button
Presented with transient "Please wait" // "Authenticating" // scrolling dots animation black "toast" box
  • Login success:
    • Proceeds to either the Hive top-level screen, if account has Hive,
    • else account's Storage/Devices top-level screen
  • Login fails:
    • Presented with persistent dialog: "Authentication error" // "Authentication failed - incorrect username or password", plus "Ok" button to dismiss
    • Returned to Login screen with credentials left as they were
Use "Go to ShareRooms" button
  • Nothing to fill in
  • Proceeds to ShareRooms top-level screen
Go to "more about SpiderOak"
  • by hitting link at bottom.
  • Proceeds to about screen

Application Entry - With remembered login pending

Exact same operation as what ensues from Login screen actions hitting of the "Log in" button. The credentials are probably valid, because credentials are only "remembered" if they're valid.

Features of All screens that have Menu bar

ShareRooms - Top-level

Basic Content Navigation

Share Rooms

Public Share Rooms

= Password Protected Public Share Rooms



  • Remembering


  • Change while not logged in
  • Change while logged in