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File metadata and controls

368 lines (239 loc) · 14.6 KB


How to contribute

There are various ways to contribute to SpikeInterface as a user or developer. Some tasks you can help us with include:

  • Developing a new extractor for a different file format.
  • Creating a new spike sorter.
  • Designing a new post-processing algorithm.
  • Enhancing documentation, including docstrings, tutorials, and examples.
  • Crafting tutorials for common workflows (e.g., spike sorting, post-processing, etc.).
  • Writing unit tests to expand code coverage and use case scenarios.
  • Reporting bugs and issues.

We use a forking workflow to manage contributions. Here's a summary of the steps involved, with more details available in the provided link:

  • Fork the SpikeInterface repository.
  • Create a new branch (e.g., git switch -c my-contribution).
  • Modify the code, commit, and push changes to your fork.
  • Open a pull request from the "Pull Requests" tab of your fork to spikeinterface/main.
  • By following this process, we can review the code and even make changes as necessary.

While we appreciate all the contributions please be mindful of the cost of reviewing pull requests .

How to run tests locally

Before submitting a pull request, we recommend running the tests locally. In the CI we use pytest to run the tests so it is a good idea to do the same. To run the tests locally, you can use the following command:


From your local repository. This will run all the tests in the repository. If you want to run a specific test, you can use the following command:

pytest path/to/

For example, if you want to run the tests for the spikeinterface.extractors module, you can use the following command:

pytest src/spikeinterface/extractors

If you want to run a specific test in a specific file, you can use the following command:

pytest src/spikeinterface/core/tests/

We also mantain pytest markers to run specific tests. For example, if you want to run only the tests for the spikeinterface.extractors module, you can use the following command:

pytest -m "extractors"

The markers are located in the pyproject.toml file in the root of the repository.

Note that you should install the package before running the tests. You can do this by running the following command:

pip install -e .[test,extractors,full]

You can change the [test,extractors,full] to install only the dependencies you need. The dependencies are specified in the pyproject.toml file in the root of the repository.

The specific environment for the CI is specified in the .github/actions/build-test-environment/action.yml and you can find the full tests in the .github/workflows/full_test.yml file.

The extractor tests require datalad for some of the tests. Here are instructions for installing datalad:

Installing Datalad

In order to get datalad for your OS please see the datalad instruction. For more information on datalad visit the datalad handbook. Note, this will also require having git-annex. The instruction links above provide information on also downloading git-annex for your particular OS.

Stylistic conventions

SpikeInterface maintains a consistent coding style across the project. This helps to ensure readability and maintainability of the code, making it easier for contributors to collaborate. To facilitate code style for the developer we use the follwing tools and conventions:

Install Black and pre-commit

We use the python formatter Black, with defaults set in the pyproject.toml. This allows for easy local formatting of code.

To install Black, you can use pip, the Python package installer. Run the following command in your terminal:

pip install black

This will install Black into your current Python environment.

In addition to Black, we use pre-commit to manage a suite of code formatting. Pre-commit helps to automate the process of running these tools (including Black) before every commit, ensuring that all code is checked for style.

You can install pre-commit using pip as well:

pip install pre-commit

Once pre-commit is installed, you can set up the pre-commit hooks for your local repository. These hooks are scripts that pre-commit will run prior to each commit. To install the pre-commit hooks, navigate to your local repository in your terminal and run the following command:

pre-commit install

Now, each time you make a commit, pre-commit will automatically run Black and any other configured hooks. If the hooks make changes or if there are any issues, the commit will be stopped, and you'll be able to review and add the changes.

If you want Black to omit a line from formatting, you can add the following comment to the end of the line:

# fmt: skip

To ignore a block of code you must flank the code with two comments:

# fmt: off
code here
# fmt: on

As described in the black documentation.

Docstring Conventions

For docstrings, SpikeInterface generally follows the numpy docstring standard. This includes providing a one line summary of a function, and the standard NumPy sections including Parameters, Returns, etc. The format used for providing parameters, however is a little different. The project prefers the format:

parameter_name: type, default: default_value

This allows users to quickly understand the type of data that should be input into a function as well as whether a default is supplied. A full example would be:

def a_function(param_a, param_b=5, param_c="mean"):
    A function for analyzing data

    param_a: dict
        A dictionary containing the data
    param_b: int, default: 5
        A scaling factor to be applied to the data
    param_c: "mean" | "median", default: "mean"
        What to calculate on the data

    great_data: dict
        A dictionary of the processed data

Note that in this example we demonstrate two other docstring conventions followed by SpikeInterface. First, that all string arguments should be presented with double quotes. This is the same stylistic convention followed by Black and enforced by the pre-commit for the repo. Second, when a parameter is a string with a limited number of values (e.g. mean and median), rather than give the type a value of str, please list the possible strings so that the user knows what the options are.

Miscelleaneous Stylistic Conventions

  1. Avoid using abreviations in variable names (e.g., use recording instead of rec). It is especially important to avoid single letter variables.
  2. Use index as singular and indices for plural following the NumPy convention. Avoid idx or indexes. Plus, id and ids are reserved for identifiers (i.e. channel_ids)
  3. We use file_path and folder_path (instead of file_name and folder_name) for clarity.

How to build the documentation

We use Sphinx to build the documentation. To build the documentation locally, you can use the following command:

sphinx-build -b html doc ./doc/_build/

This will build the documentation in the doc/_build/html folder. You can open the index.html file in your browser to see the documentation.

How to run code coverage locally

To run code coverage locally, you can use the following command:

pytest --cov=spikeinterface --cov-report html

This will run the tests and generate a report in the htmlcov folder. You can open the index.html file in your browser to see the report.

Note, however, that the running time of the command above will be slow. If you want to run the tests for a specific module, you can use the following command:

pytest src/spikeinterface/core/ --cov=spikeinterface/core --cov-report html

Implement a new extractor

SpikeInterface already supports over 30 file formats, but the acquisition system you use might not be among the supported formats list (*ref*). Most of the extractors rely on the NEO package to read information from files. Therefore, to implement a new extractor to handle the unsupported format, we recommend making a new neo.rawio.BaseRawIO class (see example). Once that is done, the new class can be easily wrapped into SpikeInterface as an extension of the :py:class:`~spikeinterface.extractors.neoextractors.neobaseextractors.NeoBaseRecordingExtractor` (for :py:class:`~spikeinterface.core.BaseRecording` objects) or :py:class:`~spikeinterface.extractors.neoextractors.neobaseextractors.NeoBaseRecordingExtractor` (for :py:class:`~spikeinterface.core.BaseSorting` objects) or with a few lines of code (e.g., see reader for SpikeGLX or Neuralynx).

NOTE: implementing a neo.rawio Class is not required, but recommended. Several extractors (especially) for Sorting objects are implemented directly in SpikeInterface and inherit from the base classes. As examples, see the CompressedBinaryIblExtractor for a :py:class:`~spikeinterface.core.BaseRecording` object, or the SpykingCircusSortingExtractor for a a :py:class:`~spikeinterface.core.BaseSorting` object.

Implement a spike sorter

Implementing a new spike sorter for a specific file format is as simple as creating a new subclass based on the predefined base class BaseSorter.

To enable standardization among subclasses, the BaseSorter is base class which require a new subclass to override a few methods.

The contributed extractors are in the spikesorters folder. You can fork the repo and create a new folder myspikesorter there. In the folder, create a new file named Additional configuration files must be placed in the same folder.

You can start by importing the base class:

import spikeinterface.extractors as se
from ..basesorter import BaseSorter

In order to check if your spike sorter is installed, a try - except block is used. For example, if your sorter is implemented in Python (installed with the package myspikesorter), this block will look as follows:

    import myspikesorter
    HAVE_MSS = True
except ImportError:
    HAVE_MSS = False

Then, you can start creating a new class:

class MySpikeSorter(BaseSorter):
Brief description (optional)

sorter_name = 'myspikesorter'
installed = HAVE_MSS

_default_params = {
    'param1': None,
    'param2': 2,

_params_description = {
    'param1': 'Description for param1',
    'param1': 'Description for param1',

installation_mesg = """
    >>> pip install myspikesorter
    More information on MySpikesorter at:

Now you can start filling out the required methods:

def __init__(self, **kargs):
    BaseSorter.__init__(self, **kargs)

# optional
def get_sorter_version(cls):
    return myspikesorter.__version__

def is_installed(cls):

    # Fill code to check sorter installation. It returns a boolean
    return HAVE_MSS

def _setup_recording(cls, recording, output_folder, params, verbose):

    # Fill code to set up the recording: convert to required file, parse config files, etc.
    # The files should be placed in the 'output_folder'

def _check_params(cls, recording, output_folder, params):
    # optional
    # can be implemented in subclass for custom checks
    return params

def _check_apply_filter_in_params(cls, params):
    return False

    #  optional
    # can be implemented in subclass to check if the filter will be applied

def _run_from_folder(cls, output_folder, params, verbose):

    # Fill code to run your spike sorter based on the files created in the _setup_recording()
    # You can run CLI commands (e.g. klusta, spykingcircus, tridesclous), pure Python code (e.g. Mountainsort5,
    # Herding Spikes), or even MATLAB code (e.g. Kilosort, Kilosort2, Ironclust)

def _get_result_from_folder(cls, output_folder):

    # If your spike sorter has a specific file format, you should implement a SortingExtractor in spikeextractors.
    # Let's assume you have done so, and the extractor is called MySpikeSorterSortingExtractor

    sorting = se.MySpikeSorterSortingExtractor(output_folder)
    return sorting

When your spike sorter class is implemented, you have to add it to the list of available spike sorters in the Then you need to write a test in tests/ In order to be tested, you can install the required packages by changing the pyproject.toml. Note that MATLAB based tests cannot be run at the moment, but we recommend testing the implementation locally.

After this you need to add a block in doc/sorters_info.rst to describe your sorter.

Finally, make a pull request so we can review the code and incorporate into the sorters module of SpikeInterface!