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Repository files navigation

The majority of the website is generated from this source code. You can use make html to create all of the necessary files in the build folder. You can run make local_test_server in order to preview these changes on your local machine.

You need to install pandoc to generate the website.

It would be nice to set up your git properly so that the commit log is neat. Use the following commands to set real name, email, and password storage:

git config --global "FIRST LAST"
git config --global ""
git config --global credential.helper store

A typical workflow would be:

git pull # ensure everything is downloaded an up to date
# edit whatever files you would like to edit and get back to this root directory
make local_test_server # and open your browser to that address to view the changes
git status # check that the changes involved only files that make sense
git diff # for more detailed list of changes
git add . # stage all the changes
git status # check there are no surprises in the staged changes
git commit -m "A_GOOD_COMMIT_MESSAGE." # commit the changes
git push # push the changes to the central repo

This will store the changes to the website source code, but it will not render it to the live host. To do the rendering, you need the repo, which also includes other submodules.

If you want to experiment with your own changes, you can create a branch and work on it, without pushing it to the origin remote:

git checkout -b BRANCH_NAME # make the branch
# edit, git add, and git commit to the new branch
git checkout master # go back to master
git pull # get new master branch changes
git merge BRANCH_NAME # merge the local branch on which you worked
git push # push the newly merged commits to the origin remote

And this command can help with viewing logs:

git log --graph --all --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative