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codeGlaze edited this page Nov 2, 2016 · 6 revisions

created for : The Gaming Den forums

Table of Contents

A brief explanation

The Den has ideas, a new idea was to make a central resource for new comers to browse through in order to help fully understand the "typical Dennizen's view on RPing".

I think that's a solid idea.

So here's a wiki for people to utilize for that exact purpose.

Making pages on the wiki

Making pages is pretty easy. After clicking the good ol' "new page" button up top, you are brought to a screen to create a new page! Here you can choose to use various ways of "marking up" your page.

Default markup

Recommended for people new to this. The default is GitHub's flavor of "MarkUp". Which is VERY simple and even has buttons to help you insert stuff! Yay!

"Wiki" markup

There is also the choice of "MediaWiki" markup. This is what is used on wikipedia and a billion jillion other wikis across the webosphere. It is also a solid choice, but you should probably have prior knowledge on it's use, because there are no fancy dancy buttons to auto-insert anything for you. :/


I have also had success using Textile in the past, it is sort of similar to "MarkUp".

Editing pages

EVEN EASIER than MAKING pages! Click the edit button, see how the previous author did the things he/she did, and then copy that to add your own content! :D