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InfluxDB Integration Pack

This pack interfaces with the InfluxDB REST API. Actions are available to both query for and write data to an InfluxDB instance. This pack utilizes InfluxDB terminology, for more information we suggest reviewing the key concepts and the glossery of terms.


Copy the example configuration in influxdb.yaml.example to /opt/stackstorm/configs/influxdb.yaml and edit as required.

  • server - The hostname/IP of the default InfluxDB server.
  • port - Port number to connect to InfluxDB on (default: 8086)
  • ssl - Use SSL/HTTPS
  • verify_ssl - Verify remote host SSL certificates
  • credentials - Mapping of name to an object containing credential information
    • username - User to authenticate as
    • password - Password to authenticate with.

Note : All actions allow you to specify a credentials parameter that will reference the credentials information in the config. Alternatively all actions allow you to override these credential parameters so a config isn't required.

Note : When modifying the configuration in /opt/stackstorm/configs/ please remember to tell StackStorm to load these new values by running st2ctl reload --register-configs

Configuration Credentials

Most options in the config are simply key/value pairs, with the exception of credentials. In order to make working with the InfluxDB pack easier, we've provided a mechanism to store credentials in the pack's config. Credentials are stored as a dictionary, sometimes called a hash, where the key is the name of the credential and the values are the credential information (username, password, etc).

Below is an example of a simple config with a single credential named dev:

    username: 'test_user'
    password: 'myPassword'

Multiple credentials can also be specified:

    username: 'test_user'
    password: 'myPassword'
    username: 'qa_user'
    password: 'xxxYYYzzz!!!'
    username: 'prod_user'
    password: 'lkdjfldsfjO#U)R$'

These credentials can then be referenced by name when executing a influxdb pack action using the credentials parameter available on every action. Example:

# use login information from the "dev" credential stored in the config
st2 run influxdb.query query="select * from my_measurement" server="influxdb.domain.tld" credentials="dev"

Configuration Credentials - Default

If a credential parameter is not specified, then we will attempt to lookup a credential with the name of default. This allows end users to specify a default set of credentials to be used via the config.

Example config:

    username: 'default_user'
    password: 'abc123'

Example command using default credentials

# use login information from the "default" credential stored in the config because
# the credentials parameter was not pass in
st2 run influxdb.query query="select * from my_measurement" server="influxdb.domain.tld"

Configuration Example

The configuration below is an example of what a end-user config might look like. One of the most common config options will most likely be the modulepath, that will direct bolt at the place where they've installed their Puppet modules.

server: influxdb.domain.tld
port: 443
ssl: true
verify_ssl: true

    username: 'myuser'
    password: 'secretSauce!'


  • ping - Use this endpoint to check the status of your InfluxDB instance and your version of InfluxDB. /ping
  • query - Query data and manage databases,retention policies and users. /query
  • write - Use this endpoint to write data to a pre-existing database. /write

Action Example - ping

Ping a InfluxDB instance and check its status and version.

$ st2 run server=influxdb.domain.tld
id: 5bc7dfb69387ef0673b72741
status: succeeded
  server: influxdb.domain.tld
  exit_code: 0
  result: 1.6.4
  stderr: ''
  stdout: ''

Action Example - query

Run an arbitrary query using the InfluxQL syntax.

$ st2 run influxdb.query query="show databases" server=influxdb.domain.tld
id: 5bc7eb9f9387ef0673b72754
status: succeeded
  query: show databases
  server: influxdb.domain.tld
  exit_code: 0
  - series:
    - columns:
      - name
      name: databases
      - - _internal
      - - exampledb
    statement_id: 0
  stderr: ''
  stdout: ''

Action Example - write

Writes data into an InfluxDB database measurement. The data can be passed in one of two ways:

  • Using navive arrays and object in the points paramter
  • Using a raw string where data is in the Line Protocol Format in the points_raw parameter.

Action Example - write points

When writing data into InfluxDB from StackStorm, the logical way to do this is using native arrays and objects within StackStorm. To do this pass an array of objects to the points parameter. This array of objects should have the following schema:

  type: array
    type: object
        type: string
          Name of the measurement
        type: object
          Object containing tags where the key is the tag name and the value
          is the tag value.
        type: string OR integer
          Can either be the timestamp string (ISO format) or an integer
          containing the epoch time.
        type: object
          Object containing field values where the field name is the key
          and the value is the data.

Example points array (YAML):

- measurement: "meas"
    tag1: "t1"
  time: 1234
    value: 43

Example points array (JSON):

        "measurement": "meas", 
            "tag1": "t1"
        "time": 1234, 
            "value": 43

Example of using the points parameter:

$ st2 run influxdb.write points='[{"measurement": "meas", "tags": {"tag1": "t1"}, "time": 1234, "fields": {"value": 43}}]' database=exampledb server=influxdb.domain.tld
id: 5bc7e67a9387ef0673b7274e
status: succeeded
  database: exampledb
  - fields:
      value: 43
    measurement: meas
      tag1: t1
    time: 1234
  server: influxdb.domain.tld
  exit_code: 0
  result: true
  stderr: ''
  stdout: ''

Action Example - write points_raw

Alternatively you can create a string with raw data points, encoded in the InfluxDB Line Protocol Format. To utilize this raw format, pass your string into the in the points_raw parameter.

Example Line Protocol Format points:

meas,tag1=t1 value=43i 1234

Example writing points using the raw Line Protocol Format:

$ st2 run influxdb.write points_raw="meas,tag1=t1 value=43i 1234" database=exampledb server=influxdb.domain.tld
id: 5bc7f2069387ef0673b72784
status: succeeded
  database: exampledb
  points_raw: meas,tag1=t1 value=43i 1235
  server: influxdb.domain.tld
  exit_code: 0
  result: true
  stderr: ''
  stdout: ''