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Bysokar edited this page Aug 7, 2020 · 24 revisions

Spawning Criteria

  • biomes: A comma seperated list of biome wildcards. Usage: ('biomes:forest,desert,mountains') will allow this structure to spawn in biomes that contain one or more of those 3 words. If excluded, the structure can spawn in all biomes.
  • races: A comma seperated list of races. Usage: ('races:WRAITH,HUMANS,JAFFA') will allow this structure to spawn on npcs for, and on world controlled by a faction of this race. If excluded, the structure can spawn for all races.
  • requiresFaction: This tag being on a data block anywhere within the structure will generate only if a faction is present on the world (Usage: 'requiresFaction')
  • requiresNoFaction: This tag being on a data block anywhere within the structure will generate only if no faction is present on the world (Usage: 'requiresNoFaction')
  • requiresHabitableZone: This tag being present means the structure will only spawn on a planet that is in a similar position to that of earth, compared to its star. (Usage: 'requiresHabitableZone')
  • requiresNearStar: This tag being present means the structure will only spawn on a planet that is in a similar position to that of venus, compared to its star. (Usage: 'requiresNearStar')
  • requiresFarFromStar: This tag being present means the structure will only spawn on a planet that is in a similar position to that of saturn, compared to its star. (Usage: 'requiresFarFromStar')
  • requiresAtmosphere: This tag being present means the structure will only spawn on a planet with an atmosphere. (Usage: 'requiresAtmosphere')
  • requiresNoAtmosphere: This tag being present means the structure will only spawn on a planet with no atmosphere. (Usage: 'requiresNoAtmosphere')
  • requiresPlanet: This tag being present means the structure will only spawn on a planet, not a moon. (Usage: 'requiresPlanet')
  • requiresMoon: This tag being present means the structure will only spawn on a moon, not a planet. (Usage: 'requiresMoon')
  • requiresRings: This tag being present means the structure will only spawn on a moon or planet with rings. (Usage: 'requiresRings')
  • requiresNoRings: This tag being present means the structure will only spawn on a moon or planet with no rings. (Usage: 'requiresNoRings')
  • developmentStage: This tag being present means that the structure is of a certain technology level. 0 meaning no civilisation, 1 is tribal/medieval, 2 would be pre-industrial, 3 would be Tauri, 4 Would be goauld level, 5 Tollanan, 6 Asgard, 7 Ancients. Excluding this tag means it will spawn regardless of the development level of a world.
  • spawnPositions: This tag is a comma seperated list of spawn positions. It includes: INAIR, ONSOLIDSURFACE, ONLIQUIDSURFACE, BELOWLIQUIDSURFACE, ONLIQUIDBOTTOM, NEARSURFACEUNDERGROUND, DEEPUNDERGROUND. Not specifying this means that your structure will only spawn on a solid surface.
  • surfaceVariance: This tag is simply the amount of surface Y level variance within the structure bounds that this structure will tolerate. It defaults to 1.
  • offset: This tag is simply the amount on the Y axis that you want the structure offset when it spawns on a liquid or solid surface. The default is -1.
  • isProtected: This tag is simply the specify if the structure can be protected or not.
  • radius: This tag is the radius for the location/structure in all 3 directions (X,Y,Z). It defaults to 64. It is also the protection radius.
  • damagedByUnderground: This tag is to specify if the structure is damaged by being underground. Note damaged structures will not be protected, nor will they spawn npcs.
  • damagedByWater: This tag is to specify if the structure is damaged by being under/on liquid. Note damaged structures will not be protected, nor will they spawn npcs.
  • damagedByNoAtmo: This tag is to specify if the structure is damaged by being in an environment with no atmosphere. Note damaged structures will not be protected, nor will they spawn npcs.
  • damagedByAtmo: This tag is to specify if the structure is damaged by being in an environment with an atmosphere. Note damaged structures will not be protected, nor will they spawn npcs.

Note If spawning in or on lava, damage will be increased.

Action blocks

  • createsFaction : This tag being on a data block anywhere within the structure will generate a faction for the world if it doesnt have one. (Usage: 'createsFaction')
  • npcSpawns: A comma seperated list of npc categories. Usage: ('npcSpawns: warrior,trader,healer') This will allow this structure to spawn an npc of that type, based on the races and faction information available. Multiple blocks of this tag can exist, each being treated as an individual NPC spawn point.
  • chance: A chance block is a block that signifies the block below it should not always spawn. Usage: ('chance: 25') This will allow the block to only spawn a % chance of the time.
  • respawn: A respawn block signifies that players can spawn back at this area if they die. This depends on them being friendly with the structure owners, if it has a faction.... as well as the area having atmosphere.

Special Block Handling

  • zpm : This tag being present signifies the blow below it is a zpm console, hub or interface cart. It handles spawning logic (such as if the block should spawn at all) as well as what kind of ZPM should be inside it, if any.
  • sgbase : Signifies there is a stargate base block below it. This is to ensure the gate links to its DHD & forms properly after being pasted into the world.
  • dhd : Signifies there is a DHD block below it. This is to ensure the dhd links to its gate properly & spawns naquadah in it on occasion. Occasional the DHD will be removed as well.
  • rings : Signifies there is a set of transport rings **two **blocks below it. This is to ensure the Transport rings behave properly once spawned and spawns them with a random amount of energy in their buffer.
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