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smurf: Fix skyloop to handle niter=1 properly
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David Berry committed Jan 25, 2013
1 parent 37e41a1 commit ee9b2a5
Showing 1 changed file with 98 additions and 94 deletions.
192 changes: 98 additions & 94 deletions applications/smurf/scripts/
Expand Up @@ -365,11 +365,11 @@ def cleanup():

# On the first invocation of makemap, we use the raw data files specified
# by the IN parameter to create an initial estimate of the sky. We also
# save the cleaned time series data, and the EXT model, for use on
# subsequent iterations (this speeds them up a bit). First create a
# text file holding a suitably modified set of configuration parameters.
# This file is put in the NDG temp directory (which is where we store
# all temp files).
# save the cleaned time series data, and the EXT model (if we are doing
# more than one iteration), for use on subsequent iterations (this speeds
# them up a bit). First create a text file holding a suitably modified
# set of configuration parameters. This file is put in the NDG temp
# directory (which is where we store all temp files).
conf0 = os.path.join(NDG.tempdir,"conf0") # Full path to new config file
fd = open(conf0,"w") # Open the new config file.
fd.write("{0}\n".format(config)) # Inherit the supplied config parameter values.
Expand All @@ -383,10 +383,12 @@ def cleanup():
# first ieration, which is no use to use as
# we are only doing one iteration. So instead
# pre-calculate NOI before the iteration starts.
fd.write("exportNDF=ext\n")# Save the EXT model values to avoid
# re-calculation on each invocation of makemap.
fd.write("noexportsetbad=1\n")# Export good EXT values for bad bolometers
fd.write("exportclean=1\n") # Likewise save the cleaned time-series data.
if niter > 1:
fd.write("exportNDF=ext\n")# Save the EXT model values to avoid
# re-calculation on each invocation of makemap.
fd.write("noexportsetbad=1\n")# Export good EXT values for bad bolometers
fd.write("exportclean=1\n") # Likewise save the cleaned time-series data.

fd.write("ast.zero_notlast = 0\n") # Masking is normally not performed
fd.write("flt.zero_notlast = 0\n") # on the last iteration. But the first
fd.write("com.zero_notlast = 0\n") # iteration is also the last iteration
Expand All @@ -395,16 +397,21 @@ def cleanup():
fd.close() # Close the config file.

# Get the name of a temporary NDF that can be used to store the first
# iteration map. This NDF is put in the NDG temp directory.
map = NDG(1)
# iteration map. This NDF is put in the NDG temp directory. If we are
# only doing one iteration, used the supplied output NDF name.
if niter == 1:
newmap = outdata
newmap = NDG(1)
prevmap = None

# Start a list of these maps in case we are creating an output itermap cube.
maps = []

# Now construct the text of the makemap command and invoke it.
msg_out( "Iteration 1...")
cmd = "$SMURF_DIR/makemap in={0} out={1} method=iter config='^{2}'".format(indata,map,conf0)
cmd = "$SMURF_DIR/makemap in={0} out={1} method=iter config='^{2}'".format(indata,newmap,conf0)
if pixsize:
cmd += " pixsize={0}".format(pixsize)
if ref:
Expand All @@ -422,137 +429,134 @@ def cleanup():
# directory. Avoid moving any other files that have similar names by
# checking each file inode number and last-accessed time against the lists
# of inode numbers and times that existed before makemap was run.
for ndf in glob.glob("s*_con_res_cln.sdf"):
if not ndf in orig_cln_ndfs:
shutil.move( ndf, NDG.tempdir )
elif os.stat(ndf).st_atime > orig_cln_ndfs[ndf]:
shutil.move( ndf, NDG.tempdir )
if niter > 1:
for ndf in glob.glob("s*_con_res_cln.sdf"):
if not ndf in orig_cln_ndfs:
shutil.move( ndf, NDG.tempdir )
elif os.stat(ndf).st_atime > orig_cln_ndfs[ndf]:
shutil.move( ndf, NDG.tempdir )

# Get the paths to the the moved cleaned files.
cleaned = NDG( os.path.join( NDG.tempdir,"s*_con_res_cln.sdf"))
cleaned = NDG( os.path.join( NDG.tempdir,"s*_con_res_cln.sdf"))

# Get a list of the extinction correction files created by the first
# invocation of makemap.
for ndf in glob.glob("s*_con_ext.sdf"):
if not ndf in orig_ext_ndfs:
elif os.stat(ndf).st_atime > orig_ext_ndfs[ndf]:
for ndf in glob.glob("s*_con_ext.sdf"):
if not ndf in orig_ext_ndfs:
elif os.stat(ndf).st_atime > orig_ext_ndfs[ndf]:

# Now do the second and subsequent iterations. These use the cleaned
# time-series data created by the first iteration as their time-series
# input, and use the output map from the previous iteration as their
# initial guess at the sky. First create a map holding things to add
# to the config for subsequent invocations.
add = {}
add["exportNDF"] = 0 # Prevent EXT model being exported.
add["exportclean"] = 0 # Prevent cleaned time-series data being exported.
add["doclean"] = 0 # Do not clean the supplied data (it has
add["importsky"] = "ref" # Get the initial sky estimate from the REF parameter.
add["ext.import"] = 1 # Import the EXT model created by the first iteration.
add["flt.notfirst"] = 0 # Ensure we use FLT on 2nd and subsequent invocations
add["pln.notfirst"] = 0 # Ensure we use PLN on 2nd and subsequent invocations
add["smo.notfirst"] = 0 # Ensure we use SMO on 2nd and subsequent invocations
add = {}
add["exportNDF"] = 0 # Prevent EXT model being exported.
add["exportclean"] = 0 # Prevent cleaned time-series data being exported.
add["doclean"] = 0 # Do not clean the supplied data (it has
add["importsky"] = "ref" # Get the initial sky estimate from the REF parameter.
add["ext.import"] = 1 # Import the EXT model created by the first iteration.
add["flt.notfirst"] = 0 # Ensure we use FLT on 2nd and subsequent invocations
add["pln.notfirst"] = 0 # Ensure we use PLN on 2nd and subsequent invocations
add["smo.notfirst"] = 0 # Ensure we use SMO on 2nd and subsequent invocations

# Now create the config, inheriting the config from the first invocation.
iconf = 1
confname = os.path.join(NDG.tempdir,"conf1")
fd = open(confname,"w")
fd.write("^{0}\n".format(conf0))# Inherit the first iteration config.
for key in add:
fd.write("{0}={1}\n".format( key, add[key] ))
iconf = 1
confname = os.path.join(NDG.tempdir,"conf1")
fd = open(confname,"w")
fd.write("^{0}\n".format(conf0))# Inherit the first iteration config.
for key in add:
fd.write("{0}={1}\n".format( key, add[key] ))

# Indicate we do not need to create a new config file yet.
newcon = 0
newcon = 0

# Now do the second and subsequent iterations.
iter = 2
newmap = None
while iter <= niter:
msg_out( "Iteration {0}...".format(iter))
iter = 2
while iter <= niter:
msg_out( "Iteration {0}...".format(iter))

# Record the name of the map created on the previous iteration, if any.
prevmap = newmap
# On this iteration we will want to use the output map from the previous
# iteration as the initial guess at the sky. So copy the new map name over
# to the "prevmap" variable.
prevmap = newmap

# When "zero_niter" invocations have been performed, switch off zero
# masking (so long as zero_niter > 0). Do this for AST, COM and FLT
# models.
for model in ["ast", "com", "flt"]:
if zero_niter[model] > 0 and iter > zero_niter[model]:
zero_niter[model] = 0
add[ model+".zero_niter" ] = -1
newcon = 1
for model in ["ast", "com", "flt"]:
if zero_niter[model] > 0 and iter > zero_niter[model]:
zero_niter[model] = 0
add[ model+".zero_niter" ] = -1
newcon = 1

# When "zero_freeze" invocations have been performed, switch freeze the
# mask (so long as zero_freeze > 0). Do this for AST, COM and FLT models.
for model in ["ast", "com", "flt"]:
if zero_freeze[model] > 0 and iter > zero_freeze[model] + 1:
zero_freeze[model] = 0
add[ model+".zero_freeze" ] = -1
newcon = 1
for model in ["ast", "com", "flt"]:
if zero_freeze[model] > 0 and iter > zero_freeze[model] + 1:
zero_freeze[model] = 0
add[ model+".zero_freeze" ] = -1
newcon = 1

# If this is the last iteration, put the output map in the NDF specified
# by the script's "OUT" parameter.
if iter == niter:
newmap = outdata
if iter == niter:
newmap = outdata

# Also, if this is the last iteration, create a modified configuration file
# that supresses masking (unless the xxx.zero_notlast value in the
# supplied config indicates otjerwise).
for model in ["ast", "com", "flt"]:
if zero_notlast[model] != 0:
add["ast.zero_notlast"] = 1
newcon = 1
for model in ["ast", "com", "flt"]:
if zero_notlast[model] != 0:
add["ast.zero_notlast"] = 1
newcon = 1

# If this is not the last iteration, get the name of a temporary NDF that
# can be used to store the current iteration's map. This NDF is put in
# the NDG temp directory.
newmap = NDG(1)
newmap = NDG(1)

# If required, create a new config file.
if newcon:
newcon = 0
iconf += 1
confname = os.path.join(NDG.tempdir,"conf{0}".format(iconf))
fd = open(confname,"w")
fd.write("^{0}\n".format(conf0))# Inherit the first iteration config.
for key in add:
fd.write("{0}={1}\n".format( key, add[key] ))
if newcon:
newcon = 0
iconf += 1
confname = os.path.join(NDG.tempdir,"conf{0}".format(iconf))
fd = open(confname,"w")
fd.write("^{0}\n".format(conf0))# Inherit the first iteration config.
for key in add:
fd.write("{0}={1}\n".format( key, add[key] ))

# Construct the text of the makemap command and invoke it. We specify
# the map from the previous iteration as the REF image.
cmd = "$SMURF_DIR/makemap in={0} out={1} method=iter config='^{2}' ref={3}"\
if pixsize:
cmd += " pixsize={0}".format(pixsize)
if mask2:
cmd += " mask2={0}".format(mask2)
if mask3:
cmd += " mask3={0}".format(mask3)
if extra:
cmd += " "+extra
cmd = "$SMURF_DIR/makemap in={0} out={1} method=iter config='^{2}' ref={3}"\
if pixsize:
cmd += " pixsize={0}".format(pixsize)
if mask2:
cmd += " mask2={0}".format(mask2)
if mask3:
cmd += " mask3={0}".format(mask3)
if extra:
cmd += " "+extra

# Append the output map name to the list of maps to be included in any
# itermap cube.

# On the next iteration we will want to use the output map from this
# iteration as the initial guess at the sky. So copy the new map name over
# to the "map" variable.
map = newmap

# Increment the iteration number
iter += 1
iter += 1

# Now we have done all iterations, create the output itermap cube if
# required.
if itermap:
if itermap and niter > 1:
msg_out( "Creating output itermap cube {0}...".format(itermap) )
inputs = NDG( maps )
invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/paste in={0} out={1} shift=\[0,0,1\]".format(inputs,itermap) )
Expand All @@ -564,9 +568,9 @@ def cleanup():
if prevmap != None:
invoke("$HDSTOOLS_DIR/hcopy inp={0} out={1}".format(prevmap,newmap) )
invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/setbb ndf={0} bb=0".format(newmap) )
except starutil.StarUtilError as err:
if niter > 1 : invoke("$KAPPA_DIR/setbb ndf={0} bb=0".format(newmap) )

# Remove temporary files.
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