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Stereowalker edited this page Jan 28, 2020 · 5 revisions

Introducton to Battle

This is the introduction of more weapons and varying weapon types. The aim isn't to add more overpowered weapons, its to give you, the player, more combat styles to choose from

Weapon Types


Weapons in this category can be thrown

Two Hands

Weapons in this category require two hands to operate. Using weapons of this type with another item in the other hand will halve its speed

Weapons List


It can be used as an emergency weapon since it can be crafted in the 2x2 crafting grid. It has a faster attack speed than a sword but deals less damage than one.


[Throwable] [Two Hands]
This weapon can be used both as a melee weapon and a ranged one. Although it was inspired by the trident, it cannot use enchantments meant for the trident.


A blunt weapon. It has a slow attack speed and deals a high amount to damage. Any foe hit by a hammer will be pushed back a considerable distance.


Circular melee weapons, nothing special of note


[Two Hands]
A weapon with the same attack damage as a steel sword but faster attack speed. Can only use steel for its blade


Crafted with four iron ingots, to get 16 shuriken, these weapons are purely ranged