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astronouth7303 edited this page Nov 19, 2011 · 1 revision

Commands are passed, in input, a bot.CommandInput object, which inherits from unicode.

  • String value: The text of the IRC command (in IRC terms, everything that comes after the colon).
  • ci.sender: The channel or private exchange it was sent on (and usually replied to)
  • ci.nick: The user that sent it
  • ci.event: The IRC command (usually PRIVMSG)
  • ci.bytes: The encoded version of the string value
  • ci.match: The match object from the command.rule regular expression
  • same as
  • ci.groups: same as ci.match.groups
  • ci.args: Not really sure. Everyon uses
  • ci.admin: Boolean indicating that ci.nick is an administrator.
  • ci.ownder: Boolean indicating that ci.nick is the owner.
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